The Golden Iron Triangle, with the fusion of martial souls, can build a golden dragon, and strive for the combat power of the Titled Douluo level, but there is also a gap between Titled Douluo and Titled Douluo, especially above level 95, the gap between each level is like a natural chasm.

Bibi Dong, with twin martial souls, is ranked among the best in strength among all Titled Douluo.

Eternal Creation, sharp light cut, manifested on the body of the golden dragon.

"You actually..."

The master covered his chest and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Among the Golden Iron Triangle, Yu Xiaogang has the lowest soul power level. Even if [Dragonization] gives him unreasonable physical data, he still pales in comparison when facing the battle of the Titled Douluo level.

"Huh!" Bibi Dong's voice was equally cold.

"Light, it's really ridiculous!"

According to Yu Xiaogang's theory, martial souls and soul masters influence each other.

The six-winged angel spirit is the most bright spirit on the Douluo Continent, and is closer to light than the golden holy dragon formed by the fusion of Yu Xiaogang and others' spirits.

But the owner of the six-winged angel spirit, Qian Renxue, is not mentioned for now. How can Qian Xunji's actions have anything to do with light? Where is the quality of justice?

Ju Douluo's mind is extremely sensitive.

Sensing the anger of the Pope and a hint of metaphorical sadness, he quickly used his brain and boldly guessed

Bibi Dong might be recalling every bit of Qian Xunji's education of her, regretting that the past is gone.

The master is worried and the minister is humiliated, and the master is humiliated and the minister dies.

Ju Douluo empathizes with the Pope's sadness and shouts angrily!

"Yu Xiaogang!"

Flanders' forehead was covered with cold sweat, and Liu Erlong's mind was slightly tense.

Bibi Dong, a titled Douluo, was already difficult for the three to deal with, not to mention that Ju Douluo was watching covetously from the side.

She turned to look at Yu Xiaogang: "How is it?"

"Can you still hold on?"

The master took a long breath, exhaled slowly, and adjusted his qi and blood before saying.

"No problem!"

Bibi Dong walked towards Yu Xiaogang with elegant steps, and the sharp point of her shoes made a crisp sound with the marble floor.

"Yu Xiaogang, I used to admire your theory very much!"

Her tone was very gentle, and the soul pressure was slowly withdrawn, like a conversation with a friend.

Hearing her words, the master's stiff and depressed face spread out like a chrysanthemum.

"Of course!"

Speaking of theory, Yu Xiaogang was particularly arrogant.

Theory is something that the master is proud of. Yu Xiaogang believes that no one's theory on Douluo Continent can surpass his own!

No one can surpass himself!


"Yu Xiaogang, you have been studying theory for half a lifetime, why can't even a great soul master break through?"

Bibi Dong's voice was still gentle.

The ordinary question was particularly harsh when it reached the master's ears!

The Great Soul Master was angry!

"Bibi Dong!"

"I am different from you!"

Yu Xiaogang stretched out his finger and pointed at Bibi Dong's face:

"You are born with full soul power, you have twin martial souls, and you are the Saint of the Spirit Hall!"

"Talent, luck, and resources have always favored you!"

His tone was urgent, and his speech speed was getting faster and faster.

Gradually turned into hysterics: "And me, my martial soul is only Luo Sanpao! The innate soul power is only half level!"

"To be able to come to this day, to be able to break through the Great Soul Master, and to make a name for myself in the Douluo Continent, is already a remarkable achievement!"

Looking back on the first half of his life, the master gradually regained his confidence.

Looking at Bibi Dong, contempt flashed in his eyes.

Ju Douluo suddenly interrupted: "Are you proud?"

The Golden Iron Triangle can have the strength of the Titled Douluo level under the fusion of martial souls, and the name is indeed loud.


The golden iron triangle, two soul saints and a great soul master, who is the flaw?

"Of course!" The master raised his head.

Ju Douluo sighed: "Okay."

He lost the desire to talk to Yu Xiaogang and retreated behind Bibi Dong to fulfill his duties as an elder of the Spirit Hall.

Ju Douluo Yue Guan, is his spirit born as a strange chrysanthemum?


Ju Douluo's early spirit was just an ordinary white chrysanthemum, a high-level spirit.

Understand the essence of the spirit and master the origin of the spirit. As the soul master deepens his understanding of the spirit, he understands, develops and masters it. Expanding little by little, evolving step by step, he has come to this day and achieved the supreme title Douluo.

The strength of the strange chrysanthemum has reached the extreme!

Yu Xiaogang. He was too arrogant and pretentious, which made Ju Douluo lose interest in talking.

He also lost an opportunity to evolve his spirit.

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes at Yue Guan, but did not accuse him.

After all, Ju Douluo is a Titled Douluo, and he is from his own faction. As long as there are no principled mistakes, he will generally tolerate it.

Throwing the messy thoughts aside, he shifted his attention back.

He looked at Yu Xiaogang's face again:

"He taught a weird apprentice. Well, I don't know how to describe him for now, I can only use weird to replace it!"

Bibi Dong meant something.

Tang San, as Yu Xiaogang's apprentice, behaved too explosively.

"The theory you are proud of is not worth mentioning."

"On the Douluo Continent, there are already soul masters who have crossed the barriers of martial soul and innate soul power, but you are ignorant!"

Bibi Dong's tone was merciless.

"Who!" Yu Xiaogang asked coldly.

Tang San hesitated, wanting to say something, but didn't know where to start.

Flanders guessed the answer: "Han Tao!"

"It's him!"

"I neglected it."

Yu Xiaogang suddenly realized.

Neglected? Yu Xiaogang neglected many things, and this one or two is not bad.

Hearing Flanders mention his name, Han Tao looked over and stopped at Yu Xiaogang.

His fingers tapped on the table,

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The crisp sound involved Han Tao's thoughts and began to analyze various possibilities.

"Bibi Dong, what is the purpose of telling Yu Xiaogang these things?"

Want to help Yu Xiaogang?

Or is it purely to slap Yu Xiaogang in the face?

If it is the former, it is within Han Tao's expectations.

Xiao Yuan and Xiao Chenyu are related by blood, and the compatibility of "deep treatment" and "soul power oppression" was forced to be seized by the Spirit Hall. This is part of the plan.

Soul masters who master mind reading have all the first-hand rights. They can see the maneuvers of various forces as if they were reading lines on the palm of their hands.

The combination of soul pressure and deep treatment cannot help the master break through the level barrier, otherwise Han Tao would not be stuck at level 19 and unable to break through.

But if it is the latter.

Bibi Dong is too cruel.

Although Yu Xiaogang is a waste and has achieved nothing in his half-life, he is at least half of your first love.

Bibi Dong's delicate and elegant face reveals endless disgust.

Her red lips slightly opened and she said: "Your theory is terrible"

"It's as ugly as your soul level!"

She did admire the master and his research in the theoretical direction, but these are all in the past.

The strong will not avoid their past. The strong will correct and improve their behavior from the mistakes they have made.

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