One student couldn't help but smacked his lips and said:

"Look at Tang Lan. She is surrounded by beauties like Ya'er, Nannan, Yu'er and Senior Xiaotao. It's really enviable to death!"

"I practice hard every day, why doesn't something good like this happen to me? Is this the gap?"

As he spoke, he shook his head helplessly.

Another student nodded repeatedly and echoed:

"That's right, why aren't we so lucky?"

"Tang Lan is not only powerful and talented, he is highly respected in the academy, and now he has so many beauties around him."

"If I could be half as charming as him, I wouldn't be afraid to talk to the girl I like every time I see her."

His face was filled with mixed emotions of loss and envy.

His words immediately attracted the approval of other students.

"Tang Lan is not only powerful, but also has so many beauties falling in love with him. He is truly a winner in life!"

"We practice very hard every day, isn't it just to stand out in the academy and win the favor of the opposite sex? But look at Tang Lan, he has easily accomplished what we dream of."

"Comparing people with each other is so irritating! We can only watch helplessly."

"We are both studying at Shrek Academy, so why is there such a big gap? Senior Tang Lan is simply the darling favored by God, and we can only silently envy and hate him from the sidelines."

The students spoke to each other, and their words were full of envy for Tang Lan and helplessness for themselves.

They looked at Tang Lan's leaving figure, their hearts filled with yearning and expectation, hoping that one day they could be as glorious as Tang Lan.

Just as the students were expressing their envy and helplessness, a teacher from Shrek Academy walked over with a steady and powerful step.

His face was serious, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were stern and filled with a hint of hatred.

"What are you chirping about here?"

"If you want to be like Tang Lan, go back and practice hard for me instead of complaining here!"

The teacher's voice was loud and stern, like thunder exploding in the students' ears, causing them to become silent instantly.

"Did Tang Lan's achievements today come from fantasy and envy?"

"That's what he gained after putting in countless sweat and efforts and going through life and death tests again and again!"

"You only see his superficial beauty, but you don't see the hardship behind him." He

"What are you doing when you are practicing hard day and night in the training room?"

"When he doesn't flinch in the face of a powerful enemy, what are you doing?"

The teacher clasped his hands on his chest and scanned the students in front of him with blazing eyes. His eyes seemed to be able to see through their inner laziness and avoidance.

"If you spend all your complaining time cultivating and turn your envy into motivation, you might be able to be as outstanding as Tang Lan one day."

"But if you continue to feel sorry for yourself like this, you will always be here looking at others helplessly, and you will accomplish nothing!"

"Do you think success falls from the sky? Can it be achieved by just talking? Stop daydreaming!"

The teacher's tone became more serious, even a little angry, and his voice echoed in the air,

The students couldn't help but lower their heads, with a look of shame on their faces.

Every one of the students was like an eggplant beaten by frost, wilting.

One student bit his lip, his face turned red, he felt ashamed and regretful, and thought to himself:

"The teacher is right, I shouldn't just envy others but not take action."

The other man's head lowered even lower, his hands tightly clenched the corners of his clothes, and he swore secretly:

"From today on, I will work harder to practice and stop wasting time complaining."

The student secretly raised his eyes to look at the teacher, then quickly lowered his head, his heart filled with self-blame:

"Why am I so unsatisfied? I can only talk but not do anything."

Student Ding took a deep breath, raised his head and looked at the teacher firmly, as if to show his determination to change.

A female student's eyes were red, and she silently muttered in her heart: "I can't go on like this anymore. I must impress the teacher."

"I have remembered it all. If you want to succeed, there is no shortcut. Only by practicing hard and constantly improving yourself can you have a chance to get ahead!"

"Now, leave me alone and go back to practice! Don't waste time here!"

The teacher finally waved his hand, signaling the students to leave quickly.

He looked at the dejected expressions of the students, feeling angry and helpless. He only hoped that these words would make them wake up and really start working hard.

After returning to the room, Tang Lan started a fierce battle with four beauties: Tang Ya, Jiang Nannan, Yu'er and Ma Xiaotao.

It made all five of them sweat profusely.

Ma Xiaotao also experienced the real joy of being a woman for the first time.

I also realized how powerful Tang Lan was.

With one against four, they were not at a disadvantage at all.

She even felt that Tang Lan alone could help her solve the evil fire problem without the aid of other drugs!

At this time, Tang Lan stood up and

That vigorous figure is like an agile cheetah,

He looked at the four beauties in front of him with piercing eyes, and his heart surged.

It was as if a surge of power was stirring in his chest.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and his face, which was originally full of tenderness, suddenly became stern.

There was a barely perceptible sneer on the corner of his mouth, which was cold and disdainful.

"It's coming pretty fast!"

His voice was low and powerful, as if he squeezed out these words from his teeth, with a chilling momentum.

Hearing this, Tang Ya and the other four people's faces changed wildly, and their original shyness and tenderness were instantly replaced by panic.

Tang Ya was the first to ask:

"Are the assassins from the Holy Spirit Church and the four empires here?"

Her voice trembled, and her beautiful eyes were full of fear and worry.

Jiang Nannan then said: "What should we do? Why did they show up at this time?"

Her hands tightly grasped the corners of her clothes, and her body trembled slightly.

Yu'er's face was pale, and her voice was filled with tears: "Tang Lan, will we be in danger?"

Ma Xiaotao bit her lip, looked at Tang Lan firmly, and said: "No matter what, we will face it with you!"

Tang Lan's eyes were as firm as torches, like two bright lightnings, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid."

The firm and powerful voice echoed in the room, like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's heart hard, calming the originally panicked heart instantly.

After saying that, he quickly stood up, his movements were as fast as lightning, without any sense of dragging.

Although Tang Ya and others were shrouded in fear, they still endured it and tried to calm themselves down. (End of this chapter)

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