Snake Spear Douluo received Xuefeng's message.

He took Qian Renxue to the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

"Elder Agouti?"

Qian Renxue looked at this person with confusion on her face.

The agouti elder in a state of quantum rebellion.

"Did you kill Xuefeng?"

Stabbing blood nodded: "Yes."

Qian Renxue continued to press, "Why did you kill Xuefeng?"

At this time, Han Tao stood up from the side.

Explain for him: "Because Xuefeng wants to swallow the soul bone alone."

"He learned the information about the 100,000-year-old soul beast from me, but he did not inform the Wuhun Palace."

Qian Renxue ignored it and continued to stare at the blood.

"Oh?" Snake Spear Douluo was surprised. "Snowstorm."

He tapped his fingers lightly.

It is possible for a member of the Tiandou Empire's royal family to become a traitor for the sake of profit, and the probability is very high.

But he still had concerns and asked, "Xue Feng, I have the handle on you."

"How can I be sure that you are not falsely accusing him?"

Han Tao smiled slightly: "He is already dead."

Yes, Xuefeng is dead.

And he was not killed by Han Tao. According to the information he passed before his death, Han Tao was the character who was interrogated by the agouti.

"There is no need for me to frame a dead man."

As we all know, Jin Shui's status is higher than that of a prophet.

After some operations, Han Tao's cards were very, very good.

"Tell me your information!"

Qian Renxue looked away from the agouti elder.

Turning to Han Tao, her second junior brother.

"National Elite Soul Master Competition, there is a student from Shrek Academy, named Xiao Wu, who is the incarnation of a hundred thousand year old soul beast."

The agouti Douluo had a strange expression on his face.

Only then did he realize that he was being used by Han Tao.

The 100,000-year-old soul beast has transformed. With his strength, he can obviously hunt it. If he had known it,

"Hey, why was I deceived by him?" Zhang Xue was extremely annoyed.

Unfortunately, now, it's too late to say anything.

Thinking of this, he looked very dissatisfied and asked harshly:

"Where did you get the information about this hundred thousand year old soul beast?"

Han Tao sneered: "A hundred thousand year soul beast cannot hide from the perception of a titled Douluo."

"The National Elite Soul Master Competition, Sword Douluo is on the spot, so of course he can discover Xiao Wu's identity."

"But having said that, the origin of this soul beast is extraordinary."

Han Tao's statement attracted the attention of several people.

"Why is it unusual?" Qian Renxue wondered.

"The soft-bone charm rabbit, a hundred thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit, is a very rare existence."

"More than ten years ago, Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace hunted one. The ninth red soul ring came from the hands of the soft-bone charm rabbit."

"Xiao Wu, she should be that rabbit's daughter."

Snake Spear Douluo thought for a moment.

"So, is she an enemy of Wuhun Palace, or a life and death enemy?"

Han Tao nodded: "Yes, you guessed it right."

"What reward do you want for giving such important information?"

Qian Renxue had a gleaming smile.

She was very satisfied. She had discovered Han Tao personally, and she shared all Han Tao's achievements and contributions.

Han Tao was stunned.

After informing Wuhun Palace of Xiao Wu's information, he is already the biggest beneficiary. As for other "rewards".

To be honest, Han Tao really hadn't thought about it.

"Yeah" he hesitated and said:

"I hope that the library of Wuhun Palace can be open to me."

"That's it?" Qian Renxue was a little surprised.

She originally thought that Han Tao would ask for more benefits based on his greedy and unwilling character.

"That's all." Han Tao was convinced.

He is a researcher and he knows what he needs.

The most important thing has never been the soul bone, but knowledge and theory.

"All right."

"Elder Snake Spear, go and pass the information to Bibi Dong."

Qian Renxue actually gritted her teeth when she called out the name "Bibi Dong".

Since childhood, Bibi Dong has never given any "love" to this girl.

She gave all her "love" to Hu Liena as compensation.

"Damn slutty fox!"

After turning his head, all emotions were put away. Everything just seemed like an illusion.

He ordered again: "By the way, help my little brother Han Tao apply for library borrowing qualifications."

After compromising everything, Qian Renxue left with Han Tao and Snake Spear Douluo.

A man stabbing blood stood there blankly.

Xuefeng's death cannot be easily covered up.

【Xue Feng is dead】

[Gorphyry Douluo is suspected]

[Little Dance Party was hunted by Wuhun Palace]

[The risk of hunting Xiao Wu is passed on to Wuhun Palace]

Bibi Dong is Xiao Wu's enemy, so Han Tao should gain the favor of Wuhun Palace.

Moreover, Han Tao also received additional rewards from Qian Renxue.

"Now, no one can expose me as a traitor!"

"I won everything in this plan!"

Sitting in the library pavilion of the Qibao Glazed Sect, the brilliant sunlight shines through the edge of the bed and onto Han Tao's books.

Opening the book, Han Tao was shocked by the stunning illustrations.

After looking around to make sure no one noticed, he quickly closed the book.

"Final Edition - The Romance of the Empire (Re-edited)", author: "Ning Tian!"

"What a prostitute!"

With a smile on his face, just like Han Tao's mood at the moment.

Induce Jian Douluo to find "Xiao Wu", and then reasonably know Xiao Wu's identity and sell the information to Wuhun Hall.

This clue is in line with his own behavior logic.

"Besides, this information is too important for Bibi Dong!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Tao set up a "game"!

Han Tao can't control what Thorny Porpoise Douluo does, but no matter what he does, he is the beneficiary.

If Thorny Porpoise takes action, the ending will be like this.

If Thorny Porpoise does not take action, it will be nothing more than one less Xuefeng will die.

Relying on the sale of this important information, Han Tao's tablet in Wuhun Hall will become very "positive". Unless Xuefeng really betrays Wuhun Hall, he will not be able to reveal his identity.

"However, there is still an accident."

Han Tao was a little scared.

Thorny Porpoise Douluo's greed was within his expectations.

However, Qian Renxue's "reward" was beyond Han Tao's expectations!

"This is a detail I didn't consider."

"Although I am a beneficiary, I can't cover up my negligence in details."

Han Tao looked serious and reflected in his seat.

If there is a loss, reflection is not commendable, because everyone would do it.

Reflection as a beneficiary is precious.

"Han Tao!!" A female voice came from my ear.

I could feel her anger without seeing her.

"It's disgusting to read this kind of book."

Ning Rongrong rushed forward and snatched "Empire Romance" from Han Tao's hand.

She opened it slightly and secretly took a look, and the red glow spread to her ears.

She threw it to the ground and stomped her feet.

"So embarrassing!"

She narrowed her eyes and secretly looked at Han Tao's expression.

"I just got it too." Han Tao spread his hands and explained with a smile.

After speaking,

Han Tao took another book from the bookshelf.

"Empire Romance Culture Third Edition"

Seeing the name of the book here, Han Tao's face froze.

The elder guarding the hall smiled and rushed out from the back of the bookshelf.

"This bookshelf." He pointed to the bookshelf where Han Tao took the book, and then moved to the back: "Including the two rows of bookshelves in the back, all of them are Ning Tian's works."

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