Douluo: Starting from the Spirit of Time Worm

Chapter 267 Walter's Proposal

Wuhun City, Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong stared at the sky in the distance, thinking in her heart how to complete the eighth test of the Rakshasa God Test.

She completed the seventh test of the Rakshasa God Test some time ago and learned the requirements of the eighth test:

Deeply participate in a war that sweeps across the entire Douluo Continent, and create enough evil thoughts such as killing, madness, sadness, hatred, fear, etc. in the war.

The Rakshasa God position obtained by Bibi Dong is not complete, and most of it is damaged. This eighth test is not only an assessment, but also a process of repairing the position... Evil thoughts are also an alternative belief... She needs these evil thoughts to make the position complete.

After learning about such conditions, Bibi Dong was a little annoyed. If she had known that the content of the eighth test was like this, she would never have thought of compromising with Di Tian when she went to war with soul beasts before... Instead, she would have fanned the flames and expanded the scale of the war!

Now, because she is not involved enough in the soul beast war, most of the evil thoughts that appear in the war are not directed at her, so she needs to restart a war led by herself.

"Your Excellency the Pope, Elder Yu Xiaogang wants to see you." A Pope warrior reported.

"Xiaogang, what is he doing here?" Bibi Dong was a little puzzled and said, "Let him come over."

A few minutes later, Yu Xiaogang slowly walked in front of her. Seeing him again, Bibi Dong's heart surged with excitement and joy.

She dismissed the rest of the people, looked at Yu Xiaogang, who was tired and haggard, and said distressedly:

"Xiaogang, are you doing well?"

Yu Xiaogang forced a smile: "I'm fine. His Majesty Xue Beng appointed me as the Imperial Master. I am highly valued by him. Now I have a high enough position to display my ambitions."

Bibi Dong hesitated for a moment and said:

"Get up, you can come to the Spirit Hall... I have taken over the command of all the elders from Qian Daoliu, and soon no one will be able to question me or stop me.

"The Spirit Hall has enough research materials on spirits, everything is open to you, and there are enough spirit masters to practice your theories. ”

Yu Xiaogang shook his head and refused: "Xue Beng, that kid, respects me very much. I will not let him down."

"Xue Beng? That villain who relied on despicable means to ascend to the throne? How sincere do you think that kind of person would be to you?" Bibi Dong's eyes were filled with a hint of sarcasm.

She knew Yu Xiaogang's stubbornness and persistence, and knew that it would be difficult for her to change his mind.

Also, in the Spirit Hall, although she was now in power, she still had to take Qian Daoliu into consideration, so she did not mention letting Yu Xiaogang come to the Spirit Hall to serve, but only reminded him that Xue Beng was not trustworthy.

Yu Xiaogang was silent for a moment. He did not want to speculate on the intentions of his second apprentice with a malicious attitude, and shook his head and said:

"Xue Beng is a good kid... At least, he maintained the orthodoxy of the Tiandou royal family and did not let some people with ulterior motives succeed."

"Are you accusing me?"

"How dare I? You are now the high and mighty Pope. "

Being a little angry at Yu Xiaogang's attitude, Bibi Dong said in a slightly cold tone:

"Yes, I am the high and mighty Pope, so what is the matter with you coming to see me now?"

Yu Xiaogang replied: "I am here on behalf of the Tiandou Empire. Xue Beng hopes that you can provide military assistance to the Tiandou Empire or mediate this war."

Bibi Dong laughed angrily: "Assist the Tiandou Empire? Did he forget so quickly what order he issued before? Do you think I will agree?"

Yu Xiaogang's face remained unchanged, "The previous targeting of the two empires caused you heavy losses. From this point, we can know that the Spirit Hall cannot fight against a unified empire. The current balance of power is the most beneficial to you.

"Not only Tiandou needs the Spirit Hall, but the Spirit Hall also needs the Tiandou Empire. Otherwise, when Amon integrates the two empires, who do you think will be his next target?

"For some previous misunderstandings and the losses caused to you, Xue Beng is deeply sorry and is willing to make certain compensation. "

Bibi Dong snorted and smiled coldly: "What about the Haotian Sect? What attitude does Xue Beng intend to take towards them? The grievances between our Wuhun Hall and the Haotian Sect cannot be covered up with a few words. "

Yu Xiaogang said in a deep voice: "Xue Beng will not participate in your struggle. This is a matter between your two forces."

Bibi Dong shook her head: "Then our Wuhun Hall will not participate in the struggle between the Tuduo Dynasty and the Tiandou Empire. This is a matter between your two empires."

"It's different. The struggle between you is just a struggle between forces, while the war between the two empires still concerns thousands of people." Yu Xiaogang's voice was a little louder.

"It's all the same." Bibi Dong's expression did not change.

