Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 242 The Supreme Crown of the Bloodline System

"Mustard Seed Realm", absorbing the purple air when the sun rises every day can increase the spiritual power by 0.1

This value seems very small, but over time, it can also make a huge difference.

36.5 a year, 365 in ten years.

Without considering the extreme transformation of level 95, the spiritual power of the Titled Douluo is between 400-600 according to the quality of the martial soul.

Ning Rongrong opened her lips slightly, but did not make a sound.

After a long time, as if she had mustered up courage, she took a step forward: "But."

"But if your spirit cannot undergo a hidden transformation, how can you break through to the Soul Saint in the future?"

Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling and Han Tao often discuss theories, and she certainly understands the martial soul growth system.

The obstacles on the key route did not bother Han Tao, but made her hesitate.

"No problem!" Han Tao stabilized his expression.

"Ye Lingling has been studying blood recently. I think these are not a problem. We should believe in ourselves."

Ye Lingling shook her head: "This is not about blood!"

"The martial soul of the Soul Saint is a fusion of blood, mental power and martial soul."

"Although I have little knowledge and understanding of blood, I have no contact with the field of mental power!" Her voice was a little anxious.

The more I understand the theory, the more I understand the horror of this dilemma.

"No, we are already on the road to studying the spiritual end."

"The advanced distraction control method and your fourth soul skill "Concentration" are the initial exploration of the power of the spiritual end."

Han Tao explained slowly. Although the pass was close at hand, his nervous expression did not help.

I couldn't help asking in my heart: "Tang San, how did you solve this dilemma?"

The innate soul power of Xuantian Gong is of extremely high quality, and it can absorb the microscopic structure of other soul powers to enhance the quality. It is not surprising that it can be perfectly integrated with the blue silver grass.

It is normal that the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline and the Blue Silver Emperor martial soul can be integrated with each other.

But what about mental power?

How is mental power integrated?

Han Tao tried to find a way out of the predicament from other people's experiences.

"No way"

Han Tao suddenly had a bad guess.

"A Yin can just provide the Blue Silver Emperor's mental power."

"Using the spiritual bond of the Blue Silver Grass field, with the help of A Yin's mental power, to achieve the complete unification of spirit, soul power, bloodline, and martial soul, it is indeed possible to achieve the Blue Silver True Body."

"But this is too evil."

Han Tao shook his head and avoided this possibility.

After all, Tang San is the protagonist of this world. Although he acts a little evil and domineering, this kind of behavior that even dogs despise should not exist.

What is the difference between fusing his mother's soul into the Blue Silver Emperor and splitting his daughter's soul?


After thinking for a long time,

his eyes gradually brightened from dim. Although he did not break the restriction of "soul change", he also had unexpected gains.

"Bloodline system!"

The Tang Sect's secrets contain the precursor of the bloodline system.

In the Xuantian Treasure Record, there are many completely different techniques of hidden weapons.

It should be noted here that hidden weapon techniques and technique-type hidden weapons are different. Hidden weapon techniques such as Tiannv Sanhua, Meteor Chasing the Moon, and One Stone Two Birds belong to hidden weapon techniques. They are ordinary means of throwing hidden weapons and have no special value.

Technique-type hidden weapons are qualitative changes, and only three types are shown:

Yanwang Tie, as a mixed condensation of toxins, represents the high light pearl of mixed pharmacology.

"Bodhi Blood!"

Han Tao noticed this name.

Bodhi Blood, taken from the crystallization of blood and soul power, is the supreme crown of the fusion of the two.

The soul power cultivated with Xuantian Gong is a unique innate soul power.

As a secret pupil technique, the Purple Demon Eye nourishes the soul with purple energy and refines the blood with innate soul power, which is called "Bodhi Blood".

"Innate soul power has the power to assimilate soul power structure."

"As long as the soul master follows this path, he can naturally achieve Bodhi Blood and give birth to the noble value of absorbing blood!"

