Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 225 Physical Qualifications

The soul guide began to rotate under the guidance of mental power, and a crimson blood bag was taken out from the storage space of the soul guide.

"Is this the blood of the fire dragon?"

He gently lifted the ends of his silver-white hair and stretched his neck to observe more carefully.

The blood is red in color, and you can feel the fiery energy and the majestic life breath of dragon blood when you touch it.


"Some time ago, Liu Erlong rescued Flender, and I went to see them once."

Han Tao spoke calmly, and then handed the blood into Ye Lingling's hand.


The corners of Ye Lingling's mouth curved.

The bloodline side is really Jiuxin Haitang's chosen research field.

He came to the blood laboratory with Han Tao, took out the quantitative instrument from his backpack, distributed the quantities according to the last time, and began to try to fuse the blood of Yu Xiaogang, Flanders, and Liu Erlong.

"The first soul skill, healing!"

On Ye Lingling's Nine-Hearted Begonia, the first purple soul ring shimmered.

The soul power with healing properties was distributed into the blood of the three people, and the real-time status of the blood fusion was observed.

"The Cat Eagle is the catalyst for bloodline fusion"

"The high-level light attribute purifies the lower fire element and constructs the complete golden holy dragon bloodline."

Ye Lingling kept staring at the blood in the test tube, his tone was cold and crisp.

Han Tao acted as an assistant at this time, taking out the record book and writing down the real-time situation she described.

Blood fusion ratio, catalyst magnitude and purity, catalytic time, fusion efficiency

The arrival of Liu Erlong's bloodline only solved the problem of creating something from scratch, while Ye Lingling's experiments were optimizing it bit by bit.

"Nine-hearted Begonia."

"A well-deserved ultimate martial soul, with unique advantages in physical transformation and mental transformation."

Han Tao looked at her focused look and wrote down a little content from time to time, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If you do it yourself, you can only wait until the bloodline fusion is completed and make adjustments based on the results of the fusion.

It is absolutely impossible to observe, record, and adjust the proportions during the experiment like Ye Lingling did.

"Okay!" She smiled slightly.

The blood test tube containing the "Golden Holy Dragon" was held in the palm of a slender hand. Wisps of bright energy surged in the blood, which actually reflected a golden luster in the sunlight.

"The high-level bloodline of the Golden Holy Dragon."

"If the soul master fuses, the physical qualifications can be improved." Ye Lingling said with a smile.

"Physical qualifications?" Han Tao asked.

Han Tao has never heard of this term.

"Last time, we discussed the role of bloodline. Maybe some inspiration made me aware of this theory!"

She looked complacent and spoke calmly: "Soul masters can obtain additional physical growth through exercise, and the efficiency of improvement is physical qualifications!"

Han Tao's face flashed with confusion: "But when we reach the stage of Soul King, training is no longer effective, right?"

During his soul master period, Han Tao could improve his physique through push-ups and sit-ups.

During the period of being a great soul master, Han Tao could use the pressure of the gravity field to conduct corresponding training to strengthen his body.

For Soul Master and Soul Sect, Han Tao could only eat whale glue to improve his health.

At this stage, running? Running with weights? All exercise methods, including but not limited to Han Tao's understanding, have lost their effect.

"Have you reached your limit?"

Perhaps because of her efforts to shock Han Tao, she showed a surprised expression.

Then, he saw her taking out a research report.

It records the extreme growth that soul masters of different bloodlines can achieve through physical training.

and conclusion:

"Physical qualifications affect the upper limit of physical training effects!"

At Yu Xiaogang's level, he can only run and run with weights. Of course, it is impossible to reach the upper limit of his physical fitness.

But who is Han Tao? He was exposed to whale glue and gravity pressure. He used medicinal supplements and treatments at the same time. Only then did he reach the limit of exercise.

"you mean"

"As long as the physical qualifications are improved, the soul master's body can continue to grow?"

Ye Lingling moved her head up and down, her short silver-white hair floating like a jellyfish.

The sun shines through the gaps in the hair, and the eyes reflect the brilliance, which is bright and translucent.

"The premise is bloodline!"

"Bloodline determines physical qualifications!"

Although Ye Lingling's voice was crisp, it was also firm.

This is a theory she summed up based on the phenomenon, and she firmly believes in it.

Han Tao shook his head: "Not rigorous enough!"

"Bloodline can affect physical qualifications, but it is not necessarily equivalent. There may be interference from other factors."

"For example, the soul beast!"

Ye Lingling blinked: "Soul beast?"

"Among human soul masters, there is a phenomenon of soul beasts transforming. Are these special soul masters the same as humans?"

"The Titan Ape's physical qualifications are obviously far beyond those of human soul masters. Therefore, in the process of calculating physical qualifications, racial factors and the basis of human physical qualifications must be taken into account."

Compared to Ye Lingling, Han Tao considered relatively comprehensive factors, and more possibilities were presented to her.


She lowered her head slightly, thought for a moment, and her voice suddenly became louder:

"Racial foundation, plus bloodline strength, are equivalent to physical qualifications?"

But not long after, she overturned her statement: "When a soul master grows into a soul emperor."

"Then you can start tempering your bloodline. Tempering your bloodline is a long process, which also means that the previous generation may not be able to perfectly pass on the bloodline strength to the next generation."

Looking at Han Tao with perhaps hesitation: "Martial Soul Strength, is the upper limit of bloodline strength?"

"Not every top-level martial soul has a top-level bloodline. It requires the soul master to break through the Soul Emperor and slowly temper it, and the two will tend to be consistent."

"For example, you!" Ye Lingling pointed at Han Tao.

But in an instant, he realized his offense, his cold face suddenly changed, and the blush spread to his neck.

He apologized repeatedly, "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay." Han Tao waved his hand casually.

I am not Yu Xiaogang, who always cares about other people's offenses, and what Ye Lingling said is really good.

Bloodline, I just don't have it, I don't have it!

Blue Silver Grass is already top-level, with a growth base (0.8+0.2), but the bloodline is still in its initial state.

Han Tao retorted: "Not entirely right!"

Tang San and Master are counterexamples.

Han Tao picked up Yu Xiaogang's blood and placed it in front of Ye Lingling: "This is an exception!"

She reacted immediately and covered her mouth to hold back her laughter:

"Master, you are worthy of being a master!"

"Extreme bloodline, useless martial soul, is he a genius?"

But while chatting and laughing, the [tempering progress] proposed by Ye Lingling was confirmed by the two.

The Soul Emperor stage is the process of bloodline tempering.

Generally speaking, when a soul master breaks through the Soul Saint, the tempering progress must be 100%, that is, the martial soul strength is equal to the bloodline strength.

But before that, the two are not equal.

For example:

Tang San may not have a complete Clear Sky Hammer bloodline, at least in terms of strength and concentration, he must not be as good as Tang Hao.

It is because of the inheritance problem that the bloodline concentration is lost

Of course, there is loss, and there is also the possibility of mutation and evolution.

Under the gradual discussion of the two, the theory of [physical qualifications] is gradually improved in details:

Racial basis, bloodline strength, and tempering progress constitute the three elements of physical qualifications.

Even if they are not soul masters, humans will have about 10 points of physical strength when they grow to a certain age. If they work hard, they can even increase it to 20. This part is the racial basis.

Humans, ants, dragons, the racial basis is different, and the upper limit of their natural growth is also different.

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