
"Ah yawn!"

Recently, Qian Renxue felt particularly unhappy. Since Qianshui ran away, she has been in charge of all the mess.

But it's not that Qianshui's plan is bad, on the contrary, it's outrageously good.

It's just too interconnected and too detailed!

The plan sheet left by Qianshui alone involves all aspects, such as how to build roads in the name of the royal family.

What she needs to do in the early stage is support. Just to get Xue Ye's support, she needs to keep brewing. The first thing is Ning Fengzhi's approval.

But these are not enough, there must be a sufficient reason.

Building a palace can only be a reason, or a superficial article. In fact, the so-called road construction is to create convenience for troop transportation.

Such an article is not easy to make. Today's Douluo Continent is at least peaceful on the surface.

So the assassination of Qianshui became a key factor. They must fail. So what happens after the failure?

It must have given enough external pressure to the Tiandou Royal Family and Ning Fengzhi, forcing them to unite or prepare for a rainy day.

At this time, Xue Qinghe only needs to put forward a sufficiently constructive opinion and convince the supreme ruler together with someone who has enough weight, and the plan can be implemented.

The more critical thing is the military.

This is what they had planned long ago, and this time it has created an opportunity.

Repairing for the purpose of transporting troops will inevitably involve the military, and then Ge Long, the commander of the three armies, will be involved.

At this time, with the opinions put forward as the prince, Xue Qinghe will become an inseparable leader of the entire plan, so it is natural and reasonable to approach the military leader Ge Long.

The hidden line hidden under the dark line is the participation and investment of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, which involves the money that Qianshui gave to Qian Renxue to buy her life.

From Ning Fengzhi's perspective, he is earning money from the Tiandou royal family, but part of it belongs to the Wuhun Hall.

The most important thing is the concept of taxation and consumption proposed by Xue Qinghe, which allows them to dispel the concerns brought by finance.

The method of using work for relief means that the road is built and the road builders get gold soul coins. The road builders will use the money when they have it. The more they use, the more taxes the Tiandou royal family will receive.

From the perspective of the ruler, such a cycle is equivalent to not spending money. The road is built, and all the participants benefit. It is a great benefit to the country and the people.

There is no reason not to agree with such a suggestion, but the key lies in Ning Fengzhi.

The biggest beneficiary of road construction is not anyone, but the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, which is doing business.

Let me ask, who will use this road when there is no transportation of troops?

No one knows what the master and apprentice exchanged. In short, Ning Fengzhi fully supports Xue Qinghe's plan. In addition to the part with the Spirit Hall, Ning Fengzhi has enough interests and conditions for him to support it, and his weight is heavy enough!

But such a plan is hard for the little angel. During the day, he not only has to contact all parties and prepare for the start of construction, but also involves bidding, personnel coordination, financial planning, and supervision.

At night, I have to audit the Spirit Hall and coordinate with various places. I have no problem being a thug for the Spirit Hall, but I know nothing about politics. I can only rely on myself. So Qian Renxue's workload has increased exponentially recently, and she is almost dying of overwork.

"Your Highness seems to be in a bad mood."

After Qianshui's suggestion, Xue Qinghe's performance became more and more real, and even showed weakness in front of others.

"Thank you for your concern, Marshal, but the construction of this road still needs planning, Qinghe has to be careful."

"Your Highness's health is important and you can't overwork."

"It doesn't matter, thank you for your support this time."

"It's just a little effort, Your Highness has a far-sighted vision, and there is no reason for us not to support it."

Ge Long was very satisfied. First, Xue Qinghe was a humble, polite, frank and serious person; second, his talent and wisdom were extremely brilliant; third, this plan was greatly beneficial to the military.

Although there were twists and turns, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect took the biggest piece, but the military was not far behind, not to mention that this road was originally built for the army.

These made Ge Long very satisfied. Although he never mentioned loyalty, he already agreed with the imperial prince. In comparison, the other children of Emperor Xue Ye, although they were more talented as soul masters, could not be compared with Xue Qinghe in any case.

Moreover, Ge Long and Xue Qinghe got along very well recently, whether at work or in private, as if they had become close friends regardless of age.

"Do you understand what you like? To win over a person, you have to understand him. For example, I am a beautiful woman, good wine, good food, perfect! Oh, oh, oh... nonsense! Nonsense!"

When Qian Shui made a plan to win her over, Qian Renxue would still stiffen her fist.

"Not serious!"

She didn't know Qian Shui yet? What he said was what every man liked, but it was not what he liked.

