Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 195 Blue Silver Cage

"Tang San, how is the soul ring acquisition?"

In Shrek Academy, Yu Xiaogang looked at his disciples calmly.

"As you instructed. And, I'm quite lucky!"

"The second soul ring happened to meet a thousand-year-old bamboo, whose soul skills are much stronger than Han Tao's!"

Even if you look at the entire Douluo Continent, you can't find a second thousand-year-old bamboo. In terms of rarity, it can be called the best in Douluo!

However, if you don't add the growth base, you don't add it, even the son of luck is no exception.

"Rarity and age are not equal to strength!"

When Tang San waved his hand, the blue silver grass was released, and the second purple soul ring lit up instantly.

The vines, stems and leaves of the blue silver grass stretched out in five directions, swirling and knotting, presenting a bamboo joint shape.

"Well!" The master nodded with satisfaction.

"In this way, you can surpass Han Tao in all aspects"

He turned his head and looked at Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing, pointing to the soul skill effect of the blue silver bamboo.

His expression was calm, but full of absolute confidence:

"Under my guidance, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass will definitely become the strongest martial soul on Douluo Continent!"

The soul ring configuration surpasses Han Tao in all aspects, and the strength of the martial soul can naturally surpass him. Yu Xiaogang is confident that he can evolve the useless martial soul into a high-level martial soul.

So, he continued to ask Tang San: "Where is the third soul ring?"

Hearing the master's question, Tang San smiled particularly happily, and with a surging expression, he summoned the last two soul rings of the martial soul.

"Ten thousand year soul ring?"

Yu Xiaogang was surprised: "Have you broken through the soul sect?"

On the blue silver grass, two ten thousand year black soul rings flashed a deep light!

Tang San nodded, as if he was infected with the arrogance of the master, and said with a flying look:

"At the edge of the Sunset Forest, I encountered a 9000-year-old green phosphorus snake and a 30,000-year-old green phosphorus snake king!"

"According to common sense, it is very difficult to absorb a 9000-year-old green phosphorus snake."

Oscar asked curiously: "Then how did you do it?"

"Hahaha" Tang San laughed a little.

Then he explained his wonderful operation: "The green phosphorus snake king happens to be the mother of the green phosphorus snake."

"So I asked Master Liu Erlong to catch the 9000-year-old green phosphorus snake and threaten the green phosphorus snake king to sacrifice!"

"I promised it that as long as it took the initiative to sacrifice, I would not harm its son"

Oscar was still unsatisfied: "Then what?"

"But I never thought that after absorbing the soul ring of the green phosphorus snake king, with the help of the soul power given by the soul ring, I broke through the soul sect!"


"I am missing another soul ring!"

Tang San spread his hands and smiled helplessly.

Slowly walked to the master, and said in a friendly tone: "Master, you are right!"

"If a soul master wants to absorb soul rings beyond the limit, he can force the soul beast to sacrifice voluntarily. Look, this is the soul ring of the 30,000-year-old Green Phosphorus Snake King!"

As he spoke, Tang San showed the third soul ring, which was dark and deep.

"Blue Silver Entanglement!"

Yes, it was Blue Silver Entanglement again.

Rather than saying that the Green Phosphorus Snake King gave this soul skill, it is better to say that he took the initiative to choose this soul skill.

Blue Silver Entanglement, like Tang San's innate soul skill, is particularly easy to use.

"Soul Skill Effect"

"Transform into the appearance of a green phosphorus snake, entangle the enemy, and bind it in place."

At the same time, the neurotoxin of the green phosphorus characteristic will paralyze the enemy's movements, which is much stronger than the original "Blue Silver Entanglement".

Hearing about such a powerful spirit skill, the master was very moved, and his words were filled with joy:

"Tang San, I am right, animal spirit rings are indeed the best match for blue silver grass."

"This blue silver entanglement is much more powerful than Han Tao's so-called poison barrier!"

Zhu Zhuqing stared at Tang San's fourth spirit ring, with a look of doubt and uncertainty, and asked:

"Third brother, your fourth spirit ring is..."

Tang San answered casually: "Of course it belongs to its son!"

Then, without paying any attention to Zhu Zhuqing, he stretched out his arms, sincerely held the master's hand, and said solemnly and sincerely:

"Master, you The theory is completely correct!"

"By absorbing the soul rings of the same soul beast, the two soul rings will be strengthened simultaneously. After absorbing the soul ring of the green phosphorus snake."

"This 9000-year-old green phosphorus snake has indeed transformed into a ten-thousand-year soul ring!"

"The soul skill is Blue Silver Entanglement! Although it is also Blue Silver Entanglement, if the two soul rings are used simultaneously, it will form a qualitative change effect, from soft to hard, from loose to tight!"

"So I named this new and powerful soul skill [Blue Silver Prison]"

In the original work, Tang San killed the ten-thousand-year-old underground demon plant and easily obtained the [Blue Silver Prison] soul skill.

However, objective conditions cannot be neglected:

Before obtaining this soul skill, Tang San first took two immortal herbs, Fiery Apricot and Eight-Angled Mysterious Ice Grass

At the same time, the third soul ring is the Human-Faced Demon Spider, a thousand-year-old soul ring of the same series, and the additional gain of the Eight Spider Lance.

Finally, there is the blessing of the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline.

But at the moment, he only has two ten thousand year soul rings, and the unique soul skills are combined, so he got the same [Blue Silver Prison]

"Not bad, not bad" the master nodded with satisfaction.

Tang San still followed his advice and moved forward perfectly along the predetermined route: control system!

"Animal soul rings, control system, is the version answer!"

The great soul master's eyes are particularly firm.

The confidence from the inside out is the blessing from the theoretical foundation.

But just as everyone was celebrating, a disappointing female voice suddenly appeared: "But."

"You clearly promised the Green Phosphorus Snake King that you would not harm its son!"

Everyone stared at the originator of the voice: Zhu Zhuqing.

Yu Xiaogang's expression turned cold: "Why don't I remember that you have the habit of fighting for soul beasts?"

"I just think that it would be bad to break a promise."

Zhu Zhuqing's tone was soft and her voice was light.

"Heh!" Ma Hongjun smiled: "It's not because of the widowhood that the maternal instinct is overflowing."

Her face turned pale immediately.

Ma Hongjun's words were particularly unpleasant, but they were unanimously recognized by Shrek Academy.

"Womanly kindness!" Tang San defined it.

"Green Phosphorus Snake, this kind of evil soul beast, will only destroy the ecology of Sunset Forest if it is kept!"

The master nodded hurriedly, obviously agreeing with his apprentice's words.

Dugu Yan is the Green Phosphorus Snake martial spirit, but Tiangang, repaying kindness with enmity, dared to extract his blood!

According to Tang San, she has a "way to die"!

"Evil soul beasts, heaven and earth will punish them, not killing them is simply unjust!"

"When dealing with such evil soul beasts, you can't talk about morality and justice. Only by killing them completely can you get rid of your worries, otherwise keeping them will only add to your troubles!"

Tang San kept in mind the principles in Xuantian Baolu, always keeping them in mind to guide his behavior and thoughts.

"Everyone is in high spirits today. I'm too lazy to pursue your faults. If this happens again next time."

The master put on airs and picked up the tone: "Humph! Multiple crimes and punishments!"

Facing Zhu Zhuqing, he spoke in a cold tone.

This female student is a little confused about her identity. Do you think she is still a member of the royal family of the Xingluo Empire?

Dai Mubai is dead! You are the loser in the royal competition!

Flanders has been imprisoned, and you have no right to speak in Shrek Academy led by me, Yu Xiaogang.

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