Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 208 Ye Tianchen’s sneak attack, Tang Chen was seriously injured and escaped!

Regarding what happened to Poseidon, the God of the Sea, as the high priest of the God of the Sea, Bo Saixi had no interest in caring about it at the moment!

When Bo Saixi left Wuhun City, she didn't hesitate at all and ran away madly towards the sea!

Feeling Tang San's extremely weak aura in his hand, Bo Saixi's expression at this moment was extremely complicated!

She has guarded the Poseidon Temple all her life. In order to become the High Priest of the Poseidon, Bo Saixi has sacrificed too much...

Originally, in her mind, she thought that if she could satisfy Lord Poseidon in the future, she might have a chance to obtain the position of Poseidon!

But at this moment, Lord Poseidon had personally told him that Tang San would inherit the throne of Poseidon from now on, which made Bo Saixi feel a little lost...


This little guy Tang San didn't know what kind of luck he had, but he could actually get the inheritance of God Shura!

That is a god-king level existence!

It is false to say that Bo Saixi has no jealousy in his heart, but...

At this point, Bo Saixi no longer had any chance, she had already resigned herself to her fate!


However, although Bo Saixi has left, the battle outside Wuhun City is not over yet!

Tang Chen was still obsessed with Qian Daoliu!

Originally, Tang Chen wanted to kill Qian Daoliu in order to gain the recognition of God Shura and obtain the divine status. However, now Tang Chen was getting more and more frightened. In front of him, Qian Daoliu changed his mind and became more powerful than before when he fought with him. It's even more powerful!

This is because Tang Chen didn't have any knowledge about the high priest of the gods. When Qian Daoliu faced Tang Chen on Poseidon Island, he naturally couldn't borrow the power of the angel god. Because of this, in the end, Bo Saixi chose the more powerful one. Tang Chen...

But now in Wuhun City, Qiandaoliu can borrow the power of the angel god at all times. How can Tang Chen easily defeat Qiandaoliu?

I don’t know how long the battle between the two lasted, but one thing is that the injuries on both of them are countless...

Even though both of them have extremely strong recovery abilities, they can't keep up with the speed of injuries!

Outside Wuhun City, Ye Tianchen and Di Tian have recovered a lot of strength, and after Di Tian recovered, he also set his sights on the sky!

There, Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen were still fighting fiercely...

"Ye Tianchen, those two are the ultimate Douluo of the human race!

Qian Daoliu, this deity knows it, but that Tang Chen seems to have the aura of Shura God on his body!


Any ideas? "

Saying this, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Di Tian's lips. Ye Tianchen also understood what Di Tian was thinking, which was to seriously injure or even kill Tang Chen!


Ye Tianchen had no such idea. After all, Tang Chen's appearance had invisibly tied the Star Zhailing Tower and Wuhun Hall to a warship!

This is still beneficial to Ye Tianchen!

What's more...

If a level ninety-nine titled Douluo is cornered, even if the three of them join forces to kill him, they will still have to pay a price!

But Ye Tianchen didn't want to continue to be injured. He just wanted to recover quickly and break through to level ninety-nine through the evil power of the Silver Dragon King!

After that, I started looking for the direction to achieve God!

As for Tang Chen...

By that time, Ye Tianchen was not afraid at all!

"Your Excellency Ditian, this human soul master should stay and kill him, we will have to pay some price now!

What's more...

God Shura is also controlling him behind his back, so it’s better not to irritate God Shura too much...

Now, we still have the strength to fight against God Shura! "

What Ye Tianchen said at this moment is also true. If God Shura is really pushed into a hurry, I am afraid he will really go down to the next world!

The reason why God Shura has not come down to the lower realm is just because God Asura doesn't want to get hurt in the lower realm after Tang San becomes the God King. That way...

It's very possible that Tang San won't be able to control him in the end!

Of course, God Shura is also worried about the impact of his injured self when he goes to that world!

Although Ye Tianchen doesn't know these things, he can predict some of them. At least, if Tang Chen is left alone, God Shura will really not jump over the wall and end up personally...

