Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 299 Discussion of the Xingluo Empire

Ning Fengzhi stroked his beard, hesitated for a while, and shook his head.

"Han Tao, the evil eye tyrant came from the secret realm of the Xingluo Empire."

"Even if the sect is willing to pay a fixed amount of chips, it must also take into account the opinions of the Xingluo Empire. If they disagree, then I can't do anything."

"Yeah!" Han Tao nodded slightly.

The trinity martial soul fusion skill, [Blue Silver] cluster martial soul was born.

Cluster martial soul is the gathering of many blue silver grasses. Using soul rings to enhance the connection between blue silver grasses may be a way to increase the strength of martial souls.

The next day, Xingluo Empire.

Han Tao followed Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo to the inner hall of the palace.


Unlike the palace of the Tiandou Empire, the palace of the Xingluo Empire is not famous for its elegance and nobility. On a few beams, there are some skulls of high-level soul beasts.

Skulls are not soul bones.

The Xingluo Empire retains the ancient barbaric and tyrannical system.

"As expected, it is a powerful and tough empire."

Han Tao's mouth twitched, and he complimented against his will.

Emperor Xingluo remained calm: "Not bad!"

Although the empire's system was very barbaric, he was still secretly happy when he heard the compliments from the core disciples of the upper three sects.

"Master Ning, our empire does not have any messy and cumbersome etiquette. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Emperor Xingluo remained calm and asked.

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Han Tao and signaled Han Tao to speak for himself.

As the master of the upper three sects, where can I put my face when I make such a weird request?

Han Tao walked forward calmly: "This time I came here to get an evil-eyed tyrant soul beast from your country's secret realm as my sixth soul ring."

Face is not important to Han Tao.

Theory and strength are the source of all confidence.


Not only Emperor Xingluo, but also many princes and grandchildren in the palace were also stunned.

"How do you know that there is a secret realm in my Xingluo Empire, and also know about the evil eye tyrant soul beast?"

The eldest prince Davis's face froze.

Later, he walked out calmly: "Father, I told him."

Dai Mubai is dead, Davis is the only heir at the moment, with strong strength and a lot of say.

"The eldest prince?"

The Xingluo Emperor frowned slightly: "Do you know that this is a secret of my empire?"

"As a prince of the empire, how can you tell others such a secret?"

"Because of a transaction." Davis' tone was flat: "Some time ago, Han Tao came to Xingluo Royal Academy and asked me about the origin of the soul ring of the fourth soul skill."

Beside the Xingluo Emperor, there stood an old man with particularly gorgeous clothes. On the right shoulder of his clothes hung an extremely beautiful Tuhui, which was out of tune with the whole scene.

Walking up to Davis, his expression was slightly dissatisfied: "So, you told him the fact of the secret realm?"

Han Tao's expression paused and stared at the old man.

"Xu Tianhui, the dean of Xingluo Academy."

A huge empire always looks for a theoretical expert as a consultant, such as the prince of Xue Beng in the original book who looked for Yu Xiaogang.

Davis looked solemn: "Since it is a transaction, there will be gains and losses."

"Tell Han Tao about the secret realm, and Han Tao will help me provide a soul ring selection route."

"Really?" Emperor Xingluo raised his head curiously: "What route?"

Davis glanced at the other princes and remained silent.

This was the content of his own transaction, and of course he didn't want others to know.

"Get out!"

Emperor Xingluo waved his hand, and then drove out many other princes.

Staring at his eldest prince again,

Han Tao stepped forward and calmly explained: "Starting from the White Tiger Body Barrier"

"White Tiger Body Barrier, White Tiger Vajra Transformation, White Tiger Demon God Transformation, White Tiger True Body, and the final White Tiger Netherworld Transformation."

Han Tao's narration was interrupted, and Emperor Xingluo looked dissatisfied.

"What's the use of this? I'm not as easy to fool as him."

As the emperor of the Xingluo Empire, he has resources that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

Arrogant emotions overflowed: "Han Tao, what you said is indeed the growth path of the evil-eyed white tiger, but based on my previous experience."

"The prince who chooses amplification-type soul skills often cannot beat the prince who chooses offensive soul skills."

He looked at Davis, and his calm tone left no doubt: "Whether you can fight or not is the key to inheriting my throne."

