Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 477: Emperor Rank

"What is rank?"

Rank is a noble aura. When other blue silver grass appears near the Blue Silver Emperor, they will be oppressed by the "Emperor" and weakened, making it difficult to resist and struggle.

The mottled dragon characters become easy to understand as the pages turn.

"In short, it is the secondary sublimation of soul power!"

"Secondary sublimation?"

Rongrong's eyes are full of curiosity.

"Yes, the transformation from ordinary soul power to blue silver soul power is a transformation of microscopic structure and a sublimation."

"And the blue silver domain constructed by blue silver soul power is the macroscopicization of soul power, but it is not a secondary sublimation with soul power as the core."

Ye Lingling was confused.

There was a smile of approval in Emperor Tian's eyes. He was not worried about Han Tao's deep understanding, because the 100,000-year theoretical foundation of the Soul Beast Master allowed him to occupy the upper position at will.

"Don't worry about anything!" He said to Bingdi lightly.

"Han Tao only comprehended the rank, and above the rank there is the godhood, which is the process he must go through if he wants to achieve the godhood."

Han Tao placed the Nine-Leaf Blue Silver Emperor in his palm.

The [Emperor] rank obtained by the dark blue silver grass and swallowing Ah Yin quietly dissipated.

"Yes, I don't need it now!"

"I want to use the power I have mastered and the fundamental law of theory to condense my own rank."

"Let everything start again."

Biji flashed curiosity: "What is he doing?"

The rank dissipated, the soul power transformed into blank, and only the strength of the martial soul remained in the world.

"First, it is the king's rank, and it is also the time when the blue silver soul power is born."

"And its birth requires innate soul power!"

The blank soul power and the innate soul power blended with each other, and after the mirror martial soul turned around last week, the soul power once again transformed from blank to blue silver.

And the soul power transformed from the extreme martial soul is the extreme, not the top level transformed from the 100,000-year soul bone, it is of higher quality than the original blue silver soul power.

Afterwards, Han Tao condensed the rank of [Blue Silver King].

"Secondly, it is the rank of the Emperor, and it is also the time when the Blue Silver Domain is born."

"And its birth requires the power of bloodline!"

Generally speaking, the rank and the domain are born at the same time.

But the problem is that Han Tao plundered Ah Yin's rank by devouring, and this extreme form made Han Tao unable to obtain the Blue Silver Domain at the same time. He could only build it with the help of the three powers of the master, the sacrifice, and the emperor, or use the theory of "macro-ization" of soul power to build it.

The ultimate bloodline, integrated into the soul power, deepened the structure of the soul power again.

"Finally, it is the rank of the emperor, which is the secondary sublimation of the domain and soul power!"

"And its birth requires the power of faith!"

He pinched the sacrificial scepter, and the remaining little faith leaped and spread to the body of the Blue Silver Emperor.

Under the guidance of the fundamental law, the rank of [Emperor] is outlined. It originates from blood, but it is not limited to the "aura" of blood. It rises and rises. Let's use aura to describe it, but its effect is not as simple as aura.

Noble and elegant.

"What effect?"

"The rank of King gives blue silver soul power, the rank of Emperor gives blue silver domain, and the Emperor makes the domain sublimate again."

Han Tao chuckled.

The frost in the extreme north was covered by the blue silver color, and thousands of energies were assimilated by the new domain. Various martial souls would also be suppressed by the domain.

"This is. Sea accepts all rivers!"

In addition to swallowing gold silk, all the abilities of Sea accepts all rivers have been realized. If Han Tao uses the domain to attract dark blue silver grass, or other blue silver grass, it will naturally have various effects such as swallowing gold silk, air waves, and torches.

"The sea embraces all rivers and everything in the universe, which is the authority of the emperor!"

"And this is not the whole transformation. The innate soul power circulates in the martial soul, giving birth to the ultimate blue silver soul power, which is an improvement in the quality of soul power."

"And the addition of blood power provides stronger activity, and the participation of faith power makes it appear smart and rhythmic."

