Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 381 Tang San's revenge plan

"The hatred of killing my father is irreconcilable!"

In the depths of the Xingdou Great Forest, a dark-faced young man stood up, his eyes mixed with scarlet, even overshadowing the glow of the Purple Demon Eye.

Gnashing his teeth, the anger in his tone was ready to burst out: "Han Tao, Ye Lingling, you deserve to die! Really deserve to die!!!"

The Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Blue Bull Python were on his side, and a small pink head was lying on the shoulder of the chimpanzee.

"Yu Xiaogang was also captured by them!"

The Titan Giant Ape touched his head.


Tang San heard this, tears streaked across his eyes: "Please believe me. Please believe me, as long as I am alive for one day, I will definitely save you!"

Standing with both hands to the sky, he made an unswerving vow.

"The question now is, how should we defeat Han Tao and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect behind them?"

The body of the Azure Bull Python was circling a huge tree, and its tail was shaking like a snake sheath, making a harsh sound.

Tang San took down a map.

On the map, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the Spirit Hall, the Star Luo Empire, and the Heaven Dou Empire were intertwined and clearly divided.

"Since Xue Qinghe succeeded to the throne, the Heaven Dou Empire has gradually moved closer to the Spirit Hall."

"And the Star Luo Empire has reached a subtle cooperation with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and the two behemoths are showing a trend of confrontation."

"And to fight against the behemoth Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, they naturally have to rely on their opponent: the Spirit Hall!"


Xiao Wu suddenly raised her head.

"Third brother, do you want to join forces with the Spirit Hall? Don't you know that their pope Bibi Dong is the enemy who killed my mother?"

"Yes, yes!" Titan Giant Ape echoed one after another.

Tang San paused: "Of course not!"

"The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is our enemy, the Spirit Hall is also our enemy, and I am now going to use the Spirit Hall to find a key person."


"My grandfather, Tang Chen!"

Yu Xiaogang was captured by Han Tao, and Tang San had to think for himself and lay out a plan.

And careful thinking is the foundation of Tang Sect disciples in the previous life. Compared with Yu Xiaogang's plan, Tang San lost a little impetuousness and frivolity.

The Azure Bull Python slightly frowned and asked in confusion: "What should I do?"

The expression paused for a while, and Tang San patted his body and spoke casually.

"Now my body includes the blood of the Clear Sky Hammer and the Blue Silver Emperor, and the first step to find Tang Chen is to get rid of the Blue Silver Emperor's blood again."

Although the Blue Silver Emperor's blood is the gift of Ah Yin's sacrifice.

But in order to get revenge, Tang San didn't care about her slight sacrifice.

As long as we can find Tang Chen, the leader of the Haotian Sect, everything will be overturned.

"What's next?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.

"The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect has been destroyed, but there is still a key spirit master who survives today, and he can help us!"


"Yu Luomian!"

Tang San revealed his identity: "Liu Erlong's father, and Liu Erlong is your adoptive mother."

"Xiao Wu, as long as you ask her, we will definitely get his help!"

The Azure Bull Python looked over in confusion.

The Titan Giant Ape scratched his scalp again and sat on the ground, not knowing why.

It asked: "But, what's the point?"

"Mom once told me that tempering blood requires the power of the heavenly tribulation."

"The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus has evolved under the guidance of the Spirit Hall, and the Purple Lightning Dragon is Yu Luomian's spirit!"

"Perhaps its thunder can simulate the tempering effect of the heavenly tribulation."

The Azure Bull Python understood the general meaning: "Do you want to use the Purple Lightning Dragon to temper your blood?"

"Yes!" Tang San nodded: "Our plan is divided into three steps!"

"Use my father's blood to replace the Blue Silver Emperor blood in me!"

"Use the Purple Lightning Dragon to temper the blood of the Clear Sky Hammer."

"Use the secret method of blood tracing to find my grandfather, Tang Chen!"

At this moment, Tang San inherited Yu Xiaogang's belief, and his eyes were filled with endless brilliance.

And Xiao Wu thought for a while

There was still fear in her expression.


"Even if you find Tang Chen, we may not be able to defeat Han Tao!"

"Da Ming and Er Ming are both 100,000-year-old soul beasts. They can hold their own against several Title Douluo, but they are powerless against Han Tao."

Er Ming was stunned.

It was knocked down by Han Tao's paralysis ray, its body and soul were isolated, and it seemed to have no ability to resist.

Tang San's heart was chilled, and he also felt powerless.

He said stubbornly: "Didn't you say that as long as you summon your martial soul body, you can be immune to his high-level use of mental power?"

Sky Blue Bull Python sighed: "Ah!"

"This is just a means shown on the surface. Who knows if there are any additional offensive methods behind it?"

"What should we do then?"

After a while, everyone fell silent.

Han Tao's terrifying strength and skills are like a pillar that runs through the sky and the earth, blocking all possibilities.

"Actually." The Azure Bull Python paused: "There is a soul beast in the Star Dou Great Forest that may be a threat to him."

"What soul beast?"

"Dark Demon Evil God Tiger!"

Using his tail to carve the image of the "Dark Demon Evil God Tiger" on the ground, Daming continued to add: "It has a soul skill that can pull the enemy into the past time and space for a life-and-death contest."

"This soul skill is called: Life and Death Arena!"

Tang San looked up in shock: "There is such a soul skill?"

"I know there is such a soul skill!"

The Titan Giant Ape nodded naively. It had experienced this soul skill and won.

Slowly, slowly crushing the trees, the Sky Blue Bull Python's tone gradually became higher.

"We can't understand Han Tao's strength. Even if Tang San's grandfather returns, he may not be able to defeat him with the strong posture of Peerless Douluo."

"The battlefield has never only looked at the frontal strength. Maybe we can't defeat Han Tao head-on, but we can take other ways."

In a faint way, Tang San was moved by its words.

But he still didn't want to give up his plan, and said with determination: "We can implement the two plans simultaneously!"

Looking at the Sky Blue Bull Python entangled with the tree, he couldn't help but think of his Blue Silver Grass.

A hidden thought came to his mind: "If the Blue Silver Grass can obtain its soul ring, perhaps it can get the advanced version of 'Blue Silver Entanglement'."

"Unfortunately, the Blue Silver Grass has disappeared."

Tang San sighed regretfully.

The three hundred thousand year soul beasts were not clear about Tang San's idea.

The Azure Bull Python perfected his plan: "The Arena of Life and Death can penetrate time and space, ignore martial spirits and soul power, reach Han Tao's past before he rose, and strangle his life."


Everyone looked over.

"Han Tao's methods are not weak!"

"He seems to be able to read our memories with the help of illusions. If he sees any of us before the plan is implemented, it means that our plan has failed."

"So before that, we need to avoid him, stay away from him!"

"Ah——" Tang San raised his head alertly.

This is a detail he has never thought of. Even Yu Xiaogang's plan is not as perfect as the Azure Bull Python's.

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