The discovery of this theory gave Han Tao great gains, but it also gave rise to a problem.

Under the current circumstances, Han Tao was limited by his physical qualifications and could no longer gain additional physical fitness through exercise.

Even if you eat whale gum, you can’t do it!

"There are two paths before us."

"Or, everything should be done step by step. After breaking through the Soul Emperor, the bloodline will be tempered to improve the physical qualifications."

"Or. Inject high-level bloodline to produce an effect similar to fairy grass."

After staring at the test tube of the "Golden Holy Dragon" for a long time, Han Tao let out a long sigh and shook his head helplessly: "Forget it!"

"Fusing high-level blood, even with Ye Lingling's treatment guarantee, the risks are still unknown."

Open the diary, pick up a page recording physical theory, and write a supplement:

"A soul master's physique consists of three aspects, namely, growth base, physical qualifications, and soul rings and soul bones."

[Physical Qualification] is the content added by Han Tao this time, and it is also the result of Ye Lingling's research.

Peel off the contents of this page and give it to Ye Lingling as a token of gratitude.

"The bloodline theory still needs to be explored."

"After some time, we will have a research subject."

Douluo Continent is a very real world. Flanders has lost his soul power and is fine in prison. Once he comes out, he will definitely be spurned and looked down upon by others.

With his self-esteem, he may not be able to bear such a blow, so he will definitely think of Han Tao's promise.

No, the guinea pig is here.

the other side,

"Very good!" The master raised his head high and said with high spirits:

"Under my professional guidance, your running performance and speed will be improved visibly to the naked eye."

"Last month, even Tang Tian, ​​who had the worst performance, needed 5 hours to complete the run."

Yu Xiaogang's eyes swept across Tang Tian's face, and then he suddenly regained his excitement: "But what now? It only takes 4.5 hours to complete the entire distance!"

"This is such a huge progress and the remarkable results achieved under my leadership!"

Arrogance and arrogance cannot hide the true character of a master.

It was as if his whole body was radiating brilliance at this moment.

Tang Xiao stood aside, stroking his beard with satisfaction.

As the leader of the Haotian Sect, he would of course pay attention to the training plan of the disciples of the Haotian Sect, and the improvement in performance was obvious.

"It seems. I did the right thing!"

Facing Yu Xiaogang, he nodded gently.

Tang Tian and Tang Yu whispered, although they hated the master very much, they also recognized his plan and theory at this time.

After all, progress is real.

Everyone was immersed in joy, just like the original Shrek Academy. No one noticed the hidden thunder behind the joy.

two months later

Above the sky, a thin figure suddenly appeared.

Soon, it attracted the attention of everyone in the sect.

"Who?" Tang Xiao raised his head and asked.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer stood in the sky, its spiritual power spread across the mountains and rivers, its eyes swept over Tang Xiao, Tang San, and the disciples of the sect, and finally stopped at a certain character.

"Yu Xiaogang!" The angry questioning voice was as bright as thunder.

"Haotian Douluo."

"He is Tang Hao, the sect master's younger brother?"

Sporadic discussions came from below, and Tang Xiao looked happy, but it only lasted for a short moment before he asked in a cold tone:

"Tang Hao, do you still know how to come back?"

"If it hadn't been for you, the Haotian Sect wouldn't have had to retreat, and it wouldn't have lived like a shrunken tortoise!"

Tang Hao stared at Yu Xiaogang from beginning to end, his angry will swept over him, and his soul power gradually began to stir.

Tang Xiao quickly protected the master behind him.

Yu Xiaogang's training plan has achieved considerable results, but he cannot let the hero down.

"Brother, get out of the way!" Anger was about to come out.

Scarlet murderous intent gathered from the air currents all over the sky and spread to where his will reached.

The great soul master was too weak to bear such a violent pressure. Even with Tang Xiao's protection, it would be difficult to conceal his useless nature.


Suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

It has to be said that although Yu Xiaogang is not very strong, his ability to take a beating is top-notch.

Ju Douluo's slap, Poison Douluo's abuse, and even the dragon's beard needle could not kill him at the beginning. This time, Haotian Douluo's murderous intent and coercion were even more unable to kill Yu Xiaogang.

"Do you still recognize me as your brother?" Tang Xiao asked.

Tang San helped the teacher who fell to the ground, and when he saw his injured appearance, he shed tears of grief.

"Father, don't hurt my master!" He looked up.

His son's question made him look very embarrassed: "Tang San, do you know that he is a waste, he can't break through the great spirit master, and he likes to mislead others!"

"Your Blue Silver Grass could have awakened into the Blue Silver Emperor because of him!" Tang Hao stretched out his hand and pointed at Yu Xiaogang:

"This theory is full of errors and omissions, which prevents Tang San from awakening his martial spirit. I'm going to make you pay the price!"

The 100-meter-wide Clear Sky Hammer, even with its momentum stagnant in space, slowly fell downwards.

"No!" Yu Xiaogang tried to struggle.

"The fart is like thunder, and the sky and the earth are shattered with three cannons!"

Under the pressure of Haotian Douluo, Luo Sanpao turned red and farted, which was a lesson to Yu Xiaogang.


Tang Xiao looked dissatisfied.

He also summoned the Clear Sky Hammer and swung it upwards.

"Master is not a waste!" Tang San said flatly.

With the support of Tang Xiao and Tang San, Yu Xiaogang no longer feared, and stood up with an imposing manner: "I am not a waste!"

"Under my guidance, their running speed has improved significantly. My theory has great value!"

"Accusing me, attacking me, questioning me?"

"If you want to incriminate someone, why bother?"

Standing up straight, he looked proudly at the figure in the sky.

It seemed that he really was a great and decent man.

There is nothing he can do now, so Tang Hao can only explain the reason:

"Originally, I didn't plan to come out, but the current situation is too urgent."

The words attracted everyone's attention. Title Douluo's right to speak cannot be easily ignored.

Tang Hao continued: "Do you think that your running performance has improved because your physique has improved?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his words were everlastingly cold: "This is just your wishful thinking!"

I saw him lifting out a basket, which is a common tool used by blacksmiths to test the weight.

"Come on, Tang San, put your Clear Sky Hammer up!"

Testing the weight of the Clear Sky Hammer is confusing.

Tang San looked a little confused.

"What are you hesitating about?" Tang Hao urged.

The feudal concepts of king, king, minister, father, father and son were deeply rooted in Tang San's soul, and he could not avoid his father's request.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: "As long as my father doesn't hurt the master, everything will be fine."

Take off the Clear Sky Hammer and place it in the basket.

Haotian Hammer: 461 pounds.


The unusual weight caused an uproar among everyone.

Even the newly awakened Clear Sky Hammer weighs 500 kilograms. How could Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer be so light?

Tang Bai was the theoretical guest of Haotian Sect. When he saw the current situation, a terrible guess suddenly emerged in his mind.

The whole person fell backwards and whispered:

"There is only one possibility for the Clear Sky Hammer to become lighter."

"The martial spirit has degraded, and the quality of the Clear Sky Hammer's martial spirit has been reduced!"

The paleness gradually spread on his face, and he pointed at the master: "Reject the martial spirit."

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