Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 318 Global Optimal Solution

"Can attached soul bones improve racial talents?"

This strange concept came from Rongrong's mouth and spread in Han Tao's mind.

Considered for a while.

"Maybe that's the truth."

"But it's a pity that there are not so many external soul bones in this world."

“Without a conclusion that has not been verified in practice, no matter how close to the truth it is, it can only be regarded as a guess.”

After all, Han Tao is not Yu Xiaogang.

Han Tao will not use extremely likely guesses as eternal theorems.

Following Ning Rongrong's train of thought, Ye Lingling felt an inexplicable interest.

He opened his mouth and asked: "Han Tao, your eyebrow bone is also an external soul bone."

"The externally attached soul bones, whose main purpose is to increase mental power, are completely different from the Eight Spider Spears."

"So I guess that a soul master may be able to absorb two external soul bones, one for the talent of reversing mental power, and the other for the qualification of modifying the physical body."

Han Tao retracted his eyebrows and said, "Maybe."

"But I can tell you some good news. There is an evil-eyed tyrant in the secret realm of the Star Luo Empire."

"As long as you rely on your mental power to actively pull and generate the externally attached soul bone between the eyebrows, you will have a high probability of getting the same externally attached soul bone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two women showed surprised expressions.


Ning Rongrong's eyes flashed with greed: "I'm just in time, I'm about to break through to level 70."

"Han Tao, don't you want spiritual growth? This evil-eyed tyrant is a well-deserved gift from fate to you and me."

"But..." Ye Lingling's little face was full of tangles.

"calm down."

He stretched out his hands as white as jade and gently shook Ye Lingling's delicate body: "Don't worry, just give this soul beast to me, and I will compensate you."

"Open the champagne at halftime?" Han Tao was also happy: "Have you never thought that we can't defeat the evil-eyed tyrant?"

"And even if you can defeat it, why do you think you can absorb a hundred thousand year old soul ring and soul bone?"

Flanders was slightly curious: "You guys, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, is the third highest sect and has two titled Douluo. Are you afraid that you can't defeat a soul beast?"

"Exactly!" Ning Rongrong agreed: "Grandpa Jian is not afraid of it."

Han Tao sighed: "Hey"

"The fact is that none of me, Master, Sword Douluo, and Emperor Xingluo could defeat the evil-eyed tyrant Lord."

"Are you a flaw?" Flanders asked.

Han Tao softly "hummed".

If it weren't for the illusion he controlled, Ning Fengzhi would have been in trouble.

Ning Rongrong flipped through an encyclopedia of soul beasts and looked for an introduction to the Evil Eye Clan, but there was no case after searching the entire book.

She asked: "No?"

Han Tao smiled and said: "After all, it is a product of the Star Luo Secret Realm. There are no surprises in the Soul Beast Encyclopedia."

Then, the three of them discussed again and put aside the idea of ​​hunting down the evil-eyed tyrant master.

"The spiritual power of a soul master can lead to the formation of soul bones."

This is the conclusion and the most valuable essence.

But Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling are different from Emperor Xingluo. They don't care about theories and answers, but want to trace the process of arriving at the theory.

"Can you tell us the complete research context?"

Han Tao nodded: "On Douluo Continent, there is a generally accepted common sense that a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast will definitely drop soul bones, and it will definitely drop parts that the soul master does not have."

"This means" Ye Linngling thought for a while: "In the process of evolution, the soul beast has reached certain conditions after breaking through one hundred thousand years, so it must be able to generate soul bones."

"And the second part, you can deduce your theory."

Ning Rongrong's little face had subtle dimples: "Normally, the only person who can kill a hundred thousand year old soul beast is a titled Douluo."

"And the titled Douluo's transformation of perception and extremely powerful spiritual power guide the formation of soul bones."

"Indeed!" Han Tao nodded.

"In addition to the common six soul bones, there are also external soul bones."

"The external soul bones are mostly claws, tails, and wings, and the eyebrows are also one of them. If we kill the soul beast and absorb the soul ring, we can drive the mental power to actively pull towards these parts, and perhaps the external soul bones can be born. Soul Bone."

"It's really a precious theory!" Ning Rongrong said with emotion.

Then he glanced at Flanders: "You've earned it, but Yu Xiaogang won't be able to come up with a theory like this after a lifetime of research."

Dean Flanders hesitated: "It's true!"

Looking at him again, Han Tao activated his skull, the thinking connection of the fantasy space, and slightly read his thoughts.


"I didn't put any extra thought into it."

Han Tao opened the soul guide.

Take out the secret method from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, [Dragon Transformation]

Passed it to Flanders.

"This is the secret method of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and your bloodline happens to be the Golden Holy Dragon."

"With the help of this secret method, you may be able to improve your racial talents and gain additional physical values."

Ye Lingling stared at Flanders silently with a smile.

I couldn't help but sigh that the guinea pig in Han Tao's hands was treated so well.

"Remember to keep it a secret!" Ning Rongrong feigned ferocity and glared at him fiercely: "If the news gets out, the Qibao Glazed Sect may be fine, but you will suffer the consequences!"

Flanders took it and opened two pages slightly.

Joy rippled at the corners of her mouth again.

He said solemnly: "Thank you!"

"Please rest assured, no word of the secret method will be passed on."

He pointed his fingers at his forehead and swore: "Flanders will fulfill his promise, otherwise."

Waiting for Flanders to leave.

Ning Rongrong's eyes flickered, as if some curiosity was surging.

"Han Tao, I don't understand"

"What?" Han Tao asked back.

"Why are you willing to easily pass on the theory you have worked hard to study to outsiders?"

"Feng Xiaotian is like this, Ju Douluo is like this, Dugu Bo is like this, and this Flanders is also like this?"

A strong doubt surged in Ning Rongrong's heart.

Han Tao hesitated for a long time: "Well"

Rubbing Ning Rongrong's hair, he revealed a smile of relief:

"Perhaps, in your opinion, every time I exchange, I am the one who suffers?"

"It seems that I am too 'generous', and I don't seem to take my theory seriously at all?"

Ye Lingling nodded gently.

The white dress wrapped the soft curves, and the beautiful eyes were covered with a trace of mist.

Slightly curious and a little flustered: "Why?"

Han Tao chuckled, his eyes were as far-reaching as the abyss.

"In the process of theoretical exchange, we have no losses."

"Compared to a single exchange to gain more benefits, I prefer to exchange enough times and exchange with more theoretical researchers."

"Once they have tasted the sweetness, they will naturally be willing to trade with me in the next round."

Dugu Bo, Feng Xiaotian, Qian Renxue, and Ju Douluo flashed through Han Tao's memory one by one.

"Under this rule, even if every theoretical discussion is a loss, I am still the biggest beneficiary."

The local optimal solution is not the global optimal solution.

Ning Rongrong was stunned: "This statement."

"It is completely different from Daddy's thinking!"

In comparison, Ning Fengzhi is much more stingy.

Every time he exchanges, he thinks of taking advantage. This greedy little thought actually inhibits the expansion of the theory.

"Of course, this is not the most important thing."

Han Tao's eyes swept over the two people, and his tone was gentle: "The key is that every point of our theory will be synchronized to the other two people."

"This kind of theoretical synchronization is a process of gradually becoming stronger."

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