Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 218 Resonance

"The second step is to screen the chaotic elements."

In addition to earth elements and earth energy, the power of the earth veins also stores a variety of trace elements, minerals and their characteristics. The microscopic ecology mixed together may be the only expression of chaos.

Among these elements, a small number of trace properties are positive benefits to blue silver grass.

The vast majority of characteristics are ineffective for blue silver grass, and a very small number are even negative benefits.

"Evolve the characteristics of [screening] to deal with these chaotic energies."

If you can screen out high-quality elements and high-quality characteristics, which are positive benefits to blue silver grass, this is of course very ideal, but this is unrealistic!

Han Tao cannot ask too much of the [screening] structure after the initial evolution.

"It can screen out earth elements and earth energy and absorb them into blue silver grass to evolve. As for the expression of chaotic elements"

"Let's go on"

Theory needs to be laid layer by layer, and the evolution of blue silver grass is even more so.

The structure with [screening] ability has just begun to be explored and needs a long time to evolve.

Han Tao chooses a plan at the moment, one size fits all!

"Miscellaneous elements, all of them are not needed!"

"Only absorb the earth element and the energy of the earth, as for the positive effects in the trace elements."

His eyes were dark, and he thought deeply: "Later"

"Later, the [Screening] of the blue silver grass will evolve step by step, and one day it will be able to achieve separation at the microscopic level"

"But not now!" His tone was resolute.

After confirming the plan, Han Tao took out the map again and explored the second evolutionary direction: "Screening of energy!"

"In the desert area, the roots of the blue silver grass are more developed, and it is easy to evolve a structure that absorbs the power of the earth veins."


in polluted land and filthy land, blue silver grass is more likely to give birth to a [Screening] plant structure.

Following this line of thought, Han Tao tapped his fingers and divided the area on the map.

Screening, exploring, and concluding, he found the answer to evolution among thousands of blue silver grasses.

"It's here!"

Looking up, the sky in the distance was scarlet.

Filth, darkness, and a messy murderous aura filled the sky.

Han Tao could feel these energies, relying on his advanced perception and exploration of the microcosm.

"The City of Slaughter!"

The City of Slaughter is undoubtedly the most polluted place on the Douluo Continent.

On the edge of the City of Slaughter, there are also many blue silver grasses blooming. The natural adaptability allows the blue silver grass to survive in various places on the Douluo Continent.

He squatted down, activated the distraction control method, and Han Tao's martial soul and the blue silver grass under his feet formed a bond.

"Independent meridians."

"Use meridians to separate the polluted energy of the City of Slaughter, and regenerate while losing it." Han Tao smiled lightly.

It is really an unexpected form of evolution.

When the filthy murderous aura, evil thoughts, and malicious energies pass through the main stem of the blue silver grass, the independent special meridians will absorb these malignant energies and discharge them along a unique path.

Even this special meridian cannot bear the filthy malignant energy and will inevitably be damaged.

When the independent meridians are damaged, it also announces the death of the blue silver grass.

On the edge of the Killing City, in this unnoticed area, countless blue silver grasses are sprouting and growing, and countless blue silver grasses are dying and withering.


Ecological nature is so cruel.

Han Tao never reminisced, but sighed with emotion, his expression a little more sincere:

"But I still want to thank you!"

The special "meridian" gradually emerged in Han Tao's martial soul

"Finally, the earth element."

The golden texture is the manifestation of earth energy, which is a pure positive benefit;

The granite condensate is the manifestation of the earth element, which is a negative benefit.

"The earth element and the earth energy are mixed and transformed with each other"

"Indivisible and cannot be disassembled?" Han Tao was stunned.

The bottleneck of research is the normal state of Han Tao.

At present, there is really no better way, because the earth element and the earth energy itself belong to one.

The earth energy is the advanced form of the earth element, and the earth element is the underlying support of the earth energy. The independent earth energy structure is not stable.

"So, I can't do anything about it?"

Even if the [Screening] structure evolves again and can separate the earth element, the earth energy will still lose its value without the earth element.

The granite structure and the golden texture must coexist and cannot exist alone.

"Forget it!"

"It's just a slight disadvantage, let's put it aside for now."

The granite condensate will affect the overall smoothness of the blue silver grass, the flexibility of the blue silver grass, and the beauty of the blue silver grass.

However, these effects are relatively minor for the blue silver grass as a whole.

It is far less than the positive feedback brought by the power of the earth.

"Let's start!" Han Tao was determined.

At the bottom of the blue silver grass, the golden roots took root in the ground, digging deep into the energy of the earth veins, absorbing upwards and connecting them.

The power of the earth veins spread upwards along the main stem of the blue silver grass, while the energy of the chaotic elements was absorbed by the special "meridians" and discharged outwards through other branches.

"Blue silver origin!"

The damage to the special meridians of the blue silver grass in the Killing City means the death of the blue silver grass.

But Han Tao is a soul master, and he can use microscopic treatment and blue silver essence to repair and transform this special meridian, extending its service life indefinitely.

The remaining earth element and earth energy continued to penetrate upward along the dark blue silver grass and extended to the top of the branches and leaves.

The earth element and the plant merged to form a condensed structure of granite, with enhanced defense and firmness, and reduced flexibility and penetration.

The earth energy and the plant merged to form a gorgeous and beautiful golden texture, which was extremely dazzling.

"Martial Soul Evolution!"

The strength of the blue silver grass started a qualitative leap.

The earth energy enhanced the plants comprehensively and mightily. This was the completion of the underlying foundation and the promotion from the bottom up.

"Return to the top martial soul!"

Han Tao's face gradually became excited.

With a casual finger, the vibration force based on the power of the earth spread to the distance. In the underground that could not be perceived by the naked eye, the vibration force changed the foundation of the land. The unfathomable rift suddenly went up and reached the ground at a speed of 5,000 meters per second.

Dozens of miles away, a huge rock three feet high stood in the forest.

The vibration frequency gradually converged with the earth vibration controlled by Han Tao.

Half a minute later, at a certain moment, the [Same Frequency Resonance] effect was finally formed.

The rock shattered and turned into powder.

"It is really annihilation!"

"In terms of destructive power and lethality, it has reached the level of God level."

What is God level?

108,000 kilograms is nothing more than the strength of a steamroller, and the steamroller will only turn the rock into powder.

Han Tao was not very happy: "The conditions are too harsh!"

To achieve [Same Frequency Resonance], you need to sense the opponent's vibration frequency and make the same frequency to pass it over.

Any slight difference will not achieve this effect.

The target this time is just a rock that does not move, and the vibration frequency is always the same.

"The enemy will move, and the vibration frequency will also change. It is too difficult to make the frequency consistent during the constant changes!"

Moreover, the title is God-level destructive power, but in reality there are various factors involved.

For example, the collision of vibrations, the influence of soul power on vibrations, and the interference of microstructures and macrostructures.

The spiritual detection range of the Ultimate Title Douluo is 25 kilometers, and the transmission speed of seismic waves is only 5,000 meters per second, which means that the Ultimate Douluo has one minute to react!

It is too good to rely on [Same Frequency Resonance] to threaten the Ultimate Douluo

"If it is to attack the city gate, or an object that does not move, this method can be called sharp."

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