He had some vague expectations for Tang Lan in his heart.

This seemingly ordinary young man showed a unique temperament and extraordinary self-confidence from the beginning.

There was a firmness and determination in his eyes, as if nothing could stop his determination.

This is a unique genius who may actually create miracles, break the rules and find solutions to long-standing problems.

Yan Shaozhe was looking forward to this deep in his heart, although he himself felt that this expectation was almost a luxury.

Looking at Ma Xiaotao who was already shaken in front of him,

Tang Lan understood that now he only needed a strong dose of medicine to take Ma Xiaotao under his wing and become his woman.

. There was a hint of cunning and pride in his eyes, and there seemed to be a bottomless conspiracy hidden in those slightly narrowed eyes.

Secretly thinking about the next plan,

Like a seasoned hunter, about to launch the final fatal blow to the prey.

Tang Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, with a glint of determination in his eyes.

He first looked around, then took a small step forward. That small step was taken extremely cautiously, as if he was afraid of attracting too much attention from others.

His body slowly approached Ma Xiaotao. Every time he got closer,

The look on his face became increasingly mysterious and focused.

After getting closer, he bent down slightly, put his head close to Ma Xiaotao's ear, and said in a low voice:

"Senior Xiaotao, as long as you believe in me, I guarantee that I can not only solve your evil fire problem, but also make you reach a higher level in your cultivation and become a being that no one in the academy can match."

"At that time, everyone will look at you with admiration, and you will become the object of everyone's admiration and enjoy endless glory and respect."

His words are full of temptation,

Like sweet poison, every word seems to be filled with magic, weaving a gorgeous and illusory picture of the future.

Ma Xiaotao raised her head slightly, with a trace of hesitation and confusion in her eyes.

She was struggling fiercely in her heart. On the one hand, she was eager to solve the evil fire problem.

On the other hand, there is doubt and uncertainty about Tang Lan.

Seeing this, Tang Lan continued to strike while the iron was hot:

"Sister, this opportunity must not be missed, it will never come again."

"Are you willing to be troubled by this evil fire all the time, unable to show your true strength? Are you unable to realize your dreams and ambitions?"

"This is an excellent opportunity for you to change your destiny. If you miss it, you will never have it again."

His voice became increasingly deep and magnetic, carrying a bewitching power.

Trying to further shake Ma Xiaotao's heart and make her completely fall into the trap that she carefully arranged.

Ma Xiaotao was extremely shaken at this moment. She frowned, her eyes full of struggle and confusion.

The originally red lips were trembling slightly at this moment, and the delicate face was slightly pale due to the inner suffering.

Upon seeing this, Tang Lan felt that the time was right, and calmly took out a pill that exuded a strange light and fragrance from his arms, and slowly said:

"Senior Xiaotao, I found this elixir after all the hard work. It has miraculous effects and can greatly alleviate the uncontrollable evil fire in your body."

"I believe that as long as you take it, your condition will be improved. You might as well try it."

Tang Lan knew that he had initially impressed Ma Xiaotao with his words.

However, he knew in his heart that he wanted the other party to truly be convinced and become his woman with all his heart.

Just relying on these words is not enough, some real actions are also needed.

Only by letting the other party truly understand that he is really strong enough to help her completely solve the evil fire problem,

Only then can she surrender completely to him.

At this moment, Tang Lan's eyes were fixed on Ma Xiaotao.

Not letting go of any subtle change of expression on her face, even the slight trembling of her eyelashes.

Ma Xiaotao looked at the elixir in front of her that exuded a strong medicinal fragrance.

His brows were furrowed, and his eyes showed confusion and hesitation. She bit her lower lip lightly. Her originally pink lips were now slightly pale due to exertion.

Fine beads of sweat seeped out from her smooth forehead. It seems like there is a fierce struggle going on inside,

Her hands unconsciously clenched the corners of her clothes, and her finger joints turned white from the exertion.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally slowly stretched out his slightly trembling hand and took it.

"Can this little pill really solve my evil fire problem?"

Ma Xiaotao asked with confusion.

Her originally bright eyes were now covered with a layer of haze, and there was an imperceptible tremor in her voice.

The trembling seemed to be the echo of fear and hope deep in her heart.

She has been troubled by the evil fire for a long time and has taken various pills, but in the end they were all in vain.

Nothing works. The disappointment after being full of hope again and again made her heart scarred.

Now facing this elixir with unknown effects, she was both eager and afraid to fall into the abyss of despair again.

Yan Shaozhe's eyes were fixed on the pill at this time.

He clenched his fists unconsciously, the veins on his forehead bulged slightly, and his breathing became somewhat rapid.

I was thinking to myself:

Can such a pill really help his disciples effectively control the evil fire problem?

There was concern for Ma Xiaotao in his eyes, but also doubts about the effectiveness of this elixir.

Tang Lan showed an extremely confident smile. He straightened his back, his eyes were firm and calm, and he said:

"Senior Xiaotao will know if it works or not."

His voice was steady and powerful, as if it had an irresistible magic power.

However, the slightly raised corners of his mouth revealed a subtle hint of cunning.

Ma Xiaotao held the pill tightly and took a deep look at Tang Lan.

There was a hint of hesitation and expectation in his eyes, and then he raised his head and drank the pill.


A strong heat surged from her abdomen and spread quickly throughout her body.

Ma Xiaotao's face turned as red as a ripe apple,

Big beads of sweat kept rolling down, and her body was trembling slightly.

He bent over in pain. She gritted her teeth,

A suppressed moan came from his throat, and the sound was full of endless pain and struggle.

At this moment, her heart was filled with fear, fearing that this would be another failed attempt.

"What's going on?"

Yan Shaozhe was shocked and took a step forward hastily.

He stretched out his hands to support Ma Xiaotao.

His face was so solemn that it seemed like it could drip water, and his eyes were full of worry and tension.

The wrinkles on my forehead seemed deeper now, and I was thinking:

"Don't let anything happen. Xiao Tao is the hope of the academy."

However, Tang Lan remained calm and composed, clasping his hands on his chest, he spoke unhurriedly. (End of chapter)

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