Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 152 Failure and Success!

"36 consecutive slashes!"

After arriving at the martial arts arena, he performed it again.

Just like the last practice, his limit is still 16 consecutive slashes.

With 17 consecutive slashes, the power will be beyond Han Tao's control.

The body movements compensate for the core loss through compensation, resulting in injuries to his own body, and beyond control, the landing point of the attack cannot be grasped.

"It's meaningless to attack without hitting the enemy!"

Determining the current reality, Han Tao began to explore: "Meteor Chasing the Moon!"

First, follow the experience and perform the first slash!

Synchronize the "Meteor Chasing the Moon" technique to achieve coordination between the first and second slashes!


The two soul skills can be used synchronously.

So Han Tao called it: "Successful"

"No, there is no synchronization between the consecutive slashes, it can't be considered a success!"

"What's the reason?"

Calm down and carefully observe the changes between 1-2 slashes, and the conclusion comes from it.

"Speed ​​and power, not enough accumulation!"

"The time interval between 1-2 slashes is too large, resulting in the inability to synchronize the attacks."

Han Tao was surprised to discover the phenomenon, his eyes bright, and flashing with expectation.

Insufficient power and speed have never been a problem.

With 36 consecutive slashes, the power and speed will continue to increase, and it is entirely possible to take the two slashes in the second half to achieve unified attack efficiency!

"My limit is 16 consecutive slashes, so let's take 15-16 for experiment."

Han Tao made a new round of attempts:

Between the 15th and 16th slashes, using the "Meteor Chasing the Moon" technique, the two slashes were very fast and the movements were extremely coherent.

Under the effect of Meteor Chasing the Moon, the attacks were released at extremely short intervals!


The strong force was beyond the limit.

It involved Han Tao's body and knocked him to the ground in an instant.

"Ye Lingling!" Han Tao shouted.

Seeing his condition, Ye Lingling hurried forward and displayed his healing soul skills.

"Treatment!", "Healing!", "Life!"

The cold voice echoed in my ears.

Nine-hearted Begonia is indeed the strongest healing system in Douluo Continent.

The strong vitality radiated in Han Tao's body, and in a short moment, all the injuries were healed.

Han Tao looked at her face, and the corners of his mouth curved up: "It seems that I really can't leave you!"

Ye Lingling did not answer.

He lowered his head, hiding his joy.

There would be no research without treatment. If it weren't for Ye Lingling, this injury would take at least half a day to relieve.

Han Tao turned his attention back: "Failed?"

"No, it was successful!"

Han Tao's expression was particularly firm.

"According to the last exploration, it has been clearly shown that as the number of consecutive cuts increases, the interval between the two attacks is significantly shortened."


"When it comes to 21-22 cuts, the theory of the two attacks will be completely unified, and completely integrated and condensed!"

The pale reality stopped Han Tao's research progress.

If you want to extend the thirty-six slashes to 21-22 slashes, you need to meet two prerequisites.

You don't need to achieve them at the same time, as long as you achieve any one of them, you can realize the next part of the theory.

"Either, your soul power level breaks through, and your physical strength increases, so that you can control a stronger core force, so that you can continue to 21-22 consecutive slashes!"

"Or, Feng Xiaotian's theory breaks through, and the soul power and physical strength complete the coordination, and the consecutive slashes can also be maintained!"

Han Tao took a deep breath.

As a result, he can only put this plan on hold again!

Leaving the martial arts field, while walking, he introduced:

"So, don't create your own soul skills when your soul power level is low!"

"Because you will find that your theory will be stuck in place because of some inexplicable problem."

"Persistence is meaningless; giving up, you are unwilling."

Ye Lingling nodded thoughtfully.

"Hey, forget it!"

Seeing her look, Han Tao sighed again.

The two walked slowly for a long distance.

She finally reacted: "You mean, our focus now should be on breaking through the level?"

"Yeah!" Han Tao replied softly.

"Damn it!"

"Who did this?"

In Wuhun City, Bishop Saras Platinum roared!

Ning Fengzhi and Emperor Xue Ye looked particularly cold.

Bibi Dong looked calm, staring at the many soul masters in the audience. Her mental power followed her will and wanted to screen out a villain who was causing trouble.

She said: "Just now, something bad happened!"

Many participating teams and audience members turned their eyes to the Pope's throne.

His Highness the Pope, with a delicate face and elegant manners!

Bibi Dong held the scepter and spoke in a stiff tone:

"Time, up to the last competition; location, located in Wuhun City!"

"According to the statistics of Bishop Sachara, many businesses that make a living have been plotted against by unknown black hands and attacked to death!"

At the scene of the National Elite Soul Master Competition, in Wuhun City, Flanders's behavior of attacking and killing other businesses is tantamount to slapping the face of the organizing committee!

As a result, Ning Fengzhi, Emperor Xueye, and Bishop Sarath Platinum looked extremely embarrassed.


"Someone is attacking a merchant, are you kidding me?"

Everyone was talking, and the sound of discussion resounded throughout the competition.

Han Tao was in the audience.

He knew what happened, but he didn't point it out, even though Tang San and the others regarded him as an enemy.

As the audience discussed, Han Tao participated little by little, disguising himself as an ignorant person.


Han Tao was clear about his goal: "This is a test!"

The test of the Spirit Hall, the origin of this test was because of his deduction of the past in the illusion.

"The Spirit Hall has marked the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor!"

"The Spirit Hall has some kind of soul master who can track the mark!"

Use Shrek Academy and Flanders to see the methods of the Spirit Hall.

The Blue Silver Eye is always paying attention to everything around.

The information about the conversations in the direction of Bibi Dong and Tang San flashed in Han Tao's mind.

On the audience side, there were too many voices and information, and only a few subjects were selected as references.

"The one who died was Shang Jia!"

"If the death was a contestant, it might be because of the competition, but Shang Jia... There is no sign or reason!"

At this moment, Han Tao heard Ning Tian's voice.

"Did these businesses seek endorsements from Shrek Academy?"

"I see, it must have been done by Shrek Academy, they can't afford the compensation, hahahaha!!"

Ning Tian laughed, wanting to expose Yu Xiaogang's true face.

But his movements and voice were blocked by Han Tao.

Han Tao was also helpless: "Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang!"

"You are really a loser, attacking businesses is fine, but you don't know how to spread and restrain, and reduce the suspicion of your own academy!"

Even if.

Attack one less business, there will be capital for defense.

Spread one more business, and you can also clear some suspicion.

I can only say that the master is worthy of being a master, well-deserved, and well-deserved!

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