Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 252: Martial Spirit Foundation

Han Tao lowered his head and pondered.

Poison Douluo's eighth soul skill is time freezing, and its level and specifications are already cutting-edge.

I thought that with his picky selection, the ninth soul skill would be even more extraordinary.

"Phosphorous body!"

Dugu Bo held his head high, exuding absolute confidence.

The 30-meter huge Jade Phosphorus Snake King was summoned out of thin air. After completing the possession of the martial soul, the ninth soul ring lit up slightly.

"Elementalization of body"

Han Tao remembered this category of soul skills.

The body and the biphosphorus poison in the world are completely integrated into one.

Even with the purple devil eyes at the "mustard seed" level and the ten thousand-year-old blue and silver eyes perceiving soul skills, they still couldn't detect his figure.

"Awesome!" Han Tao exclaimed.

Poison Douluo has been staying within the poison barrier of the Sunset Forest for a long time these days. This is the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor's unique mimicry training ground. Not only is the consumption of soul power low, but the recovery speed of soul power is also extremely fast.

If there is a soul master passing by, he will hide his figure and approach quietly, then suddenly jump out to scare him, just to satisfy his own little pleasure.

Han Tao unfolded the illusion and took out his diary to record this content.

[The body is energized and can avoid the perception of the Mustard Seed Realm]

On the Douluo Continent, there are very few soul masters who can master the energy transformation of the body, and Bibi Dong's immortal body is a typical example of this type.

Attacks other than god-level attacks cannot completely kill her.

Poison Douluo's jade phosphorus body has the same specifications.


"Compared to the ridiculous degree of time freezing, this soul skill seems to be nothing."

Han Tao sorted out his thoughts.

At this moment, Ye Lingling asked again: "But."

"You can turn your body into energy, so why can't you cross the poison barrier by yourself? Is it because the complex terrain of Sunset Forest has confused your eyes?"

Poison Douluo waved his hand: "You underestimated the poison barrier in the Sunset Forest."

"The middle layer of the Sunset Forest is nothing but colorful phosphorus toxins, while most of the inner circle belongs to the seven-color phosphorus, but a very small part of the toxins have transformed to a higher level."

Han Tao frowned: "A higher level?"

Qijue Jade Phosphorus is equivalent to the level of one hundred thousand years, and the higher level must be the god level.

"Yes!" Dugu Bo nodded firmly.

This firmness surprised Han Tao.


The biphosphorus toxin in the inner circle has reached the god level, so what happened before was a little abnormal.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong!"

Ning Rongrong was able to cross the poisonous barrier with the help of Lovesickness Heartbroken Red, which was of course reasonable, because Lovesickness Heartbroken Red was the divine fairy grass.

But Youxiang Qiluo's immortal product is only at the ultimate level. Although it is known as the "nemesis of one hundred poisons", it may not be able to help the soul master block the god-level jade phosphorus poison.


"A certain period of time, Lovesickness is in my hands"

Han Tao looked at the porcelain bottle on his waist, his thoughts kept surging, it seemed that inside...

There are also some other factors involved.

"How do you say it?" Dugu Bo asked again.

Han Tao nodded: "Okay!"

Then he turned the soul guide slightly, took out a shovel and handed it over: "dig!"

Poison Douluo Ren was stunned: "Dig it from the ground, is it that simple?"

Han Tao smiled: "You think it's easy."

"You are underground, do you know the location? Can you accurately find the location of the Ice and Fire Eyes?"

Poison Douluo's expression froze.

Even though he was a titled Douluo and had the ability to sense mental detection, he still couldn't afford to gamble.

If he digs in the wrong direction, or comes up from the wrong position, and the god-level jade phosphorus poison pours into the ground, even if he is a titled Douluo, he will not be able to escape death.

So he took the shovel, followed the direction of Han Tao's finger, and started digging forward.

Ye Junlan on the side looked particularly restless.

If Ye Lingling was digging the soil, she could watch it with peace of mind, but Poison Douluo had already done it himself. If she was still watching

Guess, will he have any objections?

"Han Tao!"

She had no choice but to keep a stiff face and slowly and quietly walked over.