After a pause, she continued: "The Haotian Sect is unwilling to help you, right? It seems that your ally doesn't really care about you, otherwise you wouldn't come to me for help. "

Yu Xiaogang was silent. Without Tang Hao and Tang San, although there were people like Tang Yuehua who were willing to support the Tiandou Empire in the Haotian Sect, there were only sporadic voices.

After a long time, he promised with some difficulty: "I promise on behalf of Xue Beng that if you want to attack the Haotian Sect, the Tiandou Empire can send troops to assist."

"You rest here for a while, I will call the elders to discuss, and I will give you an answer after the results come out." Bibi Dong smiled.

This was like a sleepy pillow. Just when she was thinking about how to lead a war and complete the Rakshasa God's eighth test, the Tiandou Empire gave her such an excellent opportunity.

Is it God's will? Use Xiaogang's hands to help me overcome the biggest and most difficult obstacle before becoming a god, and let the two of us join forces to break all obstacles... Bibi Dong thought in her heart, with a sweet smile.

Arriving at the conference hall, she didn't have to wait long before the elders gathered together. Since there have been so many major events recently, meetings have been held frequently, and they are used to it.

Without thinking or curiosity, everyone waited patiently for Bibi Dong to give the answer.

Bibi Dong looked around. Jin Crocodile, Qing Luan, Qian Jun and others were all there, but two people were missing, Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue!

She frowned slightly, it was a good thing that if Qian Daoliu was not there, the meeting would basically be hers. But their abnormal behavior made her feel confused and wary.

It's just the two of them... Could it be the Angel God Exam? If Xueer inherited the angelic status, what should I do? Bibi Dong felt a little confused.

Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Jin Crocodile coughed slightly and reminded: "The great minister and the young lady still have some things to do, we can start first."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong took a deep breath, gathered her thoughts, and said softly: "I have proposed before that we should destroy the Haotian Sect, kill Xue Beng, and seize the imperial power of the Tiandou Empire.

"Now, an excellent opportunity is right in front of us. Xue Beng sent a messenger to ask our Wuhun Palace to assist them. We can pretend to agree first, and then usurp the throne."

Yue Guan asked: "But will this arouse opposition from court officials and nobles, and make the people unstable? In the eyes of others, our Wuhun Palace is just a non-governmental organization composed of soul masters, just like the blacksmiths union, businessmen Unions like that.”

"No matter how unstable it is, can it be worse than it is now? Xue Beng was originally in an incorrect position and lacked support. Moreover, Amon's behavior of stealing the country has made 'righteousness' lose its previous binding force. People's aspirations may not be driven by great justice. ”

Bibi Dong paused, looked at Walter and asked, "Do you have anything else to add or suggestions?"

Although she had many disagreements with him in the past, one thing she had to admit was that he was an expert in conspiracy.

Walter thought for a while and said: "Can His Highness Xue play the role of the prince 'Xue Qinghe' again? With a buffer, it will be easier for the people to accept it.

“We can promote that Xue Beng is the rebellious minister who killed his father... He tampered with the imperial edict, framed the prince, and assassinated court officials.

"Prince Xue Qinghe was persecuted and had to flee to Wuhun Palace to seek help from us. With our help, the prince successfully regained his throne... In gratitude for Wuhun Palace's kindness, he established Wuhun Palace For the state religion.”

A smile suddenly appeared on Walter's face, and he continued with a bit of condescension:

"Emperor Xue Qinghe married Pope Bibi Dong, and the Tiandou Empire unified politics and religion, and was renamed the Wuhun Empire... Later, it was passed down to their daughter, Qian Renxue, and the positions of Pope and Emperor were combined... Of course, this is That’s a matter for the future.”

Bibi Dong: "..."

The rest of the elders: "..."

“Although there are many flaws in this investigation, it is feasible as long as the insiders who are not on our side are dealt with.

"Ordinary court officials can accept this development, and so can the people...

"The legitimacy of the empire captured in this way will be recognized and its rule will be smoother."

Walter shrugged and said in a casual tone:

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion... If Your Majesty doesn't care about the great resistance encountered in the early stage of his rule, and doesn't care about counterattacks and turmoil, large and small, and intends to use violent means to suppress all different voices... then As if I didn’t say that.”

Obviously, he himself did not think that such a proposal had much chance of being adopted.

Bibi Dong had a thoughtful look on her face, and after weighing it in her mind, she replied seriously:

"Do you need Xue'er to cooperate... I will discuss it with her. If she agrees, then I will do as you say."

Golden Crocodile Douluo had a look of astonishment on his face. He started to speak but stopped and then stopped. He opened and closed his mouth twice, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Qianjun and Jiangmo were stunned. They looked at each other and saw surprise and confusion on each other's faces.

The other elders also looked at Walter and Bibi Dong in shock. They were shocked that Walter dared to make such a suggestion, and they were also shocked that Bibi Dong actually agreed to such a suggestion!

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