Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 219: Martial Spirit System


"The enemy jumps up or flies into the sky."

Seismic waves cannot be transmitted to the sky.

The Titan ape transmits the power of shock into the air through roaring.

Bluesilver grass cannot speak, and the human vocal structure cannot carry the energy of the power of the earth. Han Tao has never practiced lion roaring skills.

New fields require new paths.

"Wind Element"

The wind element can involve the sky, and the water element can involve the ocean, but Bluesilver Grass is just Bluesilver Grass, and there is no precedent for the bearing of multiple elements.

Putting aside his empty imagination, he finally focused his attention on the present moment. Han Tao activated his spirit again and sensed the microscopic details of the Bluesilver Grass.

"Well there is still room for optimization!"

The open toxin path of the dark blue silver grass, as the distribution of the golden texture, is obviously unreasonable.

This is just a compromise for now, and it will definitely have to be re-planned in the future.

If you can adjust the distribution of golden texture, you can automatically control the solidification position of "granite".

If granite condenses on the meridians, it will block the movement of energy. If it condenses on the movement nodes of the grass blades, it will affect the flexibility of Blue Silver Grass.

However, placing granite condensation on the outer layer of blue silver grass will actually increase the defense power of blue silver grass and increase the overall structural stability of the plant.

Granite with negative returns, when distributed in a reasonable location, will show positive returns.

"Oh shit!"

"Studying the distribution of golden texture is a big topic. As you can tell from the name, it's not that simple."

But this is an inevitable process.

The distribution of golden texture is essentially the circulation route of different energies in Blue Silver Grass.

Although Blue Silver Grass currently only carries two types of energy: Demonic Spider Toxin and Power of the Earth.

However, the martial spirit will continue to evolve. When the blue silver grass evolves into the ultimate martial spirit in the future, integrating high-level energy such as annihilation and destruction, the current circulation path will definitely not work.

“Be prepared for a rainy day!”

Take out the remaining Millennium Bluesilver Grass again and guide these Millennium Bluesilver Grass to evolve into roots that absorb the power of earth veins and meridians that filter out impurity elements.

Explore different modes of golden textures and different running routes to lay the foundation for your own martial soul evolution.

"How about it?"

Ning Rongrong tiptoed to the side and stared at several bluesilver grasses in the breeding base.

Han Tao smiled slightly, gently picked up a bluesilver grass, took it into his hand and showed it to her: "The basic route has been completed."

"The reverse wave frequency of soul power can easily offset the soul power of the outside world."

With the perception of Blue Silver Grass as the core, the reverse wave frequency theory of soul power has entered the application stage. If Han Tao is facing a soul master below the Contra level, all kinds of soul power will not be able to get close to him.

"Um" Ye Lingling looked strange:

"Isn't this the same as the Killing City?"

In the Killing City, the soul master's soul power cannot be used.

If Han Tao's Blue Silver Grass also gives birth to a domain, when the enemy releases its soul power, it will create the opposite soul power wave frequency based on its perception ability.

Within the domain, all soul power disintegrated into nothingness.

It is equivalent to disabling the soul power of the Killing City.

"It's not that simple."

Han Tao was a little excited: "After a soul master reaches the Contra level, the soul power will create a microstructure, and this ability will be ineffective."

"Besides, to disintegrate the enemy's soul power, I also need to use my soul power."

Rongrong smiled slightly: "But, you have [all over the sky and the earth]!"

Ye Lingling smiled and said nothing.

At first, Han Tao could only control his own soul power. Xuan Tian Gong allowed Han Tao to discover the Qi Sea Cave, which added a storage column for soul power.

The acquisition of the secret method [Through Heaven and Earth] means that Han Tao's use of soul power has been elevated to a new level.

"From one's own soul power to the soul power of Dantian, from the soul power of Dantian to the soul power of heaven and earth, use methods to deepen it step by step."

Such is the accumulation of theory.

The memorial of countless steps of achievements has achieved a highlight of theoretical application.

His own soul power will be exhausted, but the soul power of heaven and earth is endless. It is precisely because of this secret method that Ning Rongrong got rid of Lan Tiao's predicament.

Han Tao looked at her, and his tone was a little urging: "The only thing missing is your microstructure, as long as you make a breakthrough over there."

"Contra-level soul masters will also be affected by the reverse wave frequency, and their soul skills will completely collapse in an instant."

Her expression froze.

The microstructure of soul power is, after all, a change in Contra level. It is not easy to study and understand it with her current strength.

I saw her quietly hiding aside, retracting her head into her clothes, pretending that no one could find her.

Ye Lingling smiled sweetly: "Actually, regarding the research on the field of bloodline, I have made some progress here."

The tone was still extremely light, but the ordinary tone was so harsh when it came to Rongrong's ears.

"What?" She raised her head.

Han Tao raised his eyebrows, his joy ready to come out.

"I also got inspiration from the soul beast." Ye Lingling said modestly.

After getting the distraction control method advanced, Ye Lingling needed to hunt down the same type of soul beast as the source of the soul ring to increase her life span and enhance the healing effect of her own soul skills. It was precisely because of this that she achieved a handful of results.

She said plainly: "As we all know, when a soul beast reaches the ten-thousand-year stage, it will initially give birth to spiritual intelligence."

"When the age of the soul beasts reaches 20,000 years, some soul beasts will become kings, such as the Jade Phosphorus Snake King and the Blue Silver King."

Han Tao nodded: "Yes!"

"You didn't say anything either." Ning Rongrong could not deny it, and snorted coldly.

Ye Lingling ignored her: "The ten thousand year soul beast corresponds to the soul master's soul king stage, and the twenty thousand year soul beast corresponds to the soul master's soul emperor stage."

As she spoke, she cast her eyes on Han Tao. The soul king stage corresponds to the ten thousand year soul beast.

"After the soul beast reaches ten thousand years, its mental power will undergo some hidden changes, and it has the ability to connect with the origin and bloodline."

Han Tao paused, his face condensed.

Tang San awakened the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline, which came from this ability of the soul beast.

So she asked eagerly: "Then what?"

"Don't worry!"

"The Soul King stage and the ten thousand year soul beast are the stages where the mental power produces hidden changes."

Ye Lingling's tone was calm: "This is a process of accumulation."

"When it reaches 20,000 years, the soul beast can use its own source power to refine its own blood, and the same is true for soul masters."

She really understands this. Their family has this inheritance. The earliest "understanding the essence of martial souls and mastering the origin of martial souls" was told to her by Ye Lingling.

"In other words."

"When a soul master reaches the Soul Emperor stage, he has the ability to refine his bloodline?" Han Tao asked.

Ye Lingling smiled and nodded.

There was a glimmer of confidence in her eyes, and the tone was as vivid as a movement:

"The stronger the martial soul, the stronger the refined bloodline!"

"This tempering starts from the Soul Emperor and extends infinitely until the end of life."

Listening to the ups and downs of the summary, Han Tao sat down comfortably, with a faint smile on his face.

According to her narration, a lot of information can be obtained.

On the Douluo Continent, the growth system of martial soul levels is like a clear picture scroll, slowly unfolding in front of Han Tao.

Soul King: It is the linkage between martial soul and mental power, and it is also the process of convergence between the two.

Soul Emperor: With the help of mental power, the synchronization of martial soul and bloodline is achieved, and the bloodline affects the body of the soul master.

Soul Saint: The three types of body, spirit and martial soul are integrated into one, and the martial soul's true body is presented.

Soul Douluo: It involves soul power, and the beginning of the birth of the microscopic structure of soul power.

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