But maybe this is just the law of Blue Star and has nothing to do with the fantasy world.

"Because the soul beast has no choice!

Mom said that if you don't transform, at the 100,000-year level, the soul beast will only have a thousand years of life left.

Instead of living for a thousand years, it would be better to transform into a human being and have a chance of eternal life. "

At this point, Xiao Wu's mood dropped as she mentioned her mother.

But Qian Shui was quite disgusted with this kind of behavior, "Do you really understand the meaning and the price behind it? Are you sure it's not just because you are blindly following your mother?"

Such a thing has never occurred to her as a simple-minded rabbit, "I..."

"You don't know the consequences, you don't understand the truth, and you make choices blindly. Such unknowns will only bring disaster to yourself! Your life of one hundred thousand years has been in vain!"

Qian Shui has long passed the age of making casual accusations, but he still can't help it. After all, he knows a lot of truths, and he also understands many things in the future.

Xiao Wu was said to have lost her temper, and even her rabbit-eared headdress drooped down. Although she was surprised by Qian Shui's stance, she was indeed caught by Qian Shui while running around stupidly. This was undoubtedly a disaster.

"Forget it, forget it, you should think about how to be a human being, you are so beastly. If you don't get caught by me, you will be killed by others sooner or later!"

'You actually dare to go to Wuhun City to participate in the elite competition. Who gave you the confidence and courage? Rather than saying that the results of the siege and sacrifice were caused by Wuhun Palace, it was better caused by arrogance, and Chun Chun was stupidly killed by himself! ’

Looking sideways at this audacious rabbit, Qian Shui found it difficult to complain, even including Tang Shenwang's various weird self-perceptions and views.

'This kind of thing is simply throwing yourself into a trap. If I were Tang San and killed my lover because of my arrogance, I would have committed suicide in shame. Why are you taking revenge?

Why should people let you go? Where is your mother from all over the world?

If you really let go, that's noble, and if you don't, that's your duty.

Putting aside Bibi Dong's original thoughts, and being able to admit defeat openly and give the soul bone, at least it was done on the surface without losing any dignity and dignity. ’

"Why do you want to be a human being! I don't want to be a despicable and shameless human being!"

For Xiao Wu, this is no less than giving up the dignity of being a soul beast. "Since we have given up being a soul beast, what else can we say if we choose to transform."

After a pause, Qian Shui replied calmly, "Despicable and shameless people are human beings, and courage and perseverance are also human beings.

Your current evaluation is meaningless because it is not comprehensive enough and you do not understand it well enough.

Greed, anger and ignorance, love and separation, wine, sex and wealth.

As the primates of all things, humans can occupy the entire Douluo Continent's living space, and can practice at a speed that far exceeds that of soul beasts. It is not so easy to be despicable and shameless.

This is far more complicated than you realize now.

Despicable people are human beings, and noble people are also human beings. "

At this point, Qian Shui stopped moving forward, stood still and said: "The biggest difference between humans and monkeys is..."

At this point, he stopped again and was stunned.

"I'm so stupid. I only dressed in 13's. I forgot that this is fantasy. There is still a question mark over whether the theory of evolution is really true..."

"What's the biggest difference?"

Xiao Wu did not refute Qian Shui. The gap in knowledge and cognition meant that she could only listen obediently and did not understand anything else. But at least people are complicated, and she agreed, just like Qian Shui, a real human being. everything.

But she didn't understand why Qian Shui stopped.

Qian Shui helplessly replied: "Oh, forget it, what I just said is one of the reasons why I want to arrest you. You don't know anyway, so it's useless to talk about it."

Xiao Wu's curiosity was aroused, and she asked reluctantly: "You really didn't arrest me for my soul ring and soul bone?"

This is also the life issue that she is most concerned about and the most entangled with.

"A little bit, but not much. What I really want to know is the origin of humankind. Originally, I thought you would know something if you lived long enough."

When she heard Qian Shui's reason for catching her, she really couldn't understand it. At least the soul beast would never dwell on this issue. No matter how you put it, the vague answer was that the soul beast originated from the Dragon God. There was no doubt about it.

"Why? Is this important?"

"Important, but not important. If I were an ordinary person, I would only care about what I will eat tomorrow, what kind of wife I will marry in the future, and where I will be buried in the end.

But I am a practitioner. If I don’t know where I came from, how can I move towards the future? "

Regarding this, Xiao Wu has no motivation to think about it at all, "I feel like you are just thinking about some meaningless questions. Even if you know the origin of human beings, what will happen? Can soul power cultivation be faster?"

"It may not be impossible!"


Xiao Wu was completely confused, but Qian Shui in front of her stared at her with fury, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Although you don't know, maybe it's not as useless as you think."

‘The transformed soul beast is really interesting! ’

Because Qian Shui remembered the speculations of some big shots back then - "Do you think humans today are the descendants of transformed soul beasts?"

This hypothesis is bold, but very logical.

