Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 270 Mutual accusations


Swish, swish, swish!

Hundreds of sharp arrows of the Soul King level flew towards the Clear Sky Hammer.

Just as Tang Hao said, these arrows were like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and they could not stop the Clear Sky Hammer from falling.

At the same time, Xue Qinghe also raised the Angel Holy Sword in his hand and collided with Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer.



The sound of two metal objects colliding began to resound in the suspended land.

"How is it possible!" Tang Hao couldn't believe it.

Han Tao recorded the data in the field through the photo stone.

Qian Renxue is currently level 69. With the strength of the god-level martial soul, a single round of level growth provides 276 points of physical and soul power panels.

Assuming that the qualitative change of the data produced by the soul master above level 95 is not considered, the level growth provided by Tang Hao's top martial soul should be 380.

"But in fact, in addition to the growth of level, physical attributes are also related to the strength of blood."

"Add to that the difference in the strength of martial souls and the quality of soul power, and the gap between the two is further narrowed."


"After the Soul Emperor, there is the process of blood tempering. The Soul Saint stage gives birth to the martial soul's true body, the Soul Douluo appears the microscopic structure of soul power, and the Title Douluo gives birth to the power of flight and spiritual detection."

Between the martial soul systems,

At the same stage, the martial soul levels are different, and the strength is very different.

For the same level of martial souls, the gap between soul masters at different stages is also earth-shattering.

After being hit by Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer, Qian Renxue fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You are not Xue Qinghe, let alone the prince of the Tiandou Empire!"

Tang Hao's tone was indifferent, and the tone of the statement revealed her identity: "Your martial soul is a six-winged angel, is it or not?"

Otherwise, with just this one move, he could destroy Xue Qinghe's meridians.

No matter what ridiculous military formations, no matter how struggling, they can't stop my Clear Sky Hammer.

"Damn it!" Qian Renxue gritted her teeth.

Pure angel energy surged in her body, and the injuries on her body were gradually repaired.

It was the meridian treatment that Tang San had been thinking about, but with the company of the god-level martial soul and soul power, it was as simple as eating and drinking.

"Tang Hao!"

The Thorny Porpoise Douluo hurried over.

Outside the Tiandou Palace, the brilliance of gems bloomed from different palaces.

"Qinghe. Is there any danger?"

Emperor Xue Ye saw the activation of the gem. This is the defense formation of the palace, which is usually triggered only in times of crisis.

But the real right to make a decision is in his hands.

"Yes!" The eunuch replied hurriedly.

"Just now, a titled Douluo came from above the palace and wanted to assassinate His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Xue Ye was shocked and angry: "What?"

He slapped the armrest of the chair suddenly and stood up.

He hurriedly took out a golden jade seal from his pocket and used his soul power to activate the energy.

As the authority was granted, the defense array of the Tiandou Empire began to activate, and the magnificent soul power spread throughout the palace.

The photo stone that Han Tao deliberately placed suddenly fell into darkness.


Tang Hao snorted coldly in the sky.

The Haotian Hammer fell again, but this time the attack was blocked by the magnificent defense array.

"Tang Hao!"

Xue Qinghe's tone was filled with monstrous anger. This was the murderer of her father, and it was unforgettable.

Her fingers clenched deeply, and her nails embedded in the flesh sent waves of severe pain, but she couldn't care so much at the moment. Anger needed to be vented, and it should be vented in an appropriate and reasonable way.

"Your son killed my brother Xue Beng, and now he wants to assassinate Gu?"

An idea was born in her mind in an instant. She needed to use the anger to wipe out Tang Hao's doubts about her identity.

So, Qian Renxue accused him of a crime:

"Does your Haotian Hammer want to wipe out my Tiandou Empire and annex it?"

Tang Hao's face froze.

As a sect slave, even if he is powerful, he is unwilling to do things that affect the interests of the sect.

"This has nothing to do with Haotian Sect!"

Tang Hao put on a high-sounding appearance and defended himself: "You are not the prince of Tiandou Empire. I assassinated you to reveal your true face and for the justice of Tiandou Empire's inheritance!"

"Assassinating a thief who stole the country is not a crime of Tiandou Empire!"

"Ridiculous!" Xue Qinghe's expression remained unchanged.

"The power of supervising the country was promised by my father himself, and it is not something that you, an ordinary person, can question."

Tang Hao was very dissatisfied: "Idle people?"

"On Douluo Continent, who doesn't respect me as Haotian Douluo? How dare you say that I am an ordinary person?"

"I dare!" A figure walked out of the palace.

Emperor Xue Ye's steps were very slow, as if his body had not recovered.

He glanced at Xue Qinghe, and a trace of doubt was born in his heart, but these words coming from Tang Hao's mouth were really hard to convince people.

Moreover, now is not the time to find out the truth.

"Haotian Douluo, he is really the famous Haotian Douluo!"

"You can find such a high-sounding excuse for assassinating the prince. If I am not mistaken, my son Xue Beng was killed by Tang San, right?"

Emperor Xue Ye looked very calm, but Tang Hao could not answer his question.


Tang Hao snorted coldly.

After all, he was a Titled Douluo. According to the master's inference, there was only one Titled Poison Douluo in the Tiandou Empire, and he was not a threat at all.

In this world, rules are just decorations, and strength is the key.

"Dai Mubai, you killed him, didn't you?"

Emperor Xue Ye's questioning followed: "Tang San is your son, and the person who recommended Tang San was Tang Yuehua, the master of Yuexuan."

"I am now very suspicious of the relationship between you two."

Hearing this, Tang Hao was no longer calm.

Tang Yuehua is a member of Haotian Sect, which has been known to everyone for a long time, but it is an unspoken rule that has not been spoken out.

But with Emperor Xue Ye's narration, it means that he can investigate the faults of Yuexuan and Tang Yuehua, and thus make Tang Hao surrender.

Yuexuan and Tang Yuehua are like a shackle, binding Tang Hao.

Xue Qinghe walked forward slowly and said respectfully: "Father!"

"Some time ago, Father went to Yuexuan!"

Xue Ye nodded gently: "Yes!"

In a hurry, he stepped forward slightly and said in person: "Father was poisoned recently."

"Therefore, I also have to doubt whether Yuexuan poisoned Father?"

Compared with Emperor Xue Ye, his political skills are still a little worse. Such things should not be said by the prince himself.

Snake Spear Douluo heard it and his eyebrows were tangled.

He approached Xue Qinghe slightly and transmitted his voice in secret: "Adhere to justice and don't forget the essence of martial spirit!"

"I know!" Qian Renxue looked back calmly.

Xue Ye's eyes suddenly turned cold, staring at Tang Hao, his tone was like eternal ice: "Did you do it?"

"No!" He said decisively.

"First, you killed my son Xue Beng, then you poisoned me, and then you framed the Crown Prince."

"Good, very good! You are worthy of being Haotian Douluo, I am very satisfied!"

Emperor Xue Ye grinned slightly.

The smile suddenly became frivolous, but in the shallow smile, it was the extreme cruelty of a feudal monarch.

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