Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 168 Dragon Beard Needle Kissing the Master

"Damn it!"

Han Tao was a little angry.

Because Poison Douluo and Tang Hao had been in a stalemate for a long time, but they didn't fight, wasting his time.

In fact, at the level of Title Douluo, every soul master has his own position, and usually they will not easily fight because of personal grudges.

Poison Douluo is a guest of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Haotian Douluo, behind him stands Haotian Sect.

The fight between the two means the enmity between two huge forces!

Even if Tang Hao has an absolute advantage in strength at the moment, he only verbally takes advantage, but does not directly attack.

Ye Lingling suddenly said: "Yu Tianheng's condition is not right!"

"The muscles all over his body are soft, and the tissues at the end of his body are gradually necrotic. If it weren't for the soul power support, he might have died!"

"Blood transfusion, whose blood?" Dugu Yan was extremely anxious.

"Actually." Ye Lingling stretched out her hand and pointed at Yu Xiaogang behind her:

"Yu Xiaogang is also a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan, and has the same bloodline as Yu Tianheng."

"Perhaps its blood can restore Yu Tianheng's condition."

Tang San followed, essentially to hunt down Dugu Yan and others, and he had absolute confidence in his hidden weapon.

Yu Xiaogang, as his master, followed behind Tang San, and after hearing Ye Lingling's words, he was inevitably a little afraid:

"Xiao San."

The master's eyes were full of expectations: "Depending on you, apprentice!"

Looking directly at the master's eyes, Tang San immediately made up his mind, and his eyes flashed with endless coldness:

"You really want to die, and you actually want to steal my master's blood!"

"I won't let you hurt my master. If you want to hurt the master, step over my body first!"

Tang San expressed his inner sincerity devoutly, and the twenty-four bridges turned quietly on the moonlit night, and the mother-child soul-chasing gall was taken out again and placed in the palm of his hand.

The fingers and wrist of the right hand are absolutely white, which is the unique effect of the secret method "Xuanyu Hand".

Dugu Yan saw this extremely vicious hidden weapon and her mind was tense.

Summoning the martial soul at a very fast speed, completing the possession, the soul ring lit up: "Green Phosphorus Poison Barrier!"

The rich green color spread at a very fast speed, wrapping Ye Lingling and others in it, hiding their figures.

"A small trick can't stop me!" Tang San smiled contemptuously.

Purple light emerged from his eyes, and he found Dugu Yan's true body in the thick fog composed of green phosphorus.

Without any hesitation, the hidden weapon was swung out.

"Meteor chasing the moon!"

"Catch me!" Dugu Yan heard a voice in his ear.

Then he felt that Ye Lingling grabbed his left arm, and a force was transmitted.

But he saw that Ye Lingling's left hand was wrapped with a blue silver grass, pulling her body, carrying Dugu Yan to avoid the explosion of the hidden weapon together.

Unparalleled tacit understanding is the result of the "illusion space".

"Who?" Tang San questioned.

Purple light flashed in his pupils, scanning every corner around him, and soon he found the owner of the blue silver grass.

"It's you!"

Han Tao, holding this exquisite recurve bow, locked Tang San's figure with an arrow with a cold jade porcelain bottle as the arrowhead.

With Han Tao as the center of the circle, the grass seeds of the blue silver eye were spread within a radius of 100 meters.

"Swish!" The arrow was fired.

The elastic potential energy of the bowstring was converted into the thrust of the arrow.


"A sneak attack in front of the Tang Sect?"

Tang San had a contemptuous smile on his face from beginning to end.

The black jade hand quietly started, and stretched out the extremely white right hand to meet the arrow fired by Han Tao.

Controlling the crane and catching the dragon, he wanted to dissolve Han Tao's arrow with a gesture of four ounces to move a thousand pounds.


The cold jade arrowhead shattered, and the toxins contained in the porcelain bottle began to spread with the impact of the shattering.

"What. Poison?"

Tang San was a little surprised, but still thought it was insignificant, and said calmly: "The Mysterious Jade Hand is the nemesis of all poisons!"

"Indeed!" Han Tao smiled.

