Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 203: Strong suppression, Ye Tianchen meets Bo Saixi!


Listening to Ye Tianchen's almost threatening words, Bo Saixi felt a little more disdainful in his heart!

Although she felt a little uneasy in her heart, the man in front of her had not broken through to level ninety-nine after all, so how could he threaten her, Bo Saixi!

Ye Tianchen smiled and said nothing more. As Ye Tianchen's twelve fingers danced together, waves of terrifying sound surged like the ocean in an instant!


Under the influence of the sound waves, the earth also began to be scratched by sound waves, and a thick layer of the scarred earth was instantly scraped off!

But more sound waves were heading towards Bo Saixi...

Seeing this, Bo Saixi shouted coldly, and the endless Poseidon's light also burst out at the same time. Thousands of blue lights collided with the sound waves in the void instantly!

In the sky, rays of blue light exploded directly, and the blue light all over the sky directly covered the movements of Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen!

Almost all the soul masters in Wuhun City looked at this extremely shocking scene!

It's like the stars are coming, it looks so beautiful...

What can be beautiful is often deadly!

Ye Tianchen's sound waves and the blue sky spread to the entire Wuhun City in an instant!

Above the city, waves of sound came carrying a faint blue light, and Wuhun City was instantly attacked indiscriminately...

Fortunately, there are almost all Contra-titled Douluo-level experts on the top of Wuhun City, so they can easily deal with these scattered battles!

After Yin Hei Yang Bai melted away the sound waves, he looked into the void with expectations, fear, surprise and longing...

This is the charm of level ninety-nine titled Douluo...

At this moment, whether it is Yin, black or white, whether it is Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo or Yu Yuanzhen, a seed is planted in the heart again...

That is the seed of desire to become stronger!


After a brief confrontation, Ye Tianchen could clearly feel that Bo Saixi was unfathomable and worthy of being an invincible existence in the sea!


This is the mainland, how much strength can Bo Saixi use?

Ye Tianchen slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and above the Tianmo Qin, black smoke as black as ink began to slowly flow out...

That's a stream of demonic energy rolling around!

And under his feet, terrifying soul rings slowly lit up!

Black, black, black, red, red, red, red, red, red!

The moment the nine soul rings lit up, the entire sky was lit up by this extremely scarlet 100,000-year-old soul ring!

Although many soul masters in Wuhun City knew that the soul ring of Ye Tianchen, the master of the Star Building, was extraordinary, they still felt extremely shocked when they saw this scene again!

That is a height that they will never reach in eternity...

Even Bo Saixi, the most powerful person in the sea, couldn't help but be a little surprised by this scene. She could understand the hundred thousand year soul ring, but...

Ye Tianchen's fourth soul ring is already at the 100,000-year level, and Bo Saixi doesn't understand why this is happening!

As the high priests of gods, whether it is Bo Saixi, Qian Daoliu, or Tang Chen who has gone through eight divine exams, they only have eight black and one red soul rings!

And Ye Tianchen...

At this moment, Bo Saixi also put away the contempt in his heart, and his eyes began to become serious!

"Tianlong Bayin, break break break!"

As Ye Tianchen's piano sound sounded again, this time, it was not just some sharp sound waves like a drizzle...

Under the blessing of Tianlong Bayin, demonic figures began to emerge in the void, some holding demonic soldiers, and some riding war horses, sucking blood, and a feeling of cruelty swept the world!

"Thousands of demons, kill them!"

As Ye Tianchen frowned slightly and pushed hard, all the demon soldiers showed a fearless aura, and the roar instantly resounded through the sky!

Endless demonic soldiers were rushing over, and even Bo Saixi, who had seen many big scenes, couldn't help but take a breath of air!

"The fourth soul skill, Sea of ​​Annihilation!"

Although she was somewhat reluctant, Bo Saixi still had no choice. On the mainland, all her soul skills would be weakened, such as the fourth soul skill she is currently using!

If placed in the sea, Bo Saixi can use a small amount of soul power to mobilize the ocean and increase the power of his soul skills. But now, on land, the power of his skills can be said to be halved!

