Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 175 Deception and Seduction

Using bloodline as a guide, locate the location of the soul master of the same bloodline.

The tracking method that Han Tao had been thinking about was actually not rare on the Douluo Continent.

"Wuhun City"

"Address of Tiandou Royal Academy"

Yu Yuanzhen put away the secret method, took off into the air, and flew towards the target.

Arriving at the accommodation area of ​​Tiandou Royal Academy, he scanned with his mental power for a moment and found Yu Tianheng on the ground,

and Yu Xiaogang who seemed unaffected.


He immediately moved to Yu Tianheng's side.

The strong soul power circulated and flowed, straightening Tianheng's body.

"Father!" Yu Xiaogang burst into tears.

His blood was almost drained by Dugu Yan, and his heart was dead. When he saw his father, he seemed to see the hope of salvation, and Yu Xiaogang showed expectation.

"Shut up!" Yu Yuanzhen interrupted immediately, with a look of disgust: "If it weren't for your apprentice, my grandson wouldn't be injured!" Then, ignoring Yu Xiaogang's expression, he focused all his care on Yu Tianheng. The perception of the Titled Douluo has undergone a transformation, and the powerful mental power observes the microscopic body of Yu Tianheng and makes a clear judgment: Before his arrival, Yu Tianheng suffered enough fatal injuries, but because of timely treatment, his life was saved. "Did you save my grandson?" he asked in a calm tone. Ye Lingling nodded: "Yes!" He immediately smiled, with deep wrinkles on his face, and gave a heartfelt praise: "Thank you very much!" "If it weren't for you, my Tianheng might have died" Han Tao was in the corner, quietly observing Yu Yuanzhen's performance. No matter what he thought in his heart, in terms of performance, he did show generosity of a large sect. "I, Yu Yuanzhen, am not an ungrateful person. This time, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family owes you a favor!"

After saying this,

he gave Yu Xiaogang a cold look, which was pointed out in a meaningful way.

Yu Xiaogang rolled up and tried to hug his father's thigh, but Yu Yuanzhen waved his sleeves and pushed him away.


"Father, you have to make a decision for me. They are teaming up to bully me."

Yu Xiaogang was thrown to the ground by Yu Yuanzhen, tears and snot gushed out at the same time. He stretched out his finger tremblingly and pointed at Duguyan, the vicious woman:

"Especially Duguyan, she actually sucked my blood and almost took my life!"

"Oh?" Yu Yuanzhen was stunned when he heard it.

He swung his mental power towards Dugu Yan, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is that so?"

At Han Tao's suggestion, Ye Lingling explained:

"Yu Tianheng was seriously injured by a hidden weapon attack and was on the verge of death. Not only was his body eroded by toxins, but he also had severe ischemia symptoms!"

"Blood deficiency will also lead to the death of a soul master. The only way is to choose blood from the same clan for treatment, so drawing Yu Xiaogang's blood is actually a helpless choice at the moment."

Yu Yuanzhen is quite confident.

Under the mental power scan, all lies are exposed.

There is indeed a large amount of Yu Xiaogang's blood in Yu Tianheng's body, which barely maintains his life.

As a result, his disgust for Yu Xiaogang is even greater:

"Saving your brother and sacrificing yourself is aggrieved?"

"Yu Xiaogang, I haven't even asked you to settle accounts with your apprentice Tang San for the attack on Yu Tianheng!"

But such a result cannot satisfy Han Tao.

So, Han Tao stood up: "Chief Yu Yuanzhen, His Majesty the Thunder!"

"Who are you?"

Looking at Han Tao, Yu Yuanzhen hesitated and asked.

"Han Tao, the disciple of Ning Fengzhi."

As both of the three upper sects, no matter what kind of competition there is in secret, they are at least friendly on the surface.

Yu Tianheng smiled slightly and nodded to express his approval.

After a simple self-introduction, Han Tao continued:

"Bloodline and martial spirit strength are directly related, because Yu Tianheng injected a lot of Yu Xiaogang's bloodline, and you also know Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit."

"Luo Sanpao, a waste martial spirit!"

Yu Yuanzhen didn't understand what he meant.

Yu Xiaogang was very angry and shouted: "You are the waste, Blue Silver Grass is the waste martial spirit!"

Aside, Tang San was silent.

Han Tao ignored him and continued:

"In a short period of time, a large amount of inferior blood injected may cause the quality of the martial soul to decrease!"

Yu Yuanzhen was not a lunatic, and immediately understood what Han Tao meant: "Will the quality of Yu Tianheng's martial soul be affected?"

"Yes!" Han Tao nodded.

"That won't do, absolutely not!"

His expression changed from hesitation to determination.

Yu Tianheng is the designated successor of the sect, and his martial soul must not become that waste "Luo Sanpao"!

Inevitably, his tone was a little anxious: "Han Tao, is there any way?"

"When it comes to martial souls, I think you should ask me!"

"I am the master!" Yu Xiaogang stood up.

He patted the dust on his sleeves, stopped and stood with a proud look on his face.

The honor medal of the martial soul hall on his chest was dazzling!

"Ha!" Han Tao laughed contemptuously.

The blue silver grass summoned casually, and two groups of vines intertwined together, pulling Yu Xiaogang's body apart.

This is actually a kind of proof!

"Top martial soul!" Yu Yuanzhen's expression condensed.

The perception of the Title Douluo has completed its transformation, and Han Tao's martial spirit strength is no weaker than his own Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex.

You should know that Blue Silver Grass is a well-known "useless" martial spirit.

Completely out of touch with reality, out of touch with the differences in Douluo Continent's cognition!

"The blood of soul masters is renewable"

"Injecting Yu Tianheng with Yu Xiaogang's inferior blood is a helpless move in a hurry, so we try our best."

"While ensuring Yu Tianheng's life, take less of the master's blood!"

Han Tao said, looking at Yu Xiaogang.

"You're talking nonsense!" Yu Xiaogang cursed.

The truth is indeed so, Dugu Yan was pumping to death, and didn't care about the master's life at all.

But many times, the truth is not important.

"My martial soul is the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. Using my blood to replace the master's blood, can it reduce the possibility of martial soul degeneration?"

Yu Yuanzhen asked.

Han Tao and Ye Lingling nodded at the same time: "Yeah!"

Yu Yuanzhen is the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect. At this moment, he showed the decisiveness that the sect master should have.

The soul guide turned, and a sharp knife was taken out, and it was cut towards the arm.

"Damn, it's really ruthless!" Han Tao avoided his eyes slightly.

The soul power of the Titled Douluo surged, and a portion of the blood was intercepted and flowed into Yu Tianheng's veins with imprecise control.

Han Tao's pupils glowed purple, and the Blue Silver Eye at Yu Tianheng's feet exerted its unique perception ability.


"No rejection reaction!"

In the illusion, Han Tao recorded the conclusion in his diary.

With the injection of new blood, Yu Tianheng slowly woke up, opened his eyes, and looked at the people around him.

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