Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 204 The devil comes to the world, the wrath of the sea god!

Ye Tianchen and Bo Saixi who caused all this can be said to have nothing to worry about!

When masters compete, a small mistake may bring immeasurable costs. Neither of them can make a mistake!

Seeing that Bo Saixi's strength was no more than this, Ye Tianchen also made his own judgment!

"Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon, is nothing more than that. Today, I will keep you completely!"

"Hmph! Arrogant person!"

"The ninth soul skill is to transform into a demon!

The ninth soul skill, the devil destroys the world! "

In just a moment, Ye Tianchen was about to use the two soul skills that came with the ninth soul ring and the 100,000-year soul ring!

As Ye Tianchen's aura became more and more terrifying, Bo Saixi soon realized that something was wrong. When Ye Tianchen transformed into a demon, Bo Saixi finally panicked!

Ye Tianchen stretched out his right hand, and as his fingertips slipped, drops of bright red blood fell on the Tianmo Qin!

"Tian Mo Qin, give me magic power!"

At this moment, Ye Tianchen seemed to have changed into a different person in just an instant!

From the Heavenly Demon Qin, billowing demonic energy emerged and instantly wrapped around Ye Tianchen's body!

In an instant, his soul power, which had reached its peak, was replenished, like a mighty river, inexhaustible!

In an instant, outside Wuhun City, a hundred-foot demon stood in the sky!

The demonic energy is rolling all over his body!

Bo Saixi instantly fell back hundreds of meters!

This was her first time fighting Ye Tianchen, and she had no idea how powerful Ye Tianchen's ninth soul skill was!

However, she soon understood that there was no way to retreat!

Ye Tianchen transformed into a demon, and with one step, he was a hundred meters away and in front of Bo Saixi in an instant!

The demon clenched his fist and punched Bo Saixi hard!


Bo Saixi didn't have the slightest chance to react before he was punched out!

Bo Saixi knew that escaping would not help, so he could only fight first...

"Poseidon Realm, come!"


As Bo Saixi also released her own domain, her soul power began to become more powerful!

"The ninth soul skill, Poseidon confine and summon Poseidon!"

This soul skill is a hundred thousand year soul ring, so he has two soul skills!

The first soul skill is Poseidon's Confinement. This soul skill is the most powerful confinement skill. Different from control, it summons countless rays of light from the air. Countless sea chains appear in the light and attack the opponent. Once hit by this soul skill, the opponent will be The soul power will be directly sealed!

Unless Bo Saixi personally removes it, this person will be unable to use soul power for life and will be no different from a useless person, even if it is a titled Douluo, and this soul skill is a locked soul skill, once locked, the opponent cannot avoid it!

The second soul skill is to summon the Poseidon. Bo Saixi can mobilize all the power of the Poseidon to summon the Poseidon to come. After the Poseidon comes, the Poseidon can use 20% of his own power, but even two levels are enough to compete with a level 99 title fight. Luo, but this soul skill consumes a lot of money and requires all of Bo Saixi's soul power and mental power!

After using this soul skill, Bo Saixi's own hundred thousand year soul ring will be temporarily sealed, and he will need to rest for a month before he can use it again!

Facing Ye Tianchen, Bo Saixi understood that if he didn't use all his strength, he might really lose!

In the God Realm, at this moment, Poseidon, the God of the Sea, never thought that one day his High Priest Bo Saixi would use the ninth soul skill!

The last time Bo Saixi summoned him, Poseidon remembered that it was to resist the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King in the sea, which was close to a million-year-old level...

Although he didn't know what happened to Bo Saixi, Poseidon understood that the favor that Shura God asked him to help might not be that easy...

As Poseidon's divine will descended, Poseidon's entire body looked particularly different!

It is a holy, noble, and authoritative power!

The Poseidon's true form behind Bo Saixi also slowly opened his eyes!

With just one glance, Ye Tianchen's demon body appeared in front of Poseidon!


For a moment, Poseidon was stunned. What was this thing in front of him?

Fear, bloodshed, killing, all negative emotions will fall into it just by looking at it a few more times...

"Lord Poseidon, give me power, and my subordinates will definitely kill the people in front of me here!"

Soon, Poseidon heard Bo Saixi's request. He had no choice but to take a deep look at Ye Tianchen. His spiritual thoughts turned into waves of terrifying soul power and poured into Bo Saixi's body. !