The amount of soul power and the quality of soul power are not the only ones.

Soul power naturally has more parameters, and various influencing dimensions can make soul power generate positive improvements in different parameters.

"This change is very small, but it will be very beneficial over time."

Ning Rongrong lowered her eyebrows gently.

Because she could also feel that the Qiluo tulip she had taken before had gradually weakened the suppression effect on the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Is this the meaning of rank?"


Han Tao said undeniably: "The Emperor rank can only suppress Blue Silver Grass, while the Emperor rank can suppress all plant families, including the Eight-Angled Mysterious Ice Grass and the Other Shore Flower."

"And the Qiluo Tulip you once took can even suppress all plant soul beasts. Obviously, its status is higher than my Emperor."

Han Tao paused at this point.

Ning Rongrong only took the Qiluo Tulip. Although it can be better absorbed with the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid, it is impossible to completely inherit its characteristics.

So now, it is very difficult for the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower to suppress the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Ye Lingling?"

Turning around, he suddenly asked.

"Ah?" She was at a loss.

She stretched out her arm wrapped in white gauze, her eyes were as clear as a pool of deep spring water.

Guide the illusion and pass on some knowledge.

"Innate soul power, bloodline, faith, and the transformation information integrated into soul power."

"As for the red muscle part, the intertwined logic between muscle fibers, soul meridians and blood vessels may provide some reference."

This is about the transformation law of the red muscle group, "three-dimensional muscle", and its function is to transform and improve the muscle part of the body.

The impact is very small, even after the whole body transformation, it is not as good as the data brought by the 1st level soul upgrade, but Han Tao thinks it is very important.

Ye Lingling nodded coldly and said "hmm".

"It seems that he succeeded!"

"The so-called rank theory did not stump him, and he succeeded so easily."

The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion smiled bitterly and chewed the ice, frost and snow floating on the ground veins, which was a small part of the coldness in the body.

Di Tian shook his head: "Indeed!"

"Extreme bloodline, martial soul, including pure power of faith."

"This human soul master seems to have more power and resources than we imagined. And when all the elements are achieved, it is naturally easy to condense the rank."

After saying that, he no longer paid attention to Bing Di, pulled Brigitte's finger and prepared to go away.


Ye Lingling suddenly spoke with interest.

"What's wrong?"

Di Tian paused and stared at her. Perhaps it was her beautiful appearance that made him not angry.

Ye Lingling held the Nine-Hearted Begonia to his chest.

"My martial soul is the Nine-Hearted Begonia, and it is already the strongest healing system on Douluo Continent, but I still think its strength is far from enough."

"Then why are you looking for us?"

Di Tian asked back.

Ye Lingling pointed at Biji: "I want to communicate with her."

"The Emerald Swan is the pure transformation of vitality, and her existence may be a reference for the evolution of my martial soul."

The pragmatic style of long-term research made her tone seem impolite.

After speaking, she immediately realized that she was indeed anxious.

Because vitality is too important to Jiuxin Haitang, it is so important that she neglected to respect the strong.

Di Tian's expression immediately turned cold: "Biji, as a reference?"

"Do you still want to obtain her soul ring? The soul beast of life is compatible with your martial soul, but who gave you such courage? Dare to plot the soul ring of my lover?"

"No, I don't mean that."

Ye Lingling argued.

Di Tian didn't believe her, or wanted to use this as an excuse to verify Han Tao's current strength.

Leng He said: "It's not important anymore!"

"I want you to understand that in this world, strength is respected. Whether you think so or not, your tone and attitude disgust me."

"Today, you must pay the price!"

The noble bloodline from the Supreme Dragon genus, even the darkness above the extreme, floats in the air.

Han Tao obviously saw its intention: "No!"

"Because I don't agree, but you can't do it!"

The sky and the earth, the space, divide the battlefield.

The frost of the extreme north, the gradient blue silver, and the deep darkness constitute the three primary colors of the magnificent waves.

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