He prefers more interesting ways to kill time, whether it is cultivation or reading, just for such a trivial thing.

As for Ge Long, neither of them knows much, but Qianshui analyzes that the commander cares about nothing more than training and military tactics. Talking to him about this will definitely not go off topic.

Douluo people are all stubborn, and Qianshui can trap Ge Long just by racking his brains to remember the few words he taught Qian Renxue.

The direct result is that Xue Qinghe and Ge Long's personal relationship is getting better and better.

Chapter 102 The Eve of Departure

Standing in front of the Sunset Forest, Qianshui and a certain rabbit stopped and stared.

"Is your destination here?"


"Hunting souls? Haven't you obtained the fifth soul ring?"

Qianshui glanced at a rabbit. This guy's IQ has been rising recently. Generally speaking, it's not bad.

A blank piece of paper is a blank piece of paper. It depends on who raises it. At least it's not poisoned by feudal ideas. That's acceptable.

"I didn't come to Sunset Forest to hunt souls, but I have something to do, and you can't follow me."


"What? My destination is the core area. You don't want to be swallowed by some messy soul beasts."

"Uh...what should I do?"

During this period, the man and the beast got along well. Qianshui was lazy and never tied her up since he let her go.

Maybe because Qianshui did everything except hanging her up, so a rabbit trusted Qianshui a little.

Since the experience in the Blue Silver Forest, no matter how stupid she was, she still valued her life safety.

Not to mention that she didn't know the way, at least following him would not be life-threatening, but running by herself might die miserably.

It's not just the Soul Beast Forest that's dangerous, the human world is even more so, and Qianshui told her that the Sunset Forest is near the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

It's not impossible for the account to appear, but if someone catches it, it's really over.


Regarding the arrangement of Rabbit, Qianshui found a remote small village and boarded it.

He didn't restrict Rabbit's freedom, as long as he didn't run around, talk nonsense, or hit people, he was free.

He also had to sort out some information and consolidate his cultivation, which lasted for several months.

"Huo Huo, what are you writing again?"

"Go away, don't bother me! Have you memorized "Introduction to Soul Master Cultivation"! "

This was recorded by Qianshui when he was training his teammates. Rabbit had nothing to do, so he threw it to her to see.


"Almost? Almost in more than a month? I've never seen anyone as stupid as you!"

"Nonsense! I'm so smart, Xiaowu!"

"Of course, I can't memorize thousands of words in a month!"

At this point, Xiaowu looked embarrassed. She would rush to the front when asked to eat or fight, but reading was the only thing that took her life.

"Oh, don't talk about that. Sister Ji's meal is ready! Come and eat!"

In order not to attract attention, Qianshui deliberately asked Xiaowu to dress up not so brightly, just ordinary cloth clothes, just like him.

At this time, the two of them were like wandering brothers and sisters, temporarily staying in the village in the most suburban area of ​​Tiandou City.

Walking out of the room, Qianshui saw Sister Ji's family.

Her husband was called Ji Tou'er, the most common farmer, so the woman was called Sister Ji.

And they had a two-year-old daughter, a standard family of three.

"Huo Huo, come quickly, I've laid two eggs today!"

Sister Ji is an ordinary farmer, not very pretty, but clean, a farm girl in her early twenties.

She was holding her little daughter with pigtails in her arms. Human cubs were very cute when they were quiet, at least Xiao Wu liked to tease this child.

But Qianshui was in trouble, he had intermittent fear of children in the orphanage, especially when he was crying.

This was also one of the few times when Xiao Wu could control Qianshui. Anyway, she saw that Qianshui was definitely not someone who would hit ordinary people, especially children.

Even if his face was flushed by annoyance, he would run to a quiet place at most.

Small things like this can easily reveal a person's nature, and Xiao Wu's sister also trusted the 15-year-old boy who caught her more and more!

That's right, she, with a normal IQ, inadvertently asked Qianshui's age, and also found that this person didn't like to lie about some small things, as long as she asked, he would tell.

When she knew Qianshui was only fifteen years old, her great little sister was numb, because she really doubted her intelligence.

If there were really things that Qianshui didn't want to say, then he wouldn't answer at all and would just change the subject.

After dinner, Qianshui prepared and was ready to set off for the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire.

Now his soul power level has reached level 52 and is about to break through level 53.

After the preparations were completed, he told a certain rabbit: "Don't move around here, I have something to do and I have to go out for a few days."

"Ah? You are going to Sunset Forest?"

"You can think so."

When Qianshui said this, it was what he was going to do and he couldn't tell her.

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away?"

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