Absorbing the blood of soul beasts to strengthen oneself, this ability appeared in the fifth part of Douluo Continent.

The birth of this ability is not entirely due to the credit of Xuantian Gong, but the cooperation of Xuantian Gong, Purple Demon Eye, and Bodhi Blood.


Thinking of this, Han Tao sighed slightly.

It's not that he looks down on Tang San, but Tang San holds the biggest secret treasure and doesn't know how to drive it.

"He just uses Bodhi Blood as a hidden weapon."

"As for. Absorbing blood to strengthen oneself, it took 50,000 years to reach the conclusion. Is this worth bragging about?"

But at the moment, these contents are still far away.

Let alone the assimilation ability of innate soul power, not to mention the so-called blood devouring, Han Tao has not even learned the method of using the hidden weapon of Bodhi Blood.

"It seems that I have to find Tang San again."

Time is urgent, because when Tang San breaks through to the "mustard seed" realm, it will not be as easy to read his thoughts with illusions as it is now.

According to the master's instructions,

Tang San has been practicing the Nine Absolutes of Clear Sky for three days and three nights without sleep, his eyes are red, and he barely supports his physical strength to swing the Clear Sky Hammer.

Fortunately, the Clear Sky Hammer has degenerated, otherwise he may not even be able to lift the martial soul.

His spirit is extremely weak, as if he will fall down in the next second, but the tenacious will and unyielding belief support Tang San, swinging one hammer and the next!

Even so, the Man-Faced Demon Spider King hidden in the soul bone still did not make a move.


Tang Hao's eyes flashed with anger, and he grabbed Yu Xiaogang's collar and questioned: "Yu Xiaogang!"

"You told my son the method, and you are sure it is fine, why is there no movement until now?"

At this moment, Tang San was speechless, and he had no way to defend his master.

He could only wave the Clear Sky Hammer blankly and witness everything happening without distraction.

"Of course there is no problem, my plan is perfect and has never been flawed!" Yu Xiaogang explained confidently and calmly.

He was still a little panicked, because Flanders was abolished and imprisoned, and it seemed that it might be because of his plan.

But he couldn't blame himself completely, after all, he was too careless.

Tang Hao panted coldly.

At this moment, Tang San finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

Consciousness retreated back to the brain, and he completely lost control of his body.

At this moment, the Man-faced Demon Spider King began to act like a demon, spreading three spider silks from the soul bone, and began to extract Tang San's vitality.

The Man-faced Demon Spider can only devour life, not soul power, soul and other powers.

Only the Soul Devouring Demon Spider can devour soul power.

"Bold!" Yu Xiaogang cursed anxiously.

"Fart like thunder, Luo San Cannon that blasts the sky and cracks the earth!"

Yu Xiaogang summoned Luo San Cannon, aimed at the skull of the Man-faced Demon Spider and suddenly released the first soul skill.

He wanted to use his great soul master's strength to threaten this 99999-year-old Man-faced Demon Spider King.

But the effect can't be said to be weak, it can only be said to be completely non-existent.

The Man-faced Demon Spider King was not affected at all.

It was still devouring Tang San's vitality, thereby restoring its damaged soul.

"Thanks Yu Xiaogang"

If it weren't for its plan to exhaust Tang San's mental power, I wouldn't have such a perfect opportunity to restore my soul.

"Get out of the way!"

Tang Hao stretched out his hand and directly threw Yu Xiaogang to the ground.

Scarlet murderous intent bloomed from his eyes, and endless will wrapped in soul power rushed towards Tang San's body.

These soul pressure and murderous aura can certainly force the spider silk of the human-faced demon spider to retreat, but at the same time it will also damage Tang San's body.

"No!" Yu Xiaogang shouted loudly.

If Tang San lets the human-faced demon spider king devour his vitality, he will die!

But if Tang Hao continues to use soul pressure, the muscles, meridians and other microscopic tissues will also be seriously damaged.

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