Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 220 The Value of Bloodline

"So, what's the use of blood?"

Ning Rongrong's sudden question interrupted Ye Lingling's narration and focused the two people's attention.

"What's the use of good blood?"

"Inheritance?" Ye Lingling gave an answer.

"Maybe, but certainly not all!"

Han Tao stood up and his thoughts jumped to the recent past.

Back then, when Tang San had the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor, the Blue Silver Grass would not be easily damaged.

After losing its bloodline, the martial soul became obviously fragile and could not even bear the poison of the mandala snake.

"Information!" Han Tao gave a guess.

"Martial spirit can guide the evolution of bloodline, and bloodline becomes the foundation of martial spirit?" Han Tao said not very convinced.

Rongrong bit his finger slightly: "What is the difference between foundation and original power?"

Han Tao was stunned.

Let’s put aside this speculation for the time being, and instead deduce it in another direction:

"Bloodline is the bridge between the soul master's body and martial soul. The seventh soul skill's martial soul's true body is a complete fusion of body, martial soul, and spirit."

"Without the spiritual changes at the Soul King stage, there would be no bloodline tempering at the Soul Emperor stage, let alone a Soul Saint-level martial soul avatar."

The martial soul system is tightly integrated and complements each other.

Ye Lingling suddenly said: "What if"

"The soul master has a high-level bloodline, but the martial soul has not evolved to the same level. Doesn't it mean that the martial soul's true form cannot be achieved?"

High-level bloodlines will limit the soul master's breakthrough. What's the point?

"No!" Ning Rongrong overturned her statement.

"You just said that the Soul King stage is a stage where the soul master's spiritual power changes implicitly. During the Soul Emperor stage, the bloodline and martial soul are connected under the guidance of the spirit!"

"The connection is two-way. High-level martial souls can temper bloodlines, and high-level bloodlines can also help soul masters evolve martial souls, but there is a prerequisite."

Han Tao and Ye Lingling looked at each other, obviously having anticipated the premise of Rongrong's words: "The origin of the martial spirit!"

"Using the bloodline as a sample and the huge martial soul source as the energy source, the soul master's martial soul evolves to the same level as the bloodline!"

Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit awakened using the same method.

Yu Xiaogang's Golden Holy Dragon also relies on this method.

Nine-leaf Zizhi provided the source of the mighty martial spirit. Based on the blood sample, Yu Xiaogang's Luo Sanpao evolved into the Golden Holy Dragon.

After discussions among several people, the progression routes to martial soul levels were deeply understood one by one.

But in fact, even if you don’t understand anything, you don’t know anything.

As long as one's talent is in place and luck is in place, one can still reach the Titled Douluo without any hindrance.

Mentioning the Golden Holy Dragon, Han Tao inevitably thought of his promise.


Cat Eagle, whose soul power has been depleted, will never reach the soul saint stage again in his lifetime, so he can integrate high-level bloodlines without any worries.

"The perfect experiment."

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Use blood as a guide!"

The secret method operates quietly.

Yu Xiaogang showed an extremely proud smile and led Tang San to a small mountain village.

"Mistress, this is where it is!"

Touching the shoulder of his dear apprentice, the master's words were slightly profound, his eyes were fixed on the direction guided by the blood, and the corners of his mouth drew a beautiful arc.

Calmness, confidence, and arrogance are the emotional undertones.


Suddenly, a villager stood up and asked.

Although the Haotian Sect is reclusive, it still retains its vigilance against outsiders. This villager is obviously the sect's sentinel.

With a wary look on his face, he stared at Yu Xiaogang's side face: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Yu Xiaogang was very unhappy. He was a soul master. How could a commoner like you be able to question him?

"Ha!" The master sneered at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his finger and pointed it at the villager's chest:

"Who are you to be able to control us?"

Even the Wuhun Palace can't interfere with my Yu Xiaogang's behavior, let alone you?