After hearing Ye Tianchen's words, Di Tian fell silent. Indeed, his master has not yet awakened, and if Shura God comes, everything will be in vain!

When he thought of this, Ditian could only nod helplessly.

"That's all, Ye Tianchen, everything is up to you to decide. I will be gone for a short time. My master, I still need my protection. See you later!"

The moment the words fell, Di Tian also left Wuhun City instantly...

Looking at Di Tian as he left, Ye Tianchen nodded. After this matter is resolved, he will have to go to the Star Dou Forest soon!

However, at this moment, the battle is not over!

Ye Tianchen really didn't intend to kill Tang Chen, but...

We can't let Tang Chen live too comfortably. Seriously injuring Tang Chen is a good choice!

When he thought of this, Ye Tianchen instantly became energetic. Looking at Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu who were fighting madly in the sky, Ye Tianchen silently took out his Tianmo Qin!

"Tian Mo Qin, turn into a sword!"


In an instant, a long sword exuding a strong demonic aura fell into Ye Tianchen's hands!

At this moment, the aura all over Ye Tianchen's body began to become vague, but the demonic energy on the edge of the demonic sword was emitting a charming light!

As Ye Tianchen stepped a little closer, suddenly, without any sound, Ye Tianchen soared directly into the sky!

Tang Chen, who was in the sky, didn't even notice that Ye Tianchen and the others had ended the battle. Until this moment, Tang Chen still thought about the Shura God's throne!

"Hahaha, Qiandaoliu, let's see how long you can last!"

"Hmph! Tang Chen, when he is about to die, you still dare to talk nonsense!"

Unlike Tang Chen, Qian Daoliu had been paying attention to the situation at the scene. Seeing that Bo Saixi was no longer there, Qian Daoliu understood that Ye Tianchen might be able to support him soon!

At this moment, Qian Daoliu's expression suddenly changed!

He didn't feel any aura, but Ye Tianchen's strange and incomparable demonic aura was extremely familiar to Qian Daoliu!

Qian Daoliu knew that Ye Tianchen had already taken action, but...

Qian Daoliu didn't know who Ye Tianchen's target was. It might be Tang Chen, or it might be himself!

At this moment, Qian Daoliu made his choice in his heart. He chose to believe Ye Tianchen for once!

"Hahaha, Tang Chen, you keep saying that you want to kill me, but unfortunately, you can't do it. Don't worry, after you die, I will destroy the Haotian Sect directly. Oh, by the way, currently you Haotian Sect Tianzong, there is no one left in your branch!"

"Qian Daoliu, you didn't promise!"

"Promise? Oh, Tang Chen, do you believe it too?"


The moment he heard Qian Daoliu's words, Tang Chen became even more furious, but Qian Daoliu's smile became even more wanton!

What Tang Chen didn't know was that Qian Daoliu had already felt that the strange demonic energy was getting closer and closer, and Qian Daoliu's heart became tense!


The moment Qian Daoliu closed his eyes, Ye Tianchen cut through the clouds with his sword. When Tang Chen didn't react at all, the magic sword pierced Tang Chen's chest directly from behind!

All this happened so fast, Tang Chen never thought that Ye Tianchen would attack him...

Don't talk about him, even the Nine-Headed Bat didn't think of it...

But... when Tang Chen reacted, it was already too late. The magic sword penetrated his chest. Although it did not hurt his heart, Tang Chen felt the unspeakable pain!

In addition to these, Tang Chen also felt that his soul power was being devoured crazily. Above the wound, black auras were tearing at his body and soul power crazily!

There was almost no hesitation. In the moment when Tang Chen was stunned, the nine-headed bat directly controlled Tang Chen. The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand disappeared directly, and Tang Chen fled towards the killing city!

Qian Daoliu saw this scene and did not pursue him. He was already reaching his limit...

A great author from Qidian passed away today, hey! , I hope everyone can be well, be safe and happy...

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