Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 207 The secret of God Shura! God of creation!

In an instant, it seemed as if the only light in the world was Di Tian!


As the dragon god's claws that covered the sky fell, Poseidon could only control Bo Saixi to try desperately to block...

Unfortunately, all this was in vain. The moment the Dragon God's claw fell, Poseidon also understood that he could not leave. There was a fierce look in his eyes, and in an instant, the world turned into an extremely blue ocean!

And in the sky above Wuhun City, a faint blue light fell instantly and brushed Tang San away!

Neither Yin Hei Yang Bai nor Bibi Dong could react to all this...

At the same time, Poseidon's spiritual thoughts emerged directly from Bo Saixi's body, and then Tang San fell into Bo Saixi's hands!

"Bo Saixi, remember, this person is the heir to Lord Shura God, and he is also the heir to my Poseidon!"

Having said that, Poseidon's divine thoughts directly met Dragon God's claws, and...

This trace of spiritual thought is directly exposed!


In an instant, the Dragon God's claws directly tore the Poseidon Divine Mind's obstruction into pieces, but...

This also consumed a lot of stamina. When it fell in front of Bo Saixi, it did not cause much damage to Bo Saixi, but...

Bo Saixi's chest still had three deep blood marks directly scratched by Di Tian's claw!

With the help of the huge power of Emperor Tianlong Divine Claw, Bo Saixi no longer cared about Tang Chen and fled directly towards the sea...

She must ensure Tang San's safety at this moment. After all, he is the heir to the two gods, Shura God and Poseidon!

This scene naturally made Ditian extremely embarrassed. He originally thought that he could use his trump card to completely leave the Poseidon High Priest Bo Saixi behind. Unexpectedly, the Poseidon sacrificed a trace of his divine will to resolve the crisis.

Thinking of this, Di Tian fluttered his wings and wanted to catch up, but Ye Tianchen directly stopped Di Tian!

"Brother Ditian, there is no need to chase them, just let them go..."

Suddenly hearing Ye Tianchen's words, Di Tian was a little confused, but since Ye Tianchen had already spoken, he must have a reason. Di Tian also directly transformed into a human form and came to Ye Tianchen...

"Ye Tianchen, why don't you let me keep that Bo Sixi?

You should know that with the power of you and me, there is no way for the Poseidon High Priest Bo Saixi to survive! "

Hearing Di Tian's words, Ye Tianchen nodded first, then shook his head...

"Di Tian, ​​do you know who that child is?

He... is the heir of God Shura, and... God Shura's attention to him is a bit unusual. In short, if the child dies, God Shura will probably come to Douluo Continent to wipe out me regardless of the damage... "

Ye Tianchen did not continue talking. After saying this, Di Tian could actually understand what was going on!

Upon hearing God Shura, Ditian paused for a moment, then regained his composure...

If it is true as Ye Tianchen said, then he can really be pushed too hard!

In the God Realm, Poseidon has arrived at Shura Temple, but...

The moment Poseidon, the God of the Sea, saw God Shura, his spiritual thoughts were immediately exposed, which greatly affected Poseidon, the God of the Sea!


In an instant, Poseidon felt extremely painful in the sea of ​​consciousness. This kind of damage was not physical, but hurt the soul!

In an instant, the face of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, turned pale!

Finally, when Poseidon pushed away the Shura Temple, inside, God Shura had been waiting for a long time!

"Poseidon, you are here..."

"Poseidon, I have met Lord Shura!"

"You just suffered some injuries. Sit down. No need to be polite!"

"Thank you, sir!"


"Sir, I have something unclear. I took a look at the little guy named Tang San just now. He was just ordinary and not worthy of your big fanfare, sir!


Before Poseidon, the God of the Sea, could finish speaking, God Shura stood up and waved his hand...

"No, Poseidon, you don't understand, you haven't felt that extremely painful loneliness!

You should know where our world comes from, right? "

God Shura did not answer Poseidon directly, but asked Poseidon...

"This... Lord Shura, I have indeed heard something about how our world was formed!"

Although he was a little confused as to why God Shura asked this question, Poseidon still answered seriously!

"Lord Shura, I heard that the God Realm did not exist at the beginning. It was the death of a great god who surpassed the realm of the God King that gave birth to the God Realm and those lower realms, but...

This matter is nothing more than a legend, and my subordinates don’t know whether it is true or not! "

Hearing Poseidon's words, God Shura nodded. Indeed, Poseidon was right, but...

It's not just that!

"How the divine world was formed is indeed, as you said, the result of the death of a great god, but...

There are some things you really don’t know!

There is no way to verify the name of that great god, but it is certain that the cultivation level of this great god must be higher than that of the God King, or even more powerful!

You know the Dragon God...

Once upon a time, the Dragon God was not a creature born in this world. He was the pet mount of this great god. However, after the death of this great god, the Dragon God, as the peak cultivation level of the God King, naturally had all the power in the world!

After I was conceived, I could only follow the wishes of the Dragon God, but in the end we won and the Dragon God had also fallen!

You also know everything that happens next! "

Hearing this, Poseidon was completely surprised. It turned out to be like this!


What does this have to do with God Shura insisting on rescuing Tang San?

Poseidon still doesn't understand...

God Shura naturally noticed the confusion on Poseidon's lips, smiled softly, and continued: "That great god is not a god in this world, so...

Poseidon, guess where this great god comes from? "

"This... subordinate doesn't know!"

"That's all, I won't embarrass you anymore, this great god comes from another world!

In this world, after the arrival of this great god, he used his remaining divine power to directly seal the passage to that world before his death!

If you want to use brute force to break it, even if the five god kings of our god world join forces, they can't do it!


There is another way to everything, and Tang San is from this world!

As long as Tang San reaches the God King realm, Tang San can use his divine power to open a passage that can accommodate the passage of the God King realm!

Because... Tang San will not be affected by that great god's seal at all! "

God Shura's words made Poseidon a little scared. Hearing so many secrets, Poseidon was a little panicked. Since God Shura told him all this, then...

Poseidon already knew what it meant. God Shura wanted to use Tang San to open a passage to the realm of the God King. God Shura wanted to go to that world!

"Poseidon... you must have guessed my purpose!

That's right, I have long been tired of this boring world of gods. Here, we five god kings have no room for improvement. No matter how hard we practice, we can't break through to a realm above the god kings!

But that world... has great hope! "

In an instant, after saying these words, God Shura came to Poseidon in an instant. In his eyes, he was greedy and crazy!

And Poseidon, after taking a deep breath, was stunned and didn't dare to say another word!

"Lord Shura... But in this case, we don't know everything in that world. If there is an existence in that world that is comparable to the God King, then...

If we are invaded..."

"Hmph! Shut up!

Poseidon, what if our world is invaded?

It seems that it has no impact at all on you and me! "

Hearing this, Poseidon was silent. God Shura never considered the life and death of Douluo God Realm and all the lower realms from the beginning. God Shura did it for himself from the beginning!

"Now, Poseidon, you have heard my plan. From now on, let your Poseidon High Priest Poseidon obey my arrangements and fully assist Tang San to become the God King. At that time, you, Poseidon Dong, it may not be impossible to break through to the realm of the God King in the new world!


If you dare to refuse, you will never leave my Shura Temple today! "

God Shura's voice has become cold, and Poseidon understands that he has no way out...

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