After pushing hard, the villager couldn't resist the soul master's power and fell to the ground.

Ignoring his struggle, the steps passed over his arm and headed towards the direction guided by the bloodline.

"Damn it!"

The villagers were Haotian Sect's outposts, and naturally there were outposts as well as secret posts. A soul master in the dark noticed Yu Xiaogang's behavior. He was a little angry but didn't care about it. Instead, he ran towards the village chief's house. .

Information is linked in a very short time.

The village chief of this small village is not the contact person of Haotian Sect. The real contact person is his deputy.

In the hands of the village chief's adjutant, a small and precise watch turned quietly:

"Someone is coming to the sect, please be alert!"

Tang Hu, a third-generation disciple of the Haotian Sect, walked out of the Haotian Sect and faced Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

His expression was gloomy and his tone was cold: "It was you who hurt Tang Feng?"

The Clear Sky Hammer suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, the powerful aura of the Soul Emperor surged out, and the soul ring attached to the martial soul flickered slightly.

"Wait!" the master said quickly.

Facing a powerful enemy, the master's attitude changed and he showed a little sincerity.

"I came here this time to help Tang San recognize his ancestor and return to his clan!"

"Oh, where's the evidence?"

Tang Hu's eyes were fixed on Tang San. As long as he didn't say anything right, he would be punished with a hammer.

"I have evidence!" Tang San lowered his head.

There was a cold light flashing in his eyes, but he didn't burst out at this moment, instead his tone was quite humble.

"Hmph, when I become strong, I will definitely get back at you!"

He stretched out his right hand, and a blue-gold hammer suddenly appeared, but there was no soul ring attached to the hammer.

Seeing this, Tang Hu nodded, and his attitude improved a little.

The process and result of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan were not something he could decide, so he took Tang San and Yu Xiaogang to the core area of ​​the sect.

Facing the two visitors, Tang Xiao showed a hypocritical smile: "Which lineage are you from?"

"My father Tang Hao!" Tang San replied.

Then, he looked at Yu Xiaogang again: "Who is this?"

"This is my teacher, the elder who guides me in my cultivation!" Tang San's expression was quite solemn.

He looked at Yu Xiaogang with great respect.

But at this time, he straightened his chest: "Remember my name Yu Xiaogang, you can also respectfully call me a master of theory!"

"Master of theory?"

His arrogant attitude made everyone very dissatisfied.

"You? With a soul power of level 29, you are worthy of calling yourself a master of theory?"

The young disciple started to mock. Even though he was only a dozen years old, his soul power had reached the level of soul master.

He didn't think highly of the theory of this "master". The reason why Tang San became his disciple was simply because Yu Xiaogang was older and bullied Tang San for being ignorant.

"Heh!" The master sneered.

He swept his eyes over the disciples with contempt, and finally stared at Tang Xiao: "Do you know about the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect?"

"As one of the top three sects, of course I know!" Tang Xiao replied.

The master smiled.

An arrogant and ostentatious look rose slowly: "Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, has a martial soul of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tower, and it is difficult for him to break through level 79 in his lifetime."

This is common sense in Douluo Continent. Everyone was confused and didn't know what Yu Xiaogang wanted to express.

"Ning Fengzhi has a daughter named Ning Rongrong, and she happens to be a student of Shrek Academy!"

Yu Xiaogang said unruly: "And just a while ago, it was because of my theoretical guidance that Ning Rongrong's martial spirit transformed from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower."

"Ning Fengzhi just got a little bit of luck, and his martial spirit evolved into the Eight Treasures Glazed Tower, completing the leap from level 79 to level 80!"

Tang San was also stunned.

My master has such an operation? As an apprentice, he didn't know his past and immediately showed a shocked look.

"In order to get my theory." Yu Xiaogang paused for a moment:

"Ning Fengzhi deliberately issued an invitation letter, wanting me to serve as the theoretical guest of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, but he was rejected by me!"

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