Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 476 The Third Change

"Okay, I'll tell you!"

The content it conveyed was mutually confirmed with the memory read from the fantasy world.

After a long time, Han Tao's third soul ring was re-engraved with the "Blue Silver Eye" soul skill information from a hundred thousand years ago.

"The structure of the one hundred thousand year old soul ring, the one hundred thousand year old evil eye origin, the one hundred thousand year old 'Blue Silver Eye', and now it is the real one hundred thousand year old soul ring."

Brilliant, scarlet, flashing.

"With the optimization of soul skills, the power of faith consumes less, and it can exist for a long time."

The evil-eyed tyrant master, who had been staring at Han Tao's martial spirit, suddenly spoke.

"Han Tao, your martial spirit is still flawed!"

"Flaw? What flaw?"

It added: "Your martial soul is made up of soul rings, soul bones, martial souls, and the power of faith."


"And your martial spirit is the best among the best, and your soul skills were given by me, without any flaws."

"But your soul bone comes from the Evil Eye Tyrant, and its age is only 99,999. To be honest, it doesn't match the strength of the other two."

Han Tao: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. I can help your external soul bone evolve!"

Ning Rongrong sneered: "Without you, the attached soul bone can also evolve!"

"No, this is different!"

"The evolution of the externally attached soul bone is uncontrollable. It is just like your martial soul. It has the same evolutionary rules, but a completely different evolutionary path."

“And once you make a mistake, there’s no room for recovery.”

Han Tao shook his head and smiled: "You still don't give up!"

"It's just that you want to occupy my external soul bone, and then control my martial soul under the chimera, but I think you should know that your tricks cannot be hidden from my illusion."

Its attitude is wanton: "So what?"

"Your understanding of illusions is superior to mine, but my use of spiritual power is also far superior to yours. Among the thousands of soul beasts in the entire Douluo Continent, I am the only one who knows how to transform soul bones."

"Can you refuse the bait I offer?"

The Evil Eye doesn't even need to bewitched. It puts its chips on the table and waits for Han Tao to enter the game.

"None of you soul beasts seem to be simple."

Han Tao let out a long sigh.

The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion has inherited the method of rank promotion, while the Evil Eye Tyrant Master masters the evolution rules of soul bones.

"If I get it."

"I think that under the catastrophe, the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone will naturally transform into the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone."

While Han Tao was thinking, the sacrifice ceremony of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm finally came to an end.

"The sacrifice of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm must be born from the skull!"

"And its soul cannot be hidden in the skull, otherwise unnecessary risks will arise."

Han Tao waved the sacrificial staff with his left hand.

In the evolutionary context of Blue Silver Sacrifice, there is a partial interpretation of the [Sacrifice Ceremony].

"Through the clustered martial spirit [Blue Silver], I can control Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Glazed Tower to guide Tian Meng's sacrifice."

"Of course, it would be better to leave this to Ning Rongrong himself!"

for a long time

Suddenly there was a voice.

"it's over!"

"Han Tao, your method is right. Now its soul is hidden in the soul ring, and it needs to sleep for a long time due to mental exhaustion."

Ning Rongrong spoke softly, blinking her eyes from time to time, with a hint of mist.

"What is the soul skill?"

Ye Lingling asked curiously.

"This time, I was a bit selfish and didn't choose auxiliary soul skills."

Han Tao was puzzled: "Then what did you choose?"

"A total of four soul skills were born in Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's skull."

"The Nine Treasure Glazed Body is the body's energy transformation, even higher than your blue silver possession technique."

"The power of the Nine Treasures soul turns into a cocoon, the 'soft' part of the armor."

"Nine treasure ice crystal prisms, the 'hard' part of the armor."

"And... synergy of spiritual stance."

Han Tao's expression froze, Ye Lingling couldn't believe it, Di Tian and Bi Ji didn't know why.

Ice Emperor asked curiously: "Do these soul skills have any special meaning?"

"Yang Wudi is right, she does have spirituality."

"Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, cocoon structure, ice element, and spiritual element have been utilized to the extreme. The single head soul bone technique directly constitutes the 'three transformation system' of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

Di Tian thought briefly: "This system seems to be of extremely high value?"


"If you want to know, you might as well make a deal."

Di Tian opened his majestic wings and let out wind pressure from his terrifying body. Di Tian's tone was hesitant.

"Can you tell me the specific effect first?"

"Human Soul Master, please rest assured that if the information you provide is valuable enough, I will definitely give you equal reward."

Han Tao and Ning Rongrong looked at each other.

Immediately, Ning Rongrong gradually opened the "Three Changes System" of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

“First, it’s the energyization of the body!”

The blood, skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs are all raised to a value close to the god's 99 points. Of course, the soul bone system can exceed this value, and the exceeded parts will not be replaced.

The energy transformation of the body is comprehensive, while the "Blue Silver Possession" can only affect the skin. Ye Lingling's Jiuxin Haitang can gradually bring his body to the extreme of individual events through physical transformation.

"Nine treasures soul power transforms into cocoon, soul power and body increase by 50%"

"Nine treasures ice crystal prism, soul power and body, increased by 100%"

"Spiritual position coordination, soul power, physique, increase by 150%"

In the second step, Ning Rongrong also has a demigod body.

And the spiritual attribute of "Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm" allows her to step out of the third transformation of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, with a 150% gain effect.

"It seems... a very heaven-defying system?"

The Ice Emperor Scorpion asked thoughtfully.

"Very heaven-defying!"

"Human, what do you want, why not say it directly."

The light of the sun and the moon flickered on its body, and the dark breath flowed deep in its blood. Its tone was calm, but full of condescending arrogance.

This is the pride of the dragon clan, engraved in its bones.

Han Tao didn't care about its arrogance: "Rank, the method of condensing the rank!"

"Okay, I promise you!"

"Compared to the precious system you gave, the method of condensing the rank is not valuable. You have suffered a loss in this transaction!"

"Of course, if you have anything else in the future, or want to ask me for help, you can just call my name."

The brand new rhino skin, with the cuneiform characters of the dragon clan written on it, was slowly handed over by it.

"Thank you."

Han Tao casually said politely.

The illusion unfolded, and in the illusion of thinking, a book with the dragon clan characters was taken out to translate the information on the rhino leather.

"Let me see what it is?"

The evil eye sneaked, aroused its own perception, and observed the characters on the rhino leather.


"Why can't you understand it?"

"Of course you can't understand it. This is the characters of other dragon clans. You, a frog in the well from the secret realm, obviously have no culture."

Ning Rongrong laughed secretly.

Di Tian smiled: "Do you need my help in translation?"

"Human soul master, if you ask me to translate, this transaction will be fair."

Han Tao waved his hand: "No need, humans already have information on dragon language."

The chapter of the illusion turned to the key page.

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