"Senior Ma Xiaotao, you can trust me this time and become my woman."

When Ma Xiaotao heard this, her delicate body trembled.

Like a tender willow branch gently blown by the breeze, I bit my lip,

The lips looked more rosy and delicate because of exertion,

A blush as bright as the sunset appeared on her face, and she was infinitely shy.

Ma Xiaotao nodded gently, her voice as soft as a mosquito whispering, and said slowly:

"Well, Tang Lan, I do."

When Tang Lan heard this, he was instantly ecstatic, and his whole body seemed to be drowned by a huge wave of joy.

He stretched out his arms without hesitation and hugged Ma Xiaotao tightly into his arms, as if he wanted to rub her into his body and never leave her again.

This affectionate embrace was clearly reflected in the eyes of the Shrek Academy students present, causing mixed emotions to surge up in their hearts.

Some students' eyes were filled with envy, their heads lowered, and they murmured in a low voice:

"How come Tang Lan is so lucky to win the heart of senior Ma Xiaotao? I'm no worse than him. Why hasn't such luck come to me?"

The voice was full of helplessness and loss.

Some students were so jealous that they gritted their teeth and secretly clenched their fists, thinking angrily in their hearts:

"Why is it Tang Lan? Why is he the one who gets the love of Senior Sister Ma Xiaotao?"

Their faces were so gloomy that they seemed to drip with water.

What's more, his heart was full of resentment, his eyes were fixed on the two people embracing each other, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Huh, it's just a temporary beauty. Let's see how long they can go. I don't believe they can stay this sweet forever."

Those eyes full of malice seemed to be able to spit out fire.

However, these complex emotions of envy, jealousy, or resentment,

It did not have the slightest impact on Tang Lan and Ma Xiaotao, who were immersed in happiness.

They seemed to be in a world that belonged only to them, and all the noise and distractions around them no longer existed.

Yan Shaozhe looked at the students' rich and unfriendly reactions,

He coughed slightly and said seriously:

"Don't have this mentality. Tang Lan has made many indelible contributions to the college. He and Xiao Tao are in love, and they are a match made in heaven. We should give the most sincere blessings instead of being dissatisfied."

But even with the dean's earnest persuasion, the flames of jealousy in the hearts of the students were not completely extinguished.

The flame of jealousy was still burning faintly in my heart, but due to the majesty of the dean, I did not dare to spread it wantonly for the time being.

Tang Ya, Jiang Nannan and Yu'er couldn't help but frowned when they saw this scene.

Tang Ya put her hands on her hips and said with dissatisfaction:

"How could these people do this? Tang Lan and Sister Xiaotao are obviously so well matched. They should receive the blessings of all of us."

Jiang Nannan nodded slightly, with a hint of worry on her beautiful face, and echoed:

"That is, they should see more of Tang Lan's excellence and hard work, and everything he has done for the academy. Instead of being blinded by jealousy."

Yu'er's face turned red with anger, she stamped her feet and said angrily:

"Hmph, just ignore them and let them feel unbalanced. We just need to bless Tang Lan and Sister Xiaotao."

Ma Xiaotao was unprepared and was suddenly embraced by Tang Lan.

At that moment, her body seemed to be cast by a stabilizing spell, and it instantly became as stiff as a cold stone statue, motionless.

Ever since she was little, she has been like a precious pearl held in the palms of everyone's hands.

Like a delicate flower blooming alone on a high mountain, it always maintains its unique reserve and pride in the realm of emotions.

For her, it was indeed the first time in her life to be embraced so warmly and unreservedly by a man.

Her body reacted almost subconsciously,

The force of resistance surged up, and his hands were raised high uncontrollably, as if with endless power, he wanted to push Tang Lan out mercilessly.

However, at this critical moment, the scene where she had just agreed to become Tang Lan's girlfriend flashed through her mind like lightning.

Her inner world began to struggle fiercely. On the one hand, it was her long-term reserve and instinctive resistance;

On the other hand is the recognition of the new identity and the expectations for this relationship.

In the end, reason prevailed,

She just relied on the expectation and firm belief in this relationship deep in her heart,

He tried his best to suppress this strong resistance originating from his body's instinct.

at the same time,

A strange feeling that she had never experienced before, like a new bud quietly breaking through the ground in spring, slowly rose in her heart.

This feeling of being hugged tightly by Tang Lan made her feel extremely strange and nervous at first. Her heart was pounding like a deer, uneasy.

But when she tried to calm herself down and feel and taste carefully, she was extremely surprised to find that,

Not only does he not seem to dislike this feeling,

Even in the deepest part of my heart, there is still a vague expectation and unnoticeable joy.

Tang Lan keenly felt the body of the beautiful woman in his arms trembling slightly.

The subtle shaking was clearly transmitted through the bodies embracing each other.

He could also clearly feel that when he first hugged him,

The other party’s instant burst of resistance,

The brief conflict was like ripples on a calm lake.

However, as he waited nervously, he was delighted to feel that the other party did not push him away resolutely.

At this moment, Tang Lan's face couldn't help but reveal an unconcealable smile.

That smile is like the spring breeze blowing on your face, warm and satisfying.

In Tang Lan's heart, tension and expectation are intertwined at this moment.

He knew very well the pride and reserve in Ma Xiaotao's character, so when he hugged her,

He was actually prepared to be pushed away.

However, when he realized that the resistance did not translate into actual pushing, a light seemed to be lit in his heart.

He thought to himself:

"Xiao Tao didn't push me away. Does this mean that she has begun to accept me in her heart and admits that she is my woman?"

This realization made his heart beat faster, and joy surged in his heart like a tide.

Because he knew very clearly in his heart that Ma Xiaotao did not push him away.

It was equivalent to her silently admitting the unquestionable fact that she was her own woman.

Although at the beginning, Ma Xiaotao was obviously not used to such close contact, and her body reaction and expression showed her nervousness and embarrassment.

But Tang Lan firmly believed that as long as he gave him a few gentle and patient trainings,

The other party will surely gradually sink into his deep affection and care, just like a small boat that has found a warm harbor and can dock with peace of mind. (End of chapter)

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