The Purple Demon Eye breaks the illusion, and the Mysterious Jade Hand restrains poison, but don't forget.

You still have a master, and I have two teammates!

Han Tao still holds the bow and arrow, and a new arrow is placed in the palm of his hand, but this time the arrow is a metal arrowhead, not cold jade.

Yu Tianheng has been seriously injured.

Dugu Yan is not a kind-hearted person, and he showed almost cruel decisiveness at the critical moment.

The snake fangs of the green phosphorus venomous snake protruded at the mouth, and it bit Yu Xiaogang's arm suddenly.


Yu Xiaogang's shoulder was bleeding red!

Immediately shouted: "Tang San!"

The great soul master covered his arm and looked around in a daze.

Yu Xiaogang is just a great soul master. Although he can boast a lot, he can't really show any normal strength when facing a real battle.

"Master!" Tang San looked behind him anxiously.

Seeing the master's situation, he suddenly became ruthless and looked at Dugu Yan with a determined look.

The Twenty-Four Bridges Moonlight Night lit up again, took out dozens of dragon beard needles, and threw them at her with the technique of "Flower Rain All Over the Sky".

"Humph!" Han Tao suddenly laughed.

The illusion cannot affect Tang San, but it still has the effect of deducing the battle situation.

Under the perception of the Blue Silver Eye, Tang San opened the soul guide and took out the dragon beard needle, but he could not hide it from his eyes.

Predict his attack and make decisions in advance:

Before Tang San threw the dragon beard needle, his blue silver grass had already wrapped around Yu Xiaogang's right arm.

Biphosphorus toxin is a neurotoxin that can temporarily paralyze the soul master's nerves. This was a murderous intention that Qi Yun once constructed against Han Tao, but at this moment, it was exploited by Han Tao.

The time is short, but extremely crucial!

Before Tang San threw the Dragon Beard Needle, while Yu Xiaogang was paralyzed, the Blue Silver Grass suddenly exerted force, and the master's body moved to the left.

The flight trajectory of the Dragon Needle and the displacement trajectory of Yu Xiaogang reached a perfect intersection.

"What?" Tang San couldn't believe it.

Yu Xiaogang felt the sudden severe pain and screamed sharply: "Ouch!"

The Dragon Beard Needle is a well-deserved vicious hidden weapon.

When the soul power is activated, the dragon's whisker needle becomes extremely sharp and can easily penetrate the soul master's soul power defense.

After entering the soul master's body, the soul power of the Dragon Beard Needle dissipated, and together with the surrounding muscles, it curled up into a ball again.

"Persimmons need to be picked and pinched softly!"

To attack the enemy, start from the weak point!

The soul bone of the head, the "Illusion Space" linked Ye Lingling's mind, and Han Tao issued an order:

"Ye Lingling, give it treatment!"

Although it was strange, he still followed Han Tao's advice, and the light of Jiuxin Begonia scattered on Yu Xiaogang's body.

The damaged muscles began to heal, but...

When the dragon's beard needle comes into contact with the healing soul power, it instantly bounces off and returns to its ultimate sharpness.

This is a function that Han Tao personally verified in the National Elite Soul Master Competition. The Dragon Beard Needle will become sharp again under the action of the healing soul power.

"Ouch! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead to the ground, and pain swept over his mind.

Yu Xiaogang wanted to take out the dragon beard needle, but because he was afraid of the pain, he hesitated and could not make up his mind.

"Damn it!"

Tang San's eyes were full of hatred and he looked at the instigator Ye Lingling.

He clearly understood that he had not fulfilled his promise to Yu Xiaogang: "If you want to hurt my master, just step over my body!"

Anger wrapped around his will, he once again took out dozens of dragon beard needles from the soul guide.

Facing Ye Lingling, he used the "rain of flowers in the sky" technique again!

"Same trick!" Han Tao laughed.

Han Tao's Blue Silver Grass appeared simultaneously on Ye Langling's right hand, and the power was replaced between them, taking her away from the attack range of the Dragon Needle.

The Dragon Beard Needle in the master's body lost the healing soul power of Jiuxin Haitang and curled up into a ball again.


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