Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 153 Demonic Spider Summoning

"A plan full of mistakes!"

In the auditorium of Douluo Continent, soul masters from all forces gathered together the elite humans from all over the Tiandou Empire.

There will always be smart people who can deduce the relationship between the merchant and Shrek Academy, and then point to the real murderer.

Han Tao spread his hands and smiled helplessly: "What if."

"According to your own search plan, whoever has the vested interests will be the mastermind of everything!"

No need to guess, easily identify the real culprit.

Businessman dies.

Who benefits?

"Yu Xiaogang, commanded Flanders to assassinate many merchants."

Neither creating alibi nor avoiding disputes of interest.

A few people simply made up their minds and asked Tang San for a hidden weapon, and they were foolproof?

"Is this considered a strategy?"

"An assassination of this level wouldn't even be considered a murder in the previous life on Earth!"

Yu Xiaogang was complacent and immersed in his perfect plan.

Climbing to the top of the auditorium, he opened his hands confidently, and the sun was shining on his face, as if the bright future was within reach.

"Quiet!" The voice was extremely soft.

But it gave people a solemn intention, and two completely different contexts were conveyed to the hearts of many soul masters.

Bibi Dong picked up the tea cup calmly and elegantly, with the corners of her mouth slightly pursed.

The noise below and the comfort she felt at the moment were like parallel lines that never intersected, distinct.

"Martial Soul Hall will give you an answer!"

"But I hope that you can follow the instructions and stay where you are, and don't let me do anything embarrassing!"

The tone was soft and even, seemingly unintimidating.

But if anyone really thinks so, there will be good things to gain.

"Ghost Douluo!" Bibi Dong called out.

The ghost, shaped like a shadow, suddenly flashed in front of everyone.

His face was wrapped in thick black fog, and a pair of deep eyes emerged from the black fog, which was shocking!


The fat and bloated corpse was brought to the scene by ghosts.

The ghost's tone was very respectful, and he faced Bibi Dong and solemnly reported:

"This is Zhang Dahai, one of the dead merchant members. According to the information in the Wuhun Palace handbook, his soul power level is level 27, and his soul is a vine."

Vine, ordinary martial spirit, 0.5 growth base.

Han Tao knew this soul master.

Before he obtained the Lone Bamboo Soul Ring, he visited many low-level plant martial soul masters to exchange experiences about martial spirits, soul rings, and soul power. Zhang Dahai was one of them.

Bibi Dong stretched out her fingers gracefully, and Zhang Dahai's body was wrapped and held up by the strong soul power.

"come over!"

Zhang Dahai's body flew to Bibi Dong's side.

"Soul-Eating Spider Emperor!"

But he saw green lines flashing on Bibi Dong's forehead, like intertwined spider webs, climbing and spreading all over his body.

Emotions such as nausea, fear, and disgust suddenly appeared in the soul master's heart.

"Hey!" Han Tao is no exception.

"The third soul skill, Demonic Spider Summoning!"

Dark green light patterns emerged from Bibi Dong's feet, pieced together into a circle bit by bit.

Han Tao's eyes narrowed: "The macrostructure of soul power."

"Field-like soul skills!"

It was condensed by the underground death energy and transformed into a dark green spider, crawling in front of Zhang Dahai's body.

Tear, gnaw, suck.

"Find his killer!"

As the master gave the order, the dark green spider's eyes revealed a fierce light, and some kind of mysterious energy was locked.

Han Tao was a little hesitant:

"How does this spider lock onto the enemy?"

There are many ways to target enemies.

The higher-end ones include soul body memory reading, past scene reshaping, luck and cause and effect search for enemies.

Lower end, leaving behind odor and traces

The dark green spider, under the spotlight, moved towards Shrek Academy.

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on Flanders' forehead.

Step back quietly, one step. Two steps!

"Dean Flanders?"

Huge, terrifying pressure came from Bibi Dong's body, carrying an unparalleled chill, making him truly feel the crisis of life and death.

"No, it's not me!!" Flanders tried to argue.

The whole person collapsed to the ground, completely losing the image of a soul saint.

The dark green spider came in front of the many soul masters from Shrek Academy. It did not crawl directly to Flanders, but stayed in front of Tang San.

"What are you looking at?" Tang San's face was heavy.

But I started rehearsing in my mind, if this spider attacks me, how should I avoid it?

The ghostly appearance can help me avoid its attacks, but it is not enough to make me escape suspicion.

Therefore, a scapegoat is needed!

Oscar, civilian family, food-based martial arts spirit

Why Oscar?

Because he has no fighting ability, no fighting ability and no backstage, he can be sacrificed at will.

"Oscar, although you are my teammate, I'm sorry!"

Tang San was seen quietly arriving in front of Oscar.

Dark Green Spider, Tang San, Oscar, three points and one line.

If the spider launches an attack, use Ghost Shadow to dodge and let the spider knock down Oscar behind him.

Then use the hidden weapon to kill the dark green spider and Oscar, killing everyone and leaving no further trouble!

Then, all the blame was placed on Oscar.

So as to protect himself and Dean Flanders.

"Hurry up!" Bibi Dong looked impatient.

Tang San's expression became even more nervous, the Ghost Shadow and the Dragon Beard Needle were already placed on his nails, ready to go.


The dark green spider bypassed Tang San and found the real murderer: Flanders

It jumped up suddenly and rushed towards Flanders' face.


Accompanied by severe pain, screams could not be heard!

Flanders seems to have inherited the characteristics of Cat and Eagle, his voice is exceptionally clear and miserable.

at the same time

Han Tao, who was in the illusion, took out his diary and recorded:

[Bibi Dong, the soul-eating spider’s third soul skill, has the ability to track! 】

"Dark green spider, it seems"

"It's hard to tell whether the real murderer is Tang San or Flanders."

Its hesitation and wandering allowed Han Tao to deduce additional information.

Demon Spider Summoning, even if it is a domain-type soul skill, should not have high-level effects such as spying on the past, finding enemies with luck, or reading the soul body.

"Although this is a ten thousand year soul ring!"


With such a high-level ability in Demonic Spider Summoning, there should be no hesitation about Tang San and Flanders.

Based on its behavior, Han Tao made corresponding inferences. (not necessarily correct)

Because Flanders' hidden weapon was given to him by Tang San.

Both of them have the aura of pursuing their souls and taking their lives, so it is difficult to decide!

[Smell Lock] (original setting)

Han Tao wrote down this mark.

"Bibi Dong's soul skill should be used to detect enemies through scent!"

He paused his fingers and thought for a moment,

Added two more words: (guess)

An untested theory can only be regarded as a guess.

But even so, Han Tao still couldn't let go.

I felt that I was still not cautious enough, so I hesitated repeatedly and continued to write:

[The above is just the tracking ability displayed by Wuhundian, other methods cannot be ruled out! 】

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