"This kid Tang Lan is usually very arrogant, but now he even has ideas about Ma Xiaotao. He is simply lawless!"

Another instructor said angrily, clenching his hands tightly into fists, as if he wanted to go up and teach Tang Lan a lesson right away.

Everyone looked at Shrek Dean Yan Shaozhe, their eyes full of expectation.

I hope he can stand up and take charge of the overall situation.

"Dean, you have to make a decision. You can't allow this kind of thing to develop."

An impatient tutor couldn't help but said, looking at Yan Shaozhe eagerly,

His eyes were full of anxiety and pleading, as if Yan Shaozhe was their last life-saving straw.

"Dean, this Tang Lan is really too arrogant and must be restrained."

Another instructor added, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone,

His brows were furrowed, as if he was worried about the future of the college.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Yan Shaozhe, waiting for his decision.

The atmosphere at the scene became extremely tense and depressing.

As the dean of Shrek Academy, Yan Shaozhe is highly respected and authoritative. He is also Ma Xiaotao’s teacher.

He knows Ma Xiaotao's character and situation well.

If he opened his mouth, relying on his identity and prestige, he would naturally be able to make Ma Xiaotao refuse.

And everyone thought that Yan Shaozhe would let Ma Xiaotao refuse.

In their view, Dean Yan Shaozhe has always paid attention to the ethos and discipline of the college.

This kind of thing that may affect students' focused cultivation and the reputation of the college will definitely be prevented.

But who would have thought that Yan Shaozhe smiled and said:

"Is there anything wrong between Xiao Tao and Tang Lan?"

Everyone had a look of astonishment on their faces, their eyes widened and their mouths opened slightly, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

"Dean, are you...?"

One instructor looked confused and couldn't help but asked.

"Why, are you surprised?"

Yan Shaozhe still had a smile on his face and glanced at everyone, with an elusive meaning in his eyes.

"This...how can this not be a surprise, Dean!"

Another student stammered, confusion and confusion written on his face.

Everyone looked at each other and saw deep doubts and shock in each other's eyes.

The whole scene fell into confusion and confusion.

One instructor said directly:

"Dean, Tang Lan has a bad style. His behavior is quite frivolous and there are constant scandals."

"He often flirted with many female students in the college, behaved ambiguously, and showed no dignity or stability."

"If Xiao Tao follows her, it will be extremely detrimental to her future development! Not to mention that it will affect Xiao Tao's cultivation state of mind, the rumors from the outside world alone are enough to put Xiao Tao under tremendous pressure."

"Those rumors will be like invisible shackles, tightly restraining Xiaotao's progress."

"Xiao Tao has outstanding talent and excellent bones. She has unique advantages in her cultivation."

"Her future should be bright and her future is limitless. How could she delay her future because of something like this!"

"This is undoubtedly a shining pearl dropped into the murky quagmire."

"That's right, Dean, Tang Lan has several women around him now. He is dealing with many women, and his emotional affairs are in chaos."

"If Xiaotao follows him, he will definitely be deeply involved in emotional entanglements and find it difficult to extricate himself."

"This will not only distract Xiaotao's energy and prevent her from dedicating herself to cultivation, but it may also cause many unnecessary disputes and troubles."

"Xiao Tao should have been pursuing a higher level of martial arts and realizing the value of her life. She must not fall into such a complicated and confusing emotional quagmire because of Tang Lan, thereby losing her direction and wasting her talent." long!"

Listening to the eager words of the instructors, Yan Shaozhe's smile faded slightly and his eyes became deeper.

He slowly said: "Don't worry, everyone, this matter may not be as simple as you think."

"Dean, isn't this simple? Anyone with a discerning eye can see what's wrong with it!" a tutor said emotionally.

Yan Shaozhe waved his hand and said: "Although Tang Lan is a bit unruly in his daily behavior, his talent and potential are obvious to all. Maybe he can bring some help to Xiaotao that we have not thought of."

"Dean, you are taking a risk! Xiaotao is the star of hope of our college, how can you be put in such an uncertain situation so easily?"

Another instructor said worriedly.

Yan Shaozhe thought for a moment and said:

"It's not that I don't care about Xiao Tao's future, but sometimes, breaking the rules may usher in unexpected opportunities. Let's see if Tang Lan can really fulfill his promise and solve Xiao Tao's evil fire problem. If he can really do it, what will happen to Xiao Tao? That’s not necessarily a good thing.”

After hearing this, the instructors still looked disapproving.

However, with the insistence of the dean, he could only suppress his worries for the time being and wait for the further development of the matter.

Yan Shaozhe looked at Tang Lan, his eyes full of scrutiny and exploration.

He also wanted to know what method Tang Lan had to solve Ma Xiaotao's evil fire problem.

He had racked his brains and tried every means to help Ma Xiaotao solve this problem.

He read through countless ancient secret books and sought advice from many senior experts.

Tried all sorts of rare herbs and elixirs,

He also personally formulated a series of special training plans for Ma Xiaotao, but in the end they all failed.

He even asked Mr. Mu, who was highly respected and powerful in the academy, for help.

But even a peerless expert like Mr. Mu can't do anything.

He spent a lot of time and energy on this, and was exhausted mentally and physically.

After failing again and again, he had given up completely.

Now Tang Lan vowed that there is a way,

This made Yan Shaozhe feel both a glimmer of hope and full of doubts about what this seemingly arrogant young man was capable of.

Although it seems extremely ridiculous to pin your hopes on a mere second-level soul master.

After all, the problem of evil fire faced by Ma Xiaotao was such that even many senior instructors and powerful seniors in the academy were helpless.

What can a second-level great soul master with such a low cultivation level do?

This is as absurd as entrusting the important task of saving the common people to an ignorant child.

But now Yan Shaozhe can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After experiencing disappointment and frustration again and again, he had no choice. All conventional methods have been tried,

I have gone through all the avenues I can think of, but still have no clue.

At this moment, he was like a traveler lost in the darkness. Even if there was only a very weak light in front of him, he could only hold on tightly as the last straw. (End of chapter)

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