Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 180 Qihai Point

Xuantian Gong cultivates innate soul power.

Innate soul power has the ability to restore meridian injuries and has the power of microscopic treatment.

"Opening up meridians can improve cultivation talent, but opening up meridians will cause damage to meridians."

"Innate soul power can restore damaged meridians."

Everything is explained!

Han Tao's microscopic treatment replaced the role of innate soul power in the early stage, so it was so smooth in the early stage.

Normally, a soul master with poor innate soul power will lose his innate soul power after practicing for a period of time, and his meridians will be damaged and cannot be repaired, so he will naturally be unable to practice and improve his level.

As a result,

"How important is the theory of microscopic treatment!"

"Ye Lingling, Nine Heart Begonia, how awesome!"

Nine Heart Begonia can achieve microscopic treatment, which means that whoever can find Ye Lingling's help can ignore the limitations of innate soul power!

Normally, with Han Tao's current mental power, he cannot break through to the third level "Mustard Seed Realm"!

But before, with the help of Ning Fengzhi, Han Tao had reached the mustard seed realm, and fell as the gain disappeared.

With the help of experience, the next success will be easier, so Han Tao can force his mental power to reach the "mustard seed" for a short time.

The mustard seed realm of the Purple Demon Eye can crush the subtle realm.

Use the Purple Demon Eye to block Tang San's perception and read his thoughts through the "illusion space".

"Xuantian Gong, got it!"

After getting Xuantian Gong, Han Tao had no intention of interfering and fled.

However, the weak mental power did not allow him to study "Xuantian Gong". He planned to wait for Ye Lingling to come back, repair it, and then study this skill.

"Gaze!" Ye Lingling's soul skill unfolded as expected.

As the mental power recovered, the brain became active again and the state returned.

Han Tao began to think, explore, and practice the content of "Xuantian Gong".

"The first step is to open up the Dantian!"

Dantian, this is an unfamiliar term.

The location of Dantian was introduced above Xuantian Gong. Han Tao found a certain acupoint according to the target.

"Qihai acupoint?"

Qihai acupoint is an ordinary acupoint. If you don't compare it with the Gong method, you can hardly see any difference.

"This is another acupoint with great significance after 'Shenting acupoint' and 'Tanzhong acupoint'!"

Normal acupoints can be widened by soul power impact, but the upper limit of widening is very low.

Dantian is equivalent to an acupoint with infinite expansion.

As Dantian expands, it can accommodate more and more soul power, and even surpasses the soul power of the soul master.

Xuantian Gong has nine levels, corresponding to the first to ninth levels of soul masters. Even though Han Tao's current level has reached the Soul Sect, he still needs to start from the beginning. Under the guidance of mental power, the soul power flows to the lower Dantian. According to the content of the Gong method, the "Qihai acupoint" is slightly widened.

The innate Qi is incorporated into the soul power, and a small part of the soul power is transformed into innate soul power.

The innate soul power of Xuantian Gong is white, and the blue silver soul power is blue. The slightly innate soul power actually tried to devour the blue silver soul power!

"How dare it?"

"Hey, no, is the blue silver grass so easy to bully?"

The Haotian Hammer bullies the blue silver grass, and Xuantian Gong also bullies the blue silver grass, as if the blue silver grass is a soft persimmon!

Although it is said that the famous "useless martial spirit" in Douluo Continent, although the growth base is as high as 0.1, although it is restrained by a lot of things.

But the blue silver grass is actually very strong, but where is it strong, well, it is hard to say.

"Anyway, it is very strong!" Han Tao said stubbornly.

It is already the top martial spirit quality. Logically speaking, it should be able to compete with the blue lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex of the same level.

In fact, if Han Tao does not use the illusion and bow and arrow, he can't beat Yu Tianheng at all with the blue silver grass alone!

"Absorbing blue silver soul power to improve the quality of innate soul power?"

"This ability is a bit against the sky"

In the original work, when Tang San absorbed the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor, the innate soul power and the blue silver soul power merged.

The blue silver soul power disappeared directly, and the quality of the innate soul power improved.

"Fusing other soul powers to improve the soul power quality of the innate soul power, but if... I mastered the microstructure of soul power and unscrupulously simulated the microstructure of soul power of other martial spirits"

"Turning all different soul power characteristics into nutrients for innate soul power, isn't it very against the sky?"

(Xuan Tian Gong can devour blood in the Fairy Continent)

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

Outside the team, there was a knock on the door.

Han Tao waved his hand lazily, motioning Ye Lingling to open the door.

Dugu Yan supported the weak Yu Tianheng and walked forward, his attitude seemed particularly sincere.

"After recovering, Duguyan told me about the situation at that time. Thank you very much for your help."

"If you need it in the future, as long as we can, we will definitely help you!"

Yu Tianheng said to Han Tao solemnly.

Han Tao looked at him carefully, which was a bit unexpected.

Yu Yuanzhen's gratitude can be understood as the pretense of the leader of a big force, but Yu Tianheng's gratitude is not mixed with other interests.

"Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect, actually knows how to be grateful?"

It's not that Han Tao is confused, but Han Tao can't ignore Yu Xiaogang's existence.

The master has seriously affected the reputation of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect. You know, he has received the allowance of the Spirit Hall for most of his life, but he has never been grateful.

Because of Yu Xiaogang's existence, Han Tao had a negative impression of the entire Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect. You know, the master has received the Spirit Hall allowance for half his life, but he has no gratitude at all!


Han Tao is not a kind person. Now that Yu Tianheng has given him an opportunity, he will not miss this opportunity.

"Some time ago, you experienced it yourself. When a spirit master is seriously injured, even if the treatment is timely enough, it will cause serious consequences due to blood loss."

"Ye Lingling has the strongest healing spirit on the Douluo Continent, but there is no soul skill to replenish blood at present!"

Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan looked at each other and were confused at the same time. They had no idea what Han Tao wanted to express.

Han Tao certainly understood their doubts and continued:

"What I mean is that when you are in good condition, you can store some of your blood with Ye Lingling so that you can use it at critical moments!"

"If you had enough blood storage last time you were injured, you wouldn't face such a critical situation."

Ye Lingling looked at Han Tao blankly.

Covering her lips, she looked surprised, and her mouth twitched involuntarily.

Even she was inexplicably shocked. Han Tao clearly wanted to get other people's blood for free, but he could actually say that he was thinking about others.

"That makes sense!" Yu Tianheng nodded.

Han Tao exaggerated and said: "Not only that, you might as well imagine that if you have stored blood, members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect are injured and lack blood, they can come here for blood transfusion"

"And for soul masters, if they are not injured, taking a small amount of blood is not a big deal at all!"

Dugu Yan also agreed with some of it, and asked curiously: "My grandfather and I have different martial souls, can our blood flow?"

Dugu Yan's martial soul is the Green Phosphorus Snake, and Dugu Bo's martial soul is the Green Phosphorus Snake King, which is two stages of evolution apart.

Facing her bestie's doubts, Ye Lingling didn't want Han Tao to talk nonsense here, and immediately said:

"There is rejection between bloodlines, and you and Poison Douluo are not interoperable!"

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