Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 134 Undercurrent

The illusion dissipated and Chen Xin did not take any further action.

Chen Xin's honor, belief, and personality would not allow him to carry out a sneak attack after the battle.

Han Tao's fantasy space can read Sword Douluo's thoughts. Under portrait mapping, any possibility can be controlled.

Sword Douluo, Chen Xin.

He is a very stubborn person and also an extremely tough-talking person.

"Title Douluo cannot be humiliated!"

It's a truth, a truth recognized by Han Tao!

Using this sentence to mock Sword Douluo can make him break his defense, but it doesn't mean that Han Tao doesn't approve of it.

"This small victory was extremely difficult!"

Failure requires a summary process, and victory also requires a summary.

After the battle, I summarized my mistakes time and time again and optimized my combat strategy time and time again.

"Title Douluo, his perception will change!"

"Tiled Douluo can detect the existence of illusions from the smallest details!"


The illusion created by Han Tao is real enough, so real that it is consistent with reality, so even a titled Douluo cannot judge the boundary between illusion and reality.

“Easier said than done!”

What is reality?

Soil, air, elements, soul power, soul skills

Thousands of different types of energy need to be simulated, and simulation requires mental energy!

"Construct a completely real illusion."

This kind of difficulty is only a lot more than breaking through to the god level.


"The Titled Douluo's transformed perception can detect the existence of illusions and reality."

"But...even a titled Douluo can't find my location in the illusion!"

Put some distance and you can escape.

The scope of fantasy is quite limited.

Sword Douluo can escape from the illusion through this method. However, he was influenced by Han Tao's words and did not make such a decision.

"Sword Douluo is an extremely stubborn person!"

He was unwilling to use this method to escape from the illusion, because as a Titled Douluo, using such an escape-like method to escape from the illusion was almost equivalent to admitting defeat.

If the roles were reversed, Han Tao wouldn't care about face, he would leave first and then find a way.

Hiding oneself is better than controlling the enemy!

Han Tao is afraid of death, very afraid of death.


"A wide range of soul skills can ignore the distinction of location!"

Han Tao thought of some possibility: "For example, the sixth soul skill of Seraphim, Angel Roar!"

"The mental power is less than half of the caster's, and the soul will burst and die. Damn it. Isn't this the sky defeating me?"

Han Tao felt uncomfortable.

But what made him more uncomfortable was that Lan Yincao was restrained by a large number of martial spirits, no less than one or two points.

"Distraction Control Method"

"Perhaps, the advancement of distraction control method can exempt soul-type attacks?"

This is just Han Tao's guess!

It is more likely that a dispersed spiritual body will be even weaker when dealing with soul damage!

"How about it?"

Bibi Dong sat casually on the main seat and asked about the shadow in the corner.

Ghost Douluo, ghost!

Ghost Douluo took out a shadow from behind his back, turned it into a document under the light, and presented it to Bibi Dong.

His tone was as cold as the ghost: "We have some clues!"

"The soul master who assisted Han Tao in training is a soul emperor named Xiao Yuan. He has a distant nephew."

"Oh?" Bibi Dong was slightly interested, sat upright, and asked, "Who is it?"

"The son of the Lord of Notting City, Xiao Chenyu."

"At the same time, he is also Han Tao's eldest brother at the Junior Soul Master Academy in Notting City!"

Ghost Douluo reported truthfully.

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting!" Bibi Dong said with a charming smile.

It suddenly occurred to me that a certain prince who had sneaked into the Tiandou Empire was also Han Tao's eldest brother.

Ghost continued to report: "Xiao Yuan learned some techniques from Han Tao and taught them to his nephew."

"I went to Notting City, threatened Xiao Chenyu, and forced him to come up with this theory."

Bibi Dong stretched out her hand and nodded.

Ghost Douluo once again conjured a document from the darkness, with four big words written on it: [Microscopic Treatment]

She stretched out her delicate fingers and took the document and looked at it carefully.

"The combination of microscopic treatment and gravity compression."

"A soul master with innate soul power of level 1 will gain the cultivation speed of full innate soul power at the level 10-20 stage!"

"At the same time, it can also slightly improve the soul master's training talent."

"What a genius!" She couldn't help but admire him.

Bibi Dong thought of Yu Xiaogang again.

It is also a theoretical study, and Yu Xiaogang will inevitably be compared.

She had to admit that even Master Yu Xiaogang, who had an obvious reputation, had painstakingly studied the soul ring limit theory for half his life.

Compared with [microscopic treatment], it is still inferior by a million points.

"Ju Douluo!"

Looking in another direction.

An elegant and charming man was standing there.

With a solemn look on his face, he said a common courtesy: "His Royal Highness the Pope!"

"What results did you get there?"

After Ju Douluo hesitated for a while,

Slowly said: "I have achieved penetration into the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

"Han Tao and Ning Tian are both members of our Wuhun Palace. According to the information provided by Ning Tian, ​​Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi and himself in the Qibao Glazed Sect have all taken fairy grass!"

"Ning Tian took Qilong Tongtianju and is now my apprentice."

"The strange velvet giant chrysanthemum?" Bibi Dong was surprised and asked:

"This is your martial spirit. Have you accepted a disciple who has eaten your own martial spirit?"

Ju Douluo was a little embarrassed.

Ju Douluo raised his orchid fingers when he was embarrassed.

Bibi Dong waved her hand quickly: "Okay, don't do those delicate gestures, it's disgusting!"

Ju Douluo's fingers were frozen in the air and he could only continue to report:

"Ning Fengzhi has taken Nine-leaf Purple Zhizhi, and his martial spirit has evolved and transformed into the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, successfully breaking through the shackles of his talent."

"Yeah!" Bibi Dong felt a little unhappy after hearing this.

"Ning Rongrong has taken Qiluo Tulip, Eight-petal Fairy Orchid, Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone, and Wangchuan Autumn Water Dew."


Bibi Dong looked surprised and stood up immediately: "No."

"How come I heard that a soul master can only take one piece of fairy grass in his life?"

This is what Ju Douluo said, and Bibi Dong would undoubtedly slap him in the face if he said it at this time.

"Generally, that's true."

"But there are always people who are stubborn and can't stop talking when they see the fairy grass."

Ju Douluo felt wronged. Ning Rongrong's behavior was completely an exception among exceptions.


Bibi Dong sighed.

"Then now"

"There are still a few fairy grasses. Is there any way for our Wuhun Palace to get them?"

Ju Douluo thought for a while and came up with an answer: "Lovesickness is red!"

"The Heartbroken Red is still with Han Tao, we still have a chance to get it!"

Bibi Dong sat down again, lazily looking for a comfortable posture, and spoke a little casually.

"You didn't just come back from Qibao Glazed Sect. Why didn't you ask Han Tao to buy the fairy grass?"

Ju Douluo's face suddenly stiffened.


Yue Guan refused to admit it, nor did he want to admit it.

He was alone and somewhat hesitant to go up.

Ning Tian recently gave a new piece of information about the battle between Sword Douluo and Han Tao.

Han Tao and Ning Rongrong defeated Sword Douluo!

"What the hell, what is this?"

Ju Douluo couldn't believe it!

When I received this information, my world view was overturned. When...

Can the Soul Sect defeat the Titled Douluo?

Sword Fighter Luo Chenxin, Wuhun is the Seven Killing Sword, even more powerful than himself.

I can't beat Chen Xin, and Chen Xin can't defeat Han Tao, so I can reason from this.

If you ask for fairy grass from Han Tao, just go and deliver it.

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