Douluo: Steal Tang San's luck and become stronger!

Chapter 787 Come with a pair, kill a pair

Their bodies trembled slightly, but they were still ready to fight.

Tang Ya bit her lip tightly, holding the weapon tightly with both hands, her joints turning white from the exertion.

Tang Lan walked to the window with steady steps and narrowed his eyes slightly. His eyes were extremely sharp, like a wolf searching for prey in the dark.

He was observing the movement outside with all his concentration.

"They haven't shown up yet, but I can feel their breath."

His voice was low and calm, as if he was stating a common fact.

Tang Ya clenched the weapon in her hand, which seemed to be her only support at the moment, and said:

"Then let's set up our defenses first so they can't succeed easily."

There was a hint of urgency and anxiety in her voice, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Tang Lan had a relaxed and carefree smile on his face. That smile seemed to be able to dispel all the haze, and he said confidently:

"No need, they can't change the world as long as I'm here!"

These short words conveyed unparalleled domineering and confidence, as if he was the invincible God of War, and people couldn't help but be full of trust and expectations for him.

"Are we going back to the academy now? Let the teachers in the academy protect us."

Jiang Nannan looked nervous and spoke hastily.

At this time, the strong wind howled outside the window, making the leaves rustle, as if it was an ominous prelude.

Her eyes were full of uneasiness and fear of unknown danger, and her hands were clenched tightly together unconsciously.

Tang Ya also said immediately:

"Didn't the dean say that we are protected by powerful Titled Douluo men from the academy? Where are they now?"

Her voice trembled slightly, her brows were furrowed, and her beautiful face was full of doubts and anxiety.

The atmosphere in the dimly lit room was so solemn and suffocating.

"What are you afraid of?"

Ma Xiaotao shook her head suddenly, her eyes flashed with determination, and she shouted loudly.

At this moment, her heart was burning with a fearless flame, thinking about the many tests she had experienced,

When was there not a time when I was not wandering on the edge of life and death?

There was no time when I didn’t get through with courage and belief.

She knew that although these enemies were insidious and cunning and their strength should not be underestimated, she was by no means a lamb to be slaughtered.

"If they dare to come, just fight and it will be over."

She clenched her hands into fists, her joints turning slightly white from exertion, and her tone was firm and decisive, as if the enemy in front of her was vulnerable.

She told herself in her heart that she must not shrink back or let fear occupy her heart.

No matter how powerful the enemy was, it would be a fight to the death, but she, Ma Xiaotao, had never been a timid person.

No matter how fierce those enemies are, they are just a group of rats hiding their heads and showing their tails.

As long as you bravely face them, you will definitely be able to find their flaws and defeat them.

Tang Lan agreed very much with Ma Xiaotao's words and just did it.

He looked at everyone firmly and said: "Xiao Tao is right, we can't just sit back and wait for death. Instead of being afraid of retreating, it's better to take the initiative!"

Tang Ya bit her lip and said, "But the opponent's strength is unknown. Wouldn't it be too risky for us to do this?"

Tang Lan waved his hand and said: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't be able to catch the tiger's cubs. If we are always timid, it will only make the enemy more arrogant. Besides, we are not unprepared."

Jiang Nannan nodded and said, "Well, now that you've decided, let's give it a try!"

Yu'er took a deep breath and said, "If we all work together, we will definitely defeat the enemy!"

Tang Lan looked around at everyone,

The eyes were full of determination and comfort, like the warm sunshine in spring, soft but full of power, and he said:

"Don't worry, I'm not willing to put you in danger."

His voice was steady and powerful, like the bells in an ancient temple deep in the mountains, thick and distant,

It was as if a shot in the arm had been injected into everyone present, instantly calming down the originally flustered hearts.

As he spoke, he shouted into the void:

"The two titled Douluo, Falling Sword Soul Douluo, Ice Bear, and Time, came out to meet."

His voice was like a bell, reverberating in this quiet and depressing space, causing slight ripples in the surrounding air.

His expression was serious and solemn, as if he was sure that these titled Douluo would definitely respond to his call.

He straightened his spine and his posture was like a pine tree, showing a fearless aura, like a majestic mountain that could not be shaken.

His firm eyes, high bridge of nose, and tight lips all showed his inner determination.

As soon as he finished speaking, three figures appeared out of thin air like ghosts.

Falling Sword Soul Douluo is dressed in green clothes.

The sword energy lingers,

The sword energy seemed to have substance, shining with a cold light, as if it could split the void.

His eyes were as sharp as a sharp edge, making people afraid to look into his eyes.

Ice Bear Douluo is burly, as tall as a mountain.

Waves of chill emanated from the whole body, as if it could freeze the surrounding air.

Every step he took seemed to shake the earth.

Time Douluo is surrounded by the mysterious power of time. The light is bright and dim.

It's unpredictable,

His face was solemn, like an ancient statue, solemn and majestic.

When Tang Ya and the other four saw them, their faces suddenly showed expressions of surprise and relief.

Tang Ya was so excited that her voice trembled, and she said:

"With all the senior Douluo here, we feel more at ease."

Tears flashed in her eyes, and the previous fear and anxiety were replaced by joy.

Jiang Nannan's tense nerves relaxed instantly, and she breathed a sigh of relief, with a relieved smile on her face:

"Great, now we are saved."

Her hands, which were originally tightly holding the weapon, gradually loosened, and the whole person seemed to be freed from the huge pressure.

Yu'er's eyes flashed with hope, and she murmured:

"With the help of the predecessors, we will definitely be able to repel the enemy."

Her delicate body seemed to be full of strength at this moment, and she was full of confidence in the future battle.

Ma Xiaotao's face rekindled the fighting spirit, and she said loudly:

"With the predecessors here, we will definitely beat the enemy to pieces!"

Her voice was crisp and loud, full of determination and courage, as if she had seen the dawn of victory.

The two titled Douluo, Luojian Soul Douluo, Bingxiong, and Shijian, nodded slightly to Tang Ya and the other four, with a hint of comfort in their eyes, and turned to look at Tang Lan.

Falling Sword Soul Douluo spoke first, his voice was as cold as frost, as if he could lower the temperature around him a bit:

"Tang Lan, what's the situation?"

Tang Lan looked solemn, frowned, and quickly described the current situation and the enemy's possible movements in detail.

He spoke very quickly, but clearly, without missing a single detail.

Ice Bear Douluo frowned, and his frown was like two small hills. He said in a rough voice:

"Hmph, who cares what enemy he is, kill one if one comes, and kill two if two come!" (End of this chapter)

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