Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 266 Cooperate with the Spirit Hall

In the previous war, the Star Luo Empire annexed two and a half principalities of the Tian Dou Empire. Half of them were captured by fighting, and two were ceded by Xue Beng on the condition of a truce at the negotiation table.

However, the transfer of the two principalities was not that easy. Before the transfer was complete, the Star Luo Empire changed and was controlled by Amon.

Amon chose the right time to restart the war against the Tiandou Empire with Lei Yin as his general.

The Tiandou Empire's national strength is declining, and a large number of soldiers were captured in the Battle of Night Capital, so it is difficult to gather enough troops to resist.

So Xue Beng issued a nationwide conscription order and began to compulsorily recruit young people of appropriate age into the army. At the same time, food was collected from civilians like a fish.

Forcing civilians to join the army in order to have a bite to eat.

Gelong brought a patchwork army to the border and set up camp in a valley, facing the Xingluo army across the river in front of the valley.

Lei Yin was a little worried. He looked at the person next to him and asked:

"Mr. Amon, what do you mean by this? What does it mean to let the Tiandou Empire feel full pressure, but also leave a glimmer of hope to the other side, so that the war will not end so quickly?"

On his side, a man with purple hair, a killer haircut, and metal punk style clothes picked his nose:

"Who knows, this is your job, not my business."

That look, that expression, that tone all aroused the flames in others' hearts. He seemed to have the provocation and ridicule engraved in his bones.

Lei Yin's eyes twitched, and he suppressed the faint anger in his heart: "Romil, you still deserve a beating."

Romil shrugged, "I have restrained myself a lot. If I hadn't been too far behind you and worried that you might kill me casually, do you think I would be so restrained?"

"Why did you come to join the army?" Lei Yin asked.

"Captain, no, His Majesty asked me to come. He said that if anyone wants peace talks, let me handle it... This is not what you are good at." Romil replied.

After a brief pause, he continued: "To be honest, from now on I will be the Minister of Ceremony and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire."

"I'm not good at it, are you good at it? What result can you get from talking to others? It's good if you don't talk things over." Lei Yin rolled his eyes.

At this point, he was suddenly startled and said with some surprise:

"You mean that Mr. Amon's purpose in launching the war was not to gain anything at all, but that the war itself was his purpose?"

Romil picked his ears and said with a stern face: "Who knows, anyway, he just said to let me play freely."

Lei Yin narrowed his eyes and his eyes flickered... It was appropriate to let Romir have free play and negotiate, so in fact, there was no option for peace talks!


"Damn it, those sects and colleges, how dare they refuse to respond to the empire's call and contribute to the empire!"

Xue Beng angrily flicked his sleeves and knocked over everything on the table in front of him. You felt that it was hard to calm down, so he kicked the table over again.

There was a loud bang, frightening the maids and guards in the palace into silence.

"What can you do?" Xue Beng asked towards the empty place behind him.

"I am only responsible for ensuring your safety and not being quietly replaced by Amon. War or anything like that has nothing to do with me." The figure of "Gehrman Sparrow" emerged from the shadows.

"If this continues, he doesn't even need to replace me. He only needs to let the army attack, and the entire Tiandou Empire will fall under his control." Xue Beng's eyes were filled with blood and turned red.

These days he just felt that everything was not going well.

Recruitment did not go smoothly and was changed from voluntary to compulsory. Raising military rations was not going well, so officials were not allowed to appoint officials to go from house to house to collect grain.

Asking for help from various soul master forces in the country did not go smoothly, and almost no sect was willing to help him.

Even the Qibao Glazed Sect, which had always supported the royal family of the Tiandou Empire, gave very limited help this time. They only sent a sum of money and never mentioned sending disciples to the battlefield.

In fact, Ning Fengzhi initially wanted to support Xue Beng as before, but the attitude of other forces made him hesitate.

Not only those soul master academies and sects were unwilling to obey Xue Beng's orders, but even many nobles and officials were extremely passive when facing Xue Beng's orders.

Xue Beng's improper access to the throne, and the shortcomings of seizing the throne in a rough way were revealed.

When he is strong, others are willing to bow down and submit temporarily, but as soon as he shows a slight weakness, they immediately turn away. There is no cohesion or loyalty at all.

The Haotian Sect, which had high hopes from Xue Beng, did not respond for a long time because Tang Hao had not returned.

Xue Beng's hoarse voice revealed a bit of hysterical madness:

"Listen, we are unanimous on not letting Amon's ambition succeed. If the Tiandou Empire is finished, you will not be easy either.

"Goron has made it clear that he can't rely on that improvised army for long. We have to figure out a way before then."

"Gehrman" seemed to be convinced by him and began to think seriously. After a while, he slowly asked: "What did Yu Xiaogang say?"

Xue Beng immediately replied: "He is lobbying the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family and Shrek Academy, but the results are not ideal."