Xu Tianhui could not deny it.


"Dai Mubai is dead!"

Davis suddenly laughed.

If according to the customs of the Tiandou Empire, other princes died, and you looked gloating, you would definitely be criticized.

But this is the Xingluo Empire, and cultures are not universal.

"Your Majesty, the eldest prince is mocking your ability to have children"

Xu Tianhui fanned the flames on the side.

And he also warned earnestly: "I told you a long time ago to have more children, otherwise you look at it now"

Xingluo Emperor's fingers froze slightly.

Davis was the only heir at the moment, and he could not vent his anger on the prince, so he was filled with anger and looked at Ning Fengzhi.

"Ning Fengzhi, your disciple Han Tao gave me random instructions, don't you plan to give me an explanation?"

The hilt of the sword Douluo was horizontal.

The Seven Killing Sword Qi crisscrossed in the palace.

When the Xingluo Empire saw Chen Xin's appearance, his expression was slightly relaxed: "For the sake of this Title Douluo, I will not pursue your faults for the time being"

In the Xingluo Empire, strength is respected.

Jian Douluo showed his strength and naturally got the corresponding right to speak.

Davis still kept his smile: "Dai Mubai is dead, and I have no enemies and threats, so I can naturally choose a more long-term path."

"This is Dai Mubai's path, the path of a loser!"

Xu Tianhui walked up to Davis and asked as an elder: "Grand Prince, why do you think that the route of amplification soul skills is more long-term?"

Han Tao sneered: "Percentage gain, the route is not long-term?"

Xu Tianhui followed Han Tao's answer, looked at Ning Fengzhi, and finally nodded.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is famous for percentage gain.


Xu Tianhui nodded.

"But what you don't know is that offensive soul skills are also based on the soul master himself, and a percentage bonus is made."

"For example, the White Tiger Fierce Light Wave is based on the soul master's soul power to convert the attack, while the White Tiger Annihilation of the Soul is based on the soul master's mental power to convert the attack."

"In addition."

At this point, Xu Tianhui's voice paused.

Han Tao knew what he wanted to say, so he added:

"The evil-eyed soul beast is close to the nature of the evil-eyed white tiger?"

"How do you know?"

Xu Tianhui asked back, and looked at Davis again: "Did you tell him that?"

"Oh, no, no, with your level, you shouldn't know this theory."

After a long time, Xu Tianhui looked at Han Tao again, and the weight in his heart increased.

"Since you know the theory of the essence of martial souls, then..."

"Every soul ring of a soul master is very important, and it is necessary to take into account combat power, martial soul essence, and martial soul origin. The gain route must have 5 soul rings. According to my understanding, this is not a proper choice."

Xu Tianhui's tone was not arrogant.

He showed the humble attitude of a scholar, and said neither humble nor arrogant.

"What?" Davis was confused.

He didn't understand a word of what the two said.

In itself, there were a group of reckless men on the side of the Tiandou Empire, and the reckless men on the side of the Xingluo Empire.

"The Netherworld White Tiger is the fusion of the martial souls of the Evil Eyed White Tiger and the Netherworld Spirit Cat."

Davis spread his hands: "This is not a secret."

"Then, let me ask simply, after your martial souls are fused, can you release offensive soul skills?"

Xingluo Emperor hesitated: "A few can!"

In fact, there are not many, but in order to save face, he can only say so.

In comparison, Xu Tianhui's level is much more sophisticated:

"In fact, the situation is not optimistic."

"After the martial souls are fused, only a few soul skills can be used, and the strong attack soul skills released based on the soul rings are calculated according to the strength of the Evil Eyed White Tiger."

Davis nodded lightly.

Xingluo Emperor looked embarrassed and coughed lightly twice.

"Even if."

"When the martial souls are fused in the perfect form, the strength of the soul skills is also based on the strength of the Evil Eyed White Tiger"

Han Tao and Ning Fengzhi nodded lightly.

This statement is enough to prove Xu Tianhui's level.

Although not as in-depth as Han Tao's research, at least it is not Yu Xiaogang's kind of stuff.

"What about amplification soul skills?"

"After fusing with the Nether White Tiger, can amplification soul skills be released?"

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