Douluo: Steal Tang San's luck and become stronger!

Chapter 725: It’s unnecessary. I’m in a hurry!

"We'll spare you this time."

"Otherwise you will be responsible for cleaning the entire outer courtyard."

"That's your nature."

"You still have to do this kind of hard work to sharpen your temper!"

A teacher pointed at Tang Lan angrily and said.

At this time, the three teachers put huge pressure on Tang Lan.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders.

It felt like Tang Lan couldn't bear it anymore.

Yesterday, Tang Lan was even stronger.

But it can only torture the Soul Sect once.

Even the Soul King cannot be defeated easily.

Not to mention the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor!

"Aren't you just a group of teachers?"

"On the duel stage, I can do whatever I want."

"You still want to take care of it?"

"I'm already on the duel stage."

"The school still has to take care of it."

"Then why do we need a duel platform?"

"I advise you not to take off your pants and fart."

"What a waste!"

"And you three."

"Don't you just want to vent your anger on your own students?"

"Stop talking so high-sounding!"

"It looks disgusting!"

Tang Lan was on full fire.

He continued to speak shockingly.

As soon as these words came out.

Naturally, it shocked everyone.

Arrogant towards students.

He has great strength.

You can also understand why at this time.

As a student, he was arrogant towards his teachers.

These teachers are all six-ring soul emperors.

At this moment, Jiang Nannan and Hongling couldn't figure it out.

Wang Dong and the other three were all shocked.

Starting to worry about Tang Lan.

"Brother Lan won't be fired, right?"

"How dare a student mock the teacher like that."

"Can the school not punish me?"

Huo Yuhao said extremely worriedly.

"I don't know if this guy is crazy or stupid."

"Just teach them a lesson and that'll be it."

"Why make these people so miserable?"

"Just venting his anger for his woman."

"I really have a woman and no brain!"

"Something has happened."

"The teacher has a few words to accuse you."

"How dare you resist the teacher."

"Which teacher is the most economical?"

Wang Dong also said helplessly.

She is very dissatisfied with Tang Lan now.

But I still didn't want anything to happen to Tang Lan.

Teacher Zhou couldn’t figure it out.

Why did Tang Lan do this?

She didn't expect Tang Lan to be so cruel.

He could beat five students like this.

But it's understandable.

After all, every monster is a quirk of temperament.

She felt that Tang Lan was a monster.

It is very easy for women to explode.

That's what they never expected.

Tang Lan, this monster, dared to talk to the teacher like this.

He looked like he was going to have a discussion with the teacher.

That's a lot of confidence.

Is this mindless or intentional?

Teacher Zhou did not stop it in time.

Because she knew there was nothing she could do to stop it now.

She couldn't persuade Tang Lan.

There is no way to persuade people who ridicule Tang Lan.

"Boy, don't think we can't do anything to you."

"We are teachers, and it is only natural that we teach students!"

"If you don't submit well."

"Don't be surprised, we are really rude!"

This man still didn't want to take action.

After all, a teacher takes action against students.

It’s quite embarrassing to spread the word.

"You want to take action."

"Then come."

"Go on to the duel stage!"

"Don't think you are a teacher."

"You can rely on buying and selling old."

"Others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid!"

Tang Lan said very forcefully.

As soon as these words came out.

The three teachers were also stood up.

Even if they don't get on the fighting stage today, it won't work.

But some of them are teachers.

If you take action against a new second-level soul master.

Just win.

It's not dishonorable either.

They don't think they will lose either.

"Listen to your tone."

"You want us to come to this duel stage and fight you?"

"Are you crazy, little brat?"

"Thought I was a genius."

"You can defeat many students from the outer courtyard."

"You think you can beat the Soul Emperor?"

"What a shameless statement."

"You don't know the heights of the world!"

A teacher pointed at Tang Lan and said angrily.

This teacher is a female teacher.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"That's what I meant."

"Should you go up one by one or together, please do it quickly."

"I'm still in a hurry!"

Tang Lan was impatient and warned the three of them.

Tang Lan also made shocking remarks.

The three of them were stunned.

They didn't expect Tang Lan to actually challenge them.

"Tang Lan, are you crazy?"

"How dare you say such a thing."

"Quickly, apologize to the teachers quickly!"

Wang Dong reminded Tang Lan hurriedly and loudly.

She didn't want to be her roommate.

Just kicked out of school.


Huo Yuhao and Xiaoxiao also hurriedly spoke to persuade Tang Lan.

Jiang Nannan also spoke.

"Brother Lan, that's almost it."

"You don't have to fight against the teachers."

"Apologise to the teachers and let's go to class!"

She didn't hope either.

The boyfriend I just found was kicked out.

Hongling also wanted to speak.

But when Jiang Nannan opened her mouth, she didn't want to say anything.

At this moment, Xu Sanshi wanted to watch the fun.

There are many people who are interested in Xu Sanshi's thoughts.

After all they were yesterday.

They were all defeated by Tang Lan with lightning speed.

Those who were hit were unable to fight back.

If you can see it today.

He was severely punished by his teachers.

Even swept them out of the academy.

That's a great thing!

"Tang Lan, although you are a genius."

"But you can't act like this!"

"Come down and apologize to the three teachers."

"The three teachers will forgive you for my sake."

"Otherwise we will continue like this."

"No one can save you!"

Teacher Zhou also spoke to remind Tang Lan.

Even monsters need time to practice.

It cannot be at such a stage.

Don't take anyone seriously.

Sooner or later, someone will kill him.

She felt that she really had to teach Tang Lan a lesson.

How to know how to say nice things.

Otherwise, it will be strangled in the cradle sooner or later.

After all, it has been thousands of years.

Not to mention Shrek Academy.

There are many particularly arrogant monsters throughout the continent.

Die early in the hands of those strong men.

Now I am so offended by these three teachers.

That is, the three teachers did not kill him.

I will also go up and teach him a lesson!

Tang Lan looked around at everyone who reminded him.

responded together.

"I received your reminder."

"But I still say the same thing."

"Leave some people alone on things they shouldn't."

"Otherwise, it's easy to get slapped in the face!"

Tang Lan still went his own way and said.

This made Tang Ming and the other three teachers yell in anger.

"You little brat, you slapped me in the face."

"You have the ability to slap me in the face!"

"As long as you can slap me in the face."

"I will work as a cow or a horse for you from now on." (End of Chapter)

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