But even so, it is no longer something that a ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo can resist...


A piece of faint blue light was like an ocean, overwhelming, directly covering Ye Tianchen's endless demons!

Then it was directly smashed into pieces by the huge soul power. However, all this did not bring any joy in Bo Saixi's eyes!

Ye Tianchen, on the other hand, had a slight smile on his face!

Bo Saixi's strength is indeed not weak, but without the sea, he is like a rootless tree, somewhat powerless!

His demonic and heavenly weapons are endless, how long can Bo Saixi last?

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen played faster again!

Densely packed demons kept pouring out, fearless of death, and headed crazily towards Bo Saixi...

Seeing this, Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, and then he could only continue to activate his fourth soul skill to destroy the demon...

As time passed, and an hour later, Bo Saixi could no longer hold on any longer. If this continued, the originally majestic soul power in her body would be wasted in vain!

Thinking of this, Bo Saixi's eyes turned cruel, and she no longer hesitated. As her soul power exploded instantly, all the demons were wiped out in an instant!

"The eighth soul skill, endless burial at sea!"

When he thought that he could no longer continue, Bo Saixi planned to capture the thief directly and capture the king first. As long as he could capture and kill the man in front of him, everything could be easily solved!

It's just a pity that Bo Saixi obviously overestimated his own strength and underestimated Ye Tianchen!

Seeing Bo Saixi carrying the boundless ocean towards him, Ye Tianchen also put away the Heavenly Demonic Piano, and then the seventh soul ring suddenly burst out with scarlet light!

"If you want to kill me, Bo Saixi, you are not qualified!

The seventh soul skill, the true form of the demon! "

In an instant, behind Ye Tianchen, the phantom of the Heavenly Demon slowly emerged. As endless demonic energy poured out from the Heavenly Demon's Qin, the Heavenly Demon's real body became more and more solid!

Until the demon's true form, which was several hundred meters behind Ye Tianchen, opened its eyes as if it were about to destroy the world. The six wings behind it spread out, and strange auras instantly filled the entire world!

"The fifth soul skill, Feather of the Phantom God!"

As Ye Tianchen used his fifth soul skill, pieces of black feathers began to slowly appear in the sky above the battlefield between the two!

Like flying snow, it suddenly falls towards the ground!

All the black feathers ignite spontaneously without fire!

In just an instant, they all fell on Bo Saixi's true form of Poseidon!

In an instant, Bo Saixi's entire Poseidon avatar was ignited by black feathers.

At this moment, Bo Saixi felt as if his Poseidon's true body was being eroded!

The black feather struck the soul, and Bo Saixi felt that the physical defense had lost its effect at this moment!

But this is not over yet, and Bo Saixi has no intention of stopping at all!

Seeing Bo Saixi still coming towards him crazily, Ye Tianchen also smiled coldly!

"The eighth soul skill, the wrath of the devil!"

In just a moment, the demon's real body behind Ye Tianchen shook, and the demonic energy all over his body gathered into a huge palm that covered the sky. In an instant, it collided with Bo Saixi's eighth soul skill!




Like thunder, the entire Wuhun City seemed to be trampled by thousands of troops and horses, and all the vitality of all things was instantly destroyed!

After a shock wave that covered the sky and the sun, Wuhun City was covered in darkness and Yangbai. They, including Bibi Dongning Fengzhi and others, had long been stunned...

In the void, the power of this attack was terrifying!

This time, Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen, who were fighting in the nine heavens, were finally attracted!

However, Qian Daoliu just glanced at it casually and felt relieved. Bo Saixi was really no match for Ye Tianchen on land...

As for whether Ye Tianchen would seriously injure Bo Saixi, Qian Daoliu had never worried about it. What's more, what happened back then was in the past...

As for Tang Chen, he just breathed a sigh of relief after sensing Bo Saixi's arrival. At this moment, he only had one goal in mind: killing Qian Daoliu...

He longs to become a god!

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