After all, Tang San, Tang Wutong and Tang Wulin couldn't explode their soul rings. The latter was open to question, but Tang San definitely couldn't.

Because he did die once.

But this theory cannot explain the existence of weapon souls. It is impossible for soul beasts like the Clear Sky Hammer or the Seven Kills Sword to exist, right?

Anyway, Xiao Wu had a look of disdain on her face. Even with her intelligence, she found this kind of problem impossible.

"I know the existence of weapon spirits, but what about beast spirits?

So I want to confirm one more thing with you, that is, the spirit beast that transforms into a human has indeed become a human, right?"

If it were on Blue Star, the DNA would have changed completely at the microscopic level, so this would be impossible, but this is a fantasy world.

"Probably after the maturity period, it will truly become a human. At that time, I am confident that you will never recognize it!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Wu even straightened her non-existent chest.

"Then what are you proud of? Can't you just come out after the maturity period?"

The chest that had just straightened drooped again, "Because it must come into contact with humans to grow!"

Chapter 101 Rabbit and Human

"This rule is indeed a bit ridiculous, but it doesn't seem to be unreasonable."

Qianshui has thought about this issue about the spirit beast's transformation and the need to come into contact with humans to grow.

Although I always feel that someone's setting is nonsense and not rigorous, but in fact, it can't be blamed on these things when it comes to Douluo Continent.

"Reason? The rules of heaven and earth are like this, what reason can there be?"

"Then have you ever thought about why the rules of heaven and earth must be like this?" Excluding the martial soul system artificially created by the superiors, the only reasonable one is, "If you don't get close to people, you can't become a real person!"

"Have you ever observed babies? They are blank slates when they are born. Only by imitating the people around them can they obtain information from the world, and this initial learning is the most basic thing for being a human."

Qianshui has understood this very clearly. He is a baby, so he is not a blank slate. At least he is not as fast as babies in learning language passively.

"Similarly, if you magnify this kind of thing and compare it to the transformed soul beast, that is the object that needs to be imitated.

In a deeper sense, it is very likely that such a transformation also requires imitation. When you transform from a soul beast into a human, your body is imitating and constantly improving with reference to humans. And to imitate, there needs to be an object to be imitated, and such imitation can only be done by getting close to humans and living with them."

After a lot of theory, whether you understand it or not is another matter. Xiaowu understands that Qianshui involves a lot of knowledge.

She just kept nodding her head. She didn't have any doubt or falsification consciousness. She just felt that Qianshui's words were impressive, so she subconsciously believed it.

Anyway, nodding means understanding, Qianshui thought so. In the past, a little angel understood it very quickly, unless she didn't want to listen.

"Anyway, now that you have transformed into a human, you must be a good person. I believe in you!" He raised his eyebrows, patted Xiaowu's shoulder, and continued to walk forward.

"Be a human?" Xiaowu didn't shout no like before, but thought about this question seriously.

"How to be a human?" Xiaowu asked, chasing Qianshui quickly, "Imitate you?"

"Hey, you are not a baby, what ghost can you imitate!"

After talking for a long time, this guy remembered the word "imitate", but Qianshui remembered the unpleasant memory when he first came here.

After thinking for a while, the corners of his mouth tilted silently, "How about this, I'll give you a surname!

Although there is no choice, the surnames of the parents and ancestors are the surnames of the children, or the girls take the surnames of their husbands.

Your mother doesn't seem to have one, so we can only give you another one."

"What does this mean?"

"Surnames are inheritance, the honor or shame of a family, and the foundation of being a human being.

A person without a name or surname, especially without a surname, basically means that there is no past to remember, which means there is no good future to expect.

Although it cannot be directly judged as bad, on the surface, such an existence is almost equal to an alien."

Qianshui doesn't care about surnames, but it always feels humiliating to say that he must change his surname.

"Okay, you make sense."

No matter whether it really makes sense, Xiaowu is a little blindly obedient at this time.

"Then what surname do you think I should take?"

"Tens of millions of years of cultivation, once an adult, just for a dance. How about Qianwu?"

Qianshui didn't know what mentality he had, maybe the idea of ​​naming a pet.

"Why is it called Qianwu? I'm a hundred thousand year soul beast!"

Xiaowu put her hands on her hips and was unhappy. Qianwu, Qianwu, she said it as if she was a thousand year soul beast, a soul beast that really has no brains.

"You can also call it Wanwu, or Shiwanwu!"

"Forget it... it's weird..."

"Of course!"

The evil plan succeeded. Qianshui carried Xiaowu on his back, oh, it was Qianwu, and the corners of his mouth were crooked to the extreme, as if he was going to laugh wildly the next moment.

"By the way, what you just meant was that you guessed that the beast martial spirit might be the descendant of the transformed soul beast? Why is that?

What about the weapon martial spirit?"

Qianshui had some analysis and speculation on this point, but now was not the time to talk about it.

"Let's talk about it next time."

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