"Can you also give me a shovel?" Ye Junlan said.

Even though she knew that Han Tao did this on purpose, she could only admit defeat at this time. Who could let her strategy be inferior to that of her son-in-law.

Han Tao smiled slightly, took out the shovel and handed it over.


I only did these things when I was full. This was a big deal and not worth thinking about again and again. It was just a flash of inspiration in my spare time.


With his blue and silver eyes, Han Tao raised his head and looked up, feeling the energy of the Ice and Fire Liangyi.

This place is like an eye in the endless storm, clean and pure.

Dugubo stuck his head out slightly.

Standing up and looking down at everything around him, he had the illusion that things are right and people are different.

“The ambrosia here”

"They were all eaten. Who has such a big appetite?"

Seeing the disappeared fairy grass, Dugu Bo's eyes widened slightly, looking extremely confused.

"right here!"

Ye Lingling's eyes were particularly bright, as if they were carrying the reflection of the galaxy, and she ran forward happily.

"You found a good position!" Han Tao smiled.

The location she arrived at happened to be the location of the Blue Silver Emperor, and the blue silver aura in this location was particularly strong.


The joy spread to her mind, causing her cold eyebrows to slightly arch, and then she ignored everyone's gazes and sat down cross-legged to practice.

"Ye Lingling!" Ye Junlan wanted to stop her daughter.

This behavior is too rude. I am embarrassed by my lack of education.

"It's okay!"

Poison Douluo waved his hand, obviously not caring about it.

The growth environment of Blue Silver Grass is of great benefit to Nine Heart Begonia. Ye Lingling can feel the strength of Nine Heart Begonia gradually increasing during the short practice.

Although Nine Heart Begonia is already the ultimate martial soul.

But the strength of this ultimate martial soul comes from the inheritance of blood and martial soul. In terms of completeness and comprehensiveness, it is actually lacking.

With the influx of Blue Silver Soul Power, the foundation of Nine Heart Begonia seems to have been made up, with soft vines facing the wind and flowers hanging down.

In the cold breath, the pink petals are particularly gorgeous, and the buds are filled with purple clouds.

"Hmm" Ye Lingling seems to have considered it.

The tone was flat and indifferent, as always: "The martial soul foundation has made up for a little."

"There is still a part of the foundation, but it does not come from the soul power of the blue silver grass."

The eyes quietly looked at Han Tao, with a hint of shy tenderness, and then quickly turned to firmness:

"But I can be sure that the foundation of the Nine Heart Begonia does not include Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Glazed Tower!"

The theory of martial soul foundation was discovered by Ning Rongrong.

Soil, sunlight, and water constitute the three basic foundations of plant martial souls.

In addition to the three basic foundations, there are naturally advanced foundations of martial souls. For example, the place where the blue silver soul power gathers can enhance the foundation of the Nine Heart Begonia.

"Then, what about the ocean?" Han Tao asked.

"What is the martial soul foundation?"

Ye Junlan didn't understand the conversation between the two at this time, but Dugu Bo pricked up his ears.

Although it was quite shameless to steal the achievements of others, it made him feel extremely ashamed, and even his face turned red.

But what Han Tao and Ye Lingling were talking about was too precious. Even if they traveled the entire Douluo Continent, they might not be able to learn a single bit.

"Martial soul foundation is part of the strength of the martial soul."

Ye Lingling's tone was emotionless.

"By inheriting a high-level martial soul, the influence of blood and innate soul power may lead to a lack of martial soul foundation."

Her eyes slightly glanced at Poison Douluo: "But if it evolves from weak to strong, there may not be this part of the problem."

Han Tao interrupted her: "No! Not very rigorous."

"Didn't the evolution of Blue Silver Grass rely on the absorption of earth vein power to complete the compensation of martial soul foundation and realize the transformation from intermediate to top martial soul?"

Hearing what the two said, Dugu Bo's expression suddenly froze.

He suddenly understood the problem with himself.

"In order to pursue powerful soul skills, the lack of foundation caused by insufficient foundation"

"Further increased the influence of fairy grass toxins!"

In short, there are too few soul rings of the snake origin.

The strength of the green phosphorus toxin origin is not enough.

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