Speaking of this, Xue Beng looked very indifferent. He originally thought that Yu Xiaogang's weight was very important, but at this critical moment, the other party seemed to be of no use at all.

After Tang San left, Yu Xiaogang could not exert influence on the Haotian Sect through him, nor could he use the Haotian Sect's power anymore, and became insignificant again.

Although Ning Fengzhi gave Yu Xiaogang enough respect, respect was respect. When the situation was so unfavorable, he was not willing to let the Qibao Glazed Sect end up casually.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is still afraid of Amon's power and dare not antagonize him.

The only one who still supported him was Liu Erlong, who was devoted to him.

Even Flanders, the dean of Shrek Academy, became alienated from him for some reason.

But Yu Xiaogang is indeed a good teacher. Although he has been exhausted physically and mentally by a series of blows, and although he knows that he will have little effect if he continues to lobby, he is still willing to run around and be shameless for his second apprentice, Xue Beng. Visiting various sects and forces, large and small, one after another.

"Gehrman" said abruptly: "Have you ever considered the Spirit Hall?"

"What? Wuhun Palace?" Xue Beng was stunned.

Qian Renxue left a lot of psychological shadow on him. Even though he had ascended to the throne, he was still afraid of his former "eldest brother".

Therefore, when "Gehrman" mentioned Wuhun Palace, he subconsciously wanted to shake his head.

Just as he was about to refuse, he swallowed his words again. Xue Beng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his originally crazy look gradually calmed down. He vaguely realized that this seemed to be a way out, so he asked:

"The Wuhun Palace and I are sworn enemies. Qian Renxue pretended to be my eldest brother and killed my father. And I also ordered the entire country to ban the Wuhun Palace, which caused them a lot of losses."

Although Emperor Xue Ye died at the hands of members of the Haotian Sect commanded by Xue Beng, when he announced it to the outside world, he placed this crime on Qian Renxue.

"Gehrman" maintained his usual aloofness and said in a cold and calm tone:

"There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. Although Wuhundian has conflicts with you in the past, they should be consistent with you and me when it comes to facing Amon.

"They don't want to see the emergence of a unified empire. So they will definitely intervene. If you ask them for help and are willing to pay a certain price, they will not refuse."

Xue Beng was moved, but still a little worried. Not only Amon has the ability to replace others, Qian Renxue also has it!

Even if the other party's methods are not as weird and terrifying as Amon, since the other party can replace his eldest brother Xue Qinghe, he can naturally replace himself!

With the help of the Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue's disguise was enough to control the Tiandou Empire, even if it wasn't perfect.

"Gehrman" seemed to notice Xue Beng's worry, glanced at him, and said in a voice without any fluctuation:

"I will protect your life and won't let others hurt you...Besides, you have no choice."

The four words "no choice" pierced Xue Beng's heart deeply, shattering all his luck and illusions. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, then let's do this, contact Wuhun Palace! Who is the best candidate for this job, you?"

Xue Beng looked at "Gehrman" with vigilance and suspicion in his eyes.

"Gehrman" shook his head, "I can't leave you now, no one knows if there is any clone of Amon lurking in Tiandou City.

"Let Yu Xiaogang go. He seems to have some friendship with the Pope of Wuhun Palace. Let him negotiate, and he can get better conditions for you."

The vigilance and suspicion in Xue Beng's eyes were slightly relieved. If "Gehrman" had agreed just now, then he would have thought that the other party wanted to betray him, betray the Tiandou Empire and cooperate with Wuhun Palace.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded. Apart from Yu Xiaogang, there seemed to be no other more suitable candidate.

Xue Beng sent someone to find Yu Xiaogang. He adjusted his mentality and expression, suppressed the contempt in his heart, and said respectfully: "Teacher."

Yu Xiaogang's face looked a little haggard, and there was a bit of worry in his eyebrows: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I have a great responsibility for you."

Xue Beng showed a bitter smile: "Teacher, you have done enough, but Xue Beng is incompetent... Now, I have one thing to ask you."

Yu Xiaogang's expression was solemn, "But it doesn't matter."

"Gehrman and I discussed it and felt that it would be a good choice to seek cooperation from Wuhun Palace now."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up, and he realized that this seemed feasible.

Xue Beng continued: "So I hope, teacher, you can go to Wuhun City for me and ask Wuhun Palace to help us to fight against the Star Luo Empire together, or let them mediate."

Yu Xiaogang pondered for a moment and nodded solemnly: "I will live up to my trust and give your Majesty a satisfactory answer."

"Teacher, the only one I can trust now is you. The empire is in turmoil and is in danger. Now only you have the ability to turn the tide." Xue Beng bowed deeply to Yu Xiaogang.

A look of emotion appeared on Yu Xiaogang's face. He felt that the hard work and fatigue of the past few days had disappeared, and a sense of responsibility and mission emerged in his heart.

He said seriously: "Leave it to me."

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