"Don't worry, this is a normal reaction when the elixir takes effect. The evil fire in Senior Xiaotao's body is competing with the power of the elixir."

"The evil fire has been in her body for a long time, and now the medicine's power collides with it, which will naturally cause a strong reaction."

Just when everyone was worried and their hearts were in their throats,

A powerful wave of energy suddenly erupted from Ma Xiaotao's body.

The energy was so hot that the surrounding air seemed to be distorted by the heat.

With a "sizzling" sound, the dust on the ground was also swept up by this energy, forming a small whirlwind.

But not long after, this energy fluctuation gradually subsided.

Ma Xiaotao slowly stood up straight, her breathing gradually stabilized, and her originally rapid panting became long and even.

Her face also returned to normal, no longer showing the painful look before.

Instead, it glows with a healthy rosy luster, which is like the sunlight penetrating the mist in the morning, warm and bright.

She felt the changes in her body, and her heart was filled with surprise and disbelief:

"Did it really succeed this time?"

"I feel better."

Ma Xiaotao said in surprise,

His eyes sparkled with excitement.

She stretched her body and felt relaxed all over, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Her voice trembled slightly with excitement, which was the release after being suppressed for a long time.

Yan Shaozhe breathed a long sigh of relief,

The originally tense body relaxed, and his eyes looked at Tang Lan with a little more appreciation and gratitude:

"Tang Lan, thanks to you this time."

His voice was full of relief, and the worry on his face was wiped away, and he thought to himself:

"This child really gave us a big surprise."

At this time, everyone from Shrek Academy also gathered around.

Shock and disbelief were written on their faces.

Some people's eyes widened, their mouths opened as wide as if they could fit an egg in, and they murmured in their hearts:

"How is this possible? So many seniors couldn't do anything, but this kid actually solved it."

Some people kept rubbing their eyes, wondering if they were dreaming, and muttering to themselves:

"Isn't it an illusion?" Others were whispering to each other, their words full of admiration for this magical elixir.

"This elixir can really suppress Xiaotao's evil fire. It's incredible!"

"Yes, we have tried so many methods to no avail. Unexpectedly, Tang Lan's pill solved the problem."

"Who is this Tang Lan? He has such magical abilities."

Everyone was talking one after another, and their eyes looking at Tang Lan were full of curiosity and admiration.

Tang Ya, Jiang Nannan, and Yu'er saw everyone's shocked looks,

His eyes are full of pride and pride,

The brilliance is as bright as the stars shining in the night sky,

Unable to suppress the excitement surging in his heart, he couldn't help but praise Tang Lan.

Tang Ya held her hands in front of her chest, with a happy and sweet smile on her face, and said softly:

"Tang Lan has always been so powerful. No matter how difficult and dangerous the situation is, he can always keep a cool head, think about countermeasures calmly, and then cleverly come up with a solution."

"I knew that he would be able to succeed this time. In my heart, he has never disappointed anyone, as if he is the all-powerful warrior."

Jiang Nannan nodded slightly, her silky hair swaying slightly, her eyes shining with admiration, and she answered with a smile:

"Yes, Tang Lan can always create amazing miracles when everyone is in deep despair and feels that there is no hope."

"He is like a bright light that suddenly lights up in the darkness, bringing hope and courage to people in trouble, as if nothing in this world can really stump him."

Yu'er clenched her hands into fists, placed them tightly on her chest, and said loudly with pride:

"He is our pride and a hero who will always stand in our hearts!"

"No matter what dangerous and terrifying situation we encounter, as long as he is around, we feel extremely at ease, as if all wind and rain can be blocked by him."

Facing the compliments from everyone, Tang Lan just smiled slightly,

There was a certain confidence and calmness in that smile, as if everything was under his control.

It was already within his expectation. His eyes were calm and firm,

Like a deep and tranquil lake, even if the wind blows suddenly, there will be no ripples.

It makes people feel an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, as if as long as he is there, any difficulties and obstacles can be easily resolved.

Yan Shaozhe walked forward with steady steps and said solemnly and solemnly:

"Tang Lan, Shrek Academy will definitely remember your help to Xiao Tao."

"We will never forget this kindness."

"In order to solve the problem of evil fire in Xiao Tao's body, I have worked tirelessly to find a cure, traveled to thousands of mountains and rivers, and visited countless famous doctors who are hidden in the world."

"I also spared no effort to consult experts from all walks of life and listened to their opinions with an open mind. I will never let go even if there is only a glimmer of hope."

"We even did not hesitate to use the precious resources accumulated by the college over the years and spent countless efforts and energy, but we have never been able to find an effective method."

"Now that you have successfully helped Xiaotao relieve the evil fire, you have really helped the college a lot. This achievement is indelible."

His tone was sincere and sincere, and his eyes were full of heartfelt gratitude, which seemed to express endless gratitude.

Tang Lan bowed slightly, saluted Yan Shaozhe and said:

"Dean, you are too kind. It is my honor to contribute to the college and relieve Xiaotao's pain."

After that, he looked at Ma Xiaotao, his eyes full of concern.

He gently raised his hand, and a soft light overflowed from his palm, slowly covering Ma Xiaotao.

The light was warm and powerful, as if soothing the evil fire in Ma Xiaotao's body that had not yet completely subsided.

Tang Lan whispered a mysterious formula, and the light flickered rhythmically with his voice.

Ma Xiaotao only felt a cool feeling flowing through her body, and the evil fire that was still a little restless gradually calmed down.

Ma Xiaotao's eyes were full of complex emotions, with deep gratitude, sincere admiration, and a hint of subtle shyness.

She lowered her head slightly, like a shy flower, making people feel pity for her. She said softly:

"Tang Lan, thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would have been tortured by this evil fire."

"This evil fire is like a hideous and terrifying demon. It tortures me mercilessly day and night, making me miserable and almost losing hope in life. It is you who came like an angel and gave me new hope."

Tang Lan looked at Ma Xiaotao, his eyes were as hot as if burning with raging fire, full of affection and expectation, and spoke. (End of this chapter)

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