In the depths of the Xingdou Great Forest, the law of survival of the fittest prevails.

The hunting team thought that they were the strong ones, and robbing Han Tao was a reasonable behavior under the law of the jungle.

They never thought that they had done anything wrong.

"Han Tao?"

The captain frowned when he heard this: "The champion of the Soul Master Competition?"

He carried the huge axe on his shoulders, full of the arrogance unique to the fighting soul master.

Calm and composed: "Since you are a disciple of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, I can give Sect Master Ning a face."

"Now get out of the way, I can let you go."

The captain thought to himself.

No matter how outrageous Han Tao is, he is only one person, and he has a complete team.

The hunting team can fight together and even compete with the legendary Soul Douluo.

"Get out of the way?"

Han Tao showed a hint of inexplicable teasing.

However, for the sake of caution, he still activated his soul skills to sense their soul power level.

"Blue Silver Eye!"

In the Xingdou Great Forest, countless blue silver grass seeds are hidden, like endless starlight and fireflies.

"The captain is the strongest. According to the soul power fluctuation and soul power frequency, the soul power level is estimated to be 64!"

"Enchanting woman is 57, healing soul master is 52, and the rest are 43 and 49 respectively."

"Why is there another great soul master?"

Han Tao raised his head.

Staring at him intently, a young man with a relatively rough appearance and thick calluses on his fingers.

"Am I overthinking?"

Han Tao had some guesses in his mind.

This is probably a client who hired someone else to help him hunt soul rings.

I don't think it's from a big force or a big sect, because the disciples of the sect have their own elders to take care of them.

Han Tao paused: "Zhu Qi, you absorb the soul ring first."

"You don't need to pay attention to this, I will deal with them!"


Zhu Qi replied obediently.

He tried his best to lift the long sword and swung it to cut down the lone bamboo.

A white soul ring emerged from the corpse. He sat cross-legged and used his mental and soul power to attract the soul ring.

And Han Tao looked at the hunting team again.

"Misleading the students!"

The young man deliberately raised his tone.

"It's just a 10-year-old lone bamboo!"

"If a soul master absorbs such a low-age soul beast, it may be directly useless in the future!"

"But." Han Tao asked back: "What does this have to do with you?"

"Zhu Qi is my apprentice. What kind of soul ring he absorbs will naturally be matched by me. How can you be so arrogant here?"

The leader of the hunting team took two big steps.

He raised the heavy axe and chopped at the rock in front of Han Tao.

"How do you talk?"

"Boy, I order you to get out of the way. This is the Star Dou Great Forest, not your Seven Treasures Glazed Sect!"

Han Tao sighed deeply.

This time he came out to help his apprentice hunt soul rings, and he didn't want to cause more twists and turns.

But his hesitation gave them a reason to intensify.

"Hunting team, right?"

"Just now you threatened me to hand over the gold soul coins on my body?"

Han Tao's eyes were fixed on the woman behind the captain.

The enhanced soul power transmission speed linked his body, and in the moment of raising his hand, he completed the coordination of soul power and will.

"Blue Silver Grass!"

"Fourth soul skill, Green Phosphorus Poison Barrier!"

The black ten thousand year soul ring drives the soul power and the origin of green phosphorus to create a dark green poisonous fog in a unique form of construction.

The green phosphorus, which contains a highly toxic substance, expands in a hemispherical shape with the blue silver grass as the center.

"Not good!"

The woman's voice was urgent.

"Looking for death!"

The captain raised the heavy axe and activated the only black soul ring on the martial soul.

He roared angrily: "Bloodthirsty Heavy Axe!"

The huge axe was stained with the mottled blood legacy.

But at the same time, his eyes flashed scarlet, as if he had lost his mind due to the influence of the soul skill.

"Ah this?"

Han Tao was surprised.

According to the perception of the "Blue Silver Eye", this is a state-enhancing soul skill.

And its fundamental function is to upgrade the originally ordinary heavy axe martial soul to the strength of an intermediate martial soul.

"Pure Heart Flute!"

The elegant tune came from the enchanting female martial soul.

The power of sound waves was transmitted to the middle-aged man to awaken his reason, and he continued to hold the heavy axe and waved it towards Han Tao.

"Not a bad martial soul!" Han Tao nodded lightly.

His fingers swung along, and the martial soul condensed into three vine-like structures as the movement pulled.

And under the entanglement of the structure, a separate emerald green bamboo node was formed.

"Blue Silver Bamboo!"

The bamboo node condensed under the movement, and the bamboo shape ended under the movement.

Although the captain of the hunting team is also at the Soul Emperor level, there is a huge gap between his strength and Han Tao's.

The difference in the quality of martial souls is not only the difference in basic values, but also the difference in combat strength.

"Heavy Axe, ordinary martial soul!"

Ordinary martial souls only have a 0.5 growth base.

Han Tao's tone was calm: "Carry the power of killing, and engrave scarlet on the martial soul."

Sacrificing reason and the integrity of the martial soul in exchange for a higher strength of the martial soul, but even with such difficulty, it only increased by 0.1.

0.5 increased to 0.6, and the basic value did not change.

This is the epitome of thousands of ordinary soul masters on the Douluo Continent.


The collision of metal and plants made a crisp chirp.

"No way!" It was unbelievable.

Above the heavy ax, there was a devastating force.

Wuhun let go of his hand and fell to the ground far away, and there was a pale whiteness in his expression.

"How is it possible? Your martial spirit is just Blue Silver Grass!"

Blue silver grass, useless martial spirit.

The difference between 1.2 and 0.6 is just a difference of twice, while the difference between 0.6 and 0.1 is the ultimate despair of 6 times.

Han Tao chuckled and shook his head: "It's just numerical crushing."

"Even if an ordinary martial spirit breaks through to level 64 by luck, the level growth data will only be 119 points."

Stretching out his right hand again, the blue silver bamboo did not shatter like before under the huge force of the collision.

The ultimate martial soul strengthens the strength of soul skills.

Han Tao held the "Blue Silver Bamboo" and gently tapped his body.

The absolute mastery of microscopic power directly destroyed his power veins, and his whole figure seemed to have lost its foundation and fell to the ground.

"Where are your teammates?"

"Where are my teammates?"

Instinctively asking for help.

Looking around, there was no one around.

But vaguely, one can hear the gentle sound of the flute that awakens reason.

"When a lion fights a rabbit, he must use all his strength!"

Han Tao not only activated the fourth soul ring, but also activated the illusion, using the distraction control method to fight every enemy.

"Your martial spirit is the epitome of thousands of spirit masters, and when you fall to the ground, you are also the epitome of your teammates."

The strength of the blue silver poison barrier was unshakable, and the toxins eroded by air currents caused her to howl in agony.

Han Tao waved his arm: "And the sound can also be isolated with illusion!"


"Don't hurt Lingling!"

The captain got up hard and was ready to say something.

However, he discovered that the muscle strength of the bluesilver grass under his feet was interrupted by Han Tao at the beginning of its generation.

The illusion separated the complete hunting team into one space after another.


Within the hunting team, the healing soul master who recognized Han Tao shouted with a pale face.

Searching inside his sleeves and pockets, he took out a badge.

"Han Tao, you can't hurt me. I have your sect's token here."

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