"Ye Tianchen... accept the judgment of Lord Poseidon!

The secret of Poseidon, the wrath of the sea! "

Suddenly, Bo Saixi's strength began to skyrocket. However, this is the limit of what Bo Saixi can do now...

If he comes to Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi can still have the last resort, but now...

However, feeling the surge of power in his body at this moment, Bo Saixi is also full of confidence!

As Bo Saixi raised the Poseidon Trident high, endless soul power surged out in an instant!

In an instant, Ye Tianchen found that his body seemed to be locked, and even his movements began to become sluggish!

Suddenly, the two hundred-foot-long bodies started punching each other...

Every punch is an ultimate confrontation of strength. Although Ye Tianchen's imprisonment has affected his strength, Ye Tianchen also knows that Bo Saixi cannot sustain it for too long!




In the sky, the roar of collisions was transmitted directly into Wuhun City, and some weak soul masters had to cover their ears...

Above Wuhun City, Bibi Dong quietly watched Ye Tianchen fight against Bo Saixi, Qian Daoliu against Tang Chen!

In this world, perhaps it is the strength of the four of them that makes them fear each other...


In the Great Star Forest, in the Lake of Life, Ditian was guarding and practicing quietly next to the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena. Soon, Mr. Xiong arrived in a hurry!

"Lord Beast God, that terrifying wave has been investigated!

This is the Spirit City from the human world, and there seem to be several auras that are not weaker than the Beast God..."

Mr. Xiong spoke a little hastily. He had never thought that there were so many powerful soul masters in the human world!

I originally thought that one Ye Tianchen was enough to defy heaven, but I didn't expect...

Hearing what Mr. Xiong said, Di Tian frowned slightly. After Ye Tianchen left the Star Dou Forest, there has been no news...

Di Tian was still a little worried. After all, Ye Tianchen could heal his master's wounds. If Ye Tianchen died in this battle, Di Tian would not agree!

When he thought of this, Ditian sighed softly...

"That's all, for the sake of the Lord, I'd better go for it!"

After saying that, Di Tian disappeared directly, leaving only a few words, asking Bi Ji and the others to protect their master, and Di Tian headed towards Wuhun City...

At this moment, outside Wuhun City, the battle has been going on so far, and both Ye Tianchen and Bo Saixi, Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen have reached their respective limits!

In the God Realm, when God Shura discovered that neither Tang Chen nor Bo Saixi had brought Tang San out at this moment, he couldn't help but become a little anxious!

The purpose of letting the two of them come was just to rescue Tang San, not to let them fight...

In anger, God Shura directly gave a reminder to Poseidon, God of the Sea, asking Poseidon not to forget the mission of this trip!

Obviously, Poseidon did not dare to delay, and soon Poseidon's voice resounded in Poseidon's mind!

"Bo Saixi, don't forget the purpose of your trip!


We are not here to help Tang Chen! "


When Poseidon's angry shout rang out, Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to refute, but found that he didn't have the courage to speak at all...

Everything she has now is just because she is the high priest of Poseidon. If Lord Poseidon is dissatisfied, Bo Saixi can't imagine the consequences for herself!

Thinking of this, Bo Saixi glanced at Tang Chen in the sky reluctantly, and then stopped entangled with Ye Tianchen. He just wanted to enter Wuhun City and take Tang San away!


Ye Tianchen would not give her such a chance. Ye Tianchen wanted to see what Shura God had up to him!

"Hmph, Bo Saixi, come when you want and leave when you want?

I am not a Qiandaoliu, and I will be merciful to you! "


As Ye Tianchen's words fell, there was also the body of the demon that covered the sky and the sun. Suddenly, the soul power poured out of Ye Tianchen's body!

The Heavenly Demonic Qin directly turned into a magic sword. With Ye Tianchen's roar, he instantly broke free from the shackles of Bo Saixi's ninth soul skill, and then the sword suddenly fell directly towards Bo Saixi...

I wrote early today, and I will check how the new book goes at ten o'clock in the evening. If possible, I will update another chapter or two of this book. I also hope that everyone will support me a lot, and then this book will not stop being updated! Will not stop updating! Important things will be mentioned three times and the book will not be finished in a hurry, so you can rest assured!

I just thought I wanted to make money, so I chose double opening.

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