Douluo: Steal Tang San's luck and become stronger!

Chapter 691: Xu Jiujiu feels aggrieved, and Moon comes to visit!

After looking at Tang Lan for a long time, his first thought was that he felt particularly aggrieved.

This bastard brought himself here.

You haven’t considered yourself his woman yet!

What a bastard!

I felt aggrieved and angry for a long time.

I don't know how to respond to Tang Lan.

At this moment, Meng Hongchen burst into laughter.

"You princess, you are not Brother Lan's woman."

"How dare you shout like that!"

"Do you think you are the princess of the Star Luo Empire?"

"Are you great here?"

"Brother Lan wants to destroy your Xingluo Empire. Isn't it easy?"

This made Meng Hongchen extremely happy.

It also drove Xu Jiujiu crazy!

Isn’t it easy to be his woman?

If I want to do something, I can do it immediately!

Jiujiu thought angrily in his heart.

He is also extremely confident.

"Okay, just get to know each other."

"Let's each go back to our respective rooms."

"I have a visitor!"

Tang Lan said impatiently.

Can these three people get along well with each other?

He doesn't care.

What he cares about is when he needs them.

Just be obedient.

Tang Lan spoke, but no one dared to say anything.

Tang Lan is not afraid of anyone.

Fully reveal your own breath.

Anyone who wants to come over and take action may risk death.

He was more than happy to do so.

Tang Lan knew very well.

After he killed Elder Gong.

Shrek Academy will be shaken.

And as Shrek Academy’s Dinghai Shenzhen.

Poseidon Pavilion Dragon God Moon will never put Shrek Academy in crisis!

Douluo II, among the characters, Huo Yuhao and Tang Lan think it is good.

Dragon God Douluo Munn is also a very good person!

Unlike Dou Yi, Tang San was also a positive character.

He can do that little bastard look.

No one else can do it.

If others do it, there is already a way to die.

This kind of bastard needs to be severely punished.

When Tang Lan sat in his room.

Moon came to the door of the room.

At this moment, he completely restrained his powerful aura.

He came not to fight, but to make peace.

Even making friends!

Even though he knew that Shrek Academy had lost a super strong person.

This will also have a great impact on whether Shrek Academy can survive the war in the future!

After all, he cannot support the future of Shrek Academy.

Now we urgently need others to continue to grow!

Xuanzi is already level 98 and can succeed him in Poseidon Pavilion.

But Xuanzi was missing something after all.

Although Yan Shaozhe also possesses a powerful martial spirit, his strength is also increasing rapidly.

But Munn knew that he would never reach level 99 Ultimate Douluo.

And then there is even less possibility for others.

Therefore, Shrek Academy can only rely on strong people to support it for the time being.

There is yet to be seen a true genius, just like Tang San, the ancestor of the Tang Sect.

"Sir, can I come in?"

Moon spoke cautiously, not daring to raise his tone too high.

"Come in." Tang Lan responded lightly.

Moon breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that he would appear.

If the other party takes action directly, he will try his best.

He is no match for the opponent, so he can only run away.

At that time, the students of Shrek Academy will go out.

They will be killed one by one by him.

Even if all the strong men of Shrek Academy attack together.

You might be able to kill the opponent, but you still have to blow yourself up!

How many extremely powerful men have fallen.

This is a scene that others really want to see, but he doesn't want to see it.

After entering the room.

Moon saw Tang Lan leaning casually on the bed.

He stopped resting and just looked at him with an indifferent expression.

"Your Mightiness!"

"I'm here to apologize."

"I hope you can give me a chance!"

Moon said very politely.

"Apologise, what did Mr. Mu do wrong?"

Tang Lan said with a smile on his face.

"Wrong, I was very wrong."

"I serve as the Pavilion Master of the Poseidon Pavilion."

"He is also the leader of Shrek Academy."

"A peak Douluo under my command."

"But I took action against you!"

"That's the biggest mistake."

"I hope your Excellency can calm down."

Moon said respectfully.

A whole continent of people.

If you know one of the top peak experts on this continent.

Bow your head and admit your mistake to an evil soul master.

Of course, I was shocked!

Tang Lan saw that this Munn was one of the strongest fighters.

But it’s hard to suppress your temper!

With absolute sanity.

All so-called anger can be calmed down.

This guy is quite a smart guy.

"You're not afraid that I'll kill you."

"If the world knows, he is the super strong man of Shrek Academy."

"Killed by an evil soul master."

"You serve as the head of the Sea Cucumber Pavilion."

"But here you are begging me to admit your mistake!"

"Then what reputation do you have?"

Tang Lan said meaningfully.

Then this time.

Tang Lan also used his mind-reading skills.

Let's see if this Moon is lying.

Anyway, when he said this just now.

Tang Lan didn't feel that there was something different between his mind and his words.

Moon also thought about this, but for fame.

Or say it in a fit of anger!

None of it is as important as the safety of Shrek Academy.

And he didn't have any impulse towards Tang Lan.

Be it anger or hatred.

If such a strong person has hatred or anger.

It is not far away from his own death and the death of those around him.

"Your Excellency, in my heart."

"Shrek Academy's safety is more important than anything else."

"As long as Shrek Academy can exist safely in this world."

"And it can continue to be strong."

"Even if you let me die, I am willing."

"Anyway, my old bones don't have many years left to live."

Moon said the categorical truth.

Seeing that he had no other intentions in his heart, Tang Lan also laughed.

"Look at how sincere you are."

"I can't get angry at Shrek anymore."

"After all, I am a reasonable person."

"It's always been people who kill me and I who kill."

"If people don't kill me, I will treat them with courtesy."

Tang Lan was upright and upright, which made Mu En extremely excited.

He nodded frequently and agreed.

"Okay, you don't need to be humble to me."

"Go back, don't worry."

"I will not take action against Shrek Academy."

Tang Lan reminded Munn with peace of mind.

It can be regarded as taking care of his worries.

After all, Tang Lan is still waiting for Huo Yuhao to go to Shrek Academy.

He wants to become a student.

You have to be young and frivolous in the world of Dou Er.

How can Shrek Academy be destroyed?

Hearing Tang Lan's words, Mu En couldn't be more excited!

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your magnanimity."

"Let me admire you."

"If it's useful in the future, I'll be old enough."

"Or you can just mention it!"

"And I feel that you are not an evil soul master like the Holy Spirit Sect."

"He's just a strong man who is used to walking alone."

"Can I make friends with you?"

"Or can you have a good relationship with the entire Shrek Academy?" (End of Chapter)

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