Moreover, Poison Wolf is different from ordinary soul beasts. The reason why this kind of soul beast is named Poison Wolf is not only because it is cruel and ruthless, and almost does not hesitate to use any means to achieve its goals, Poison Wolf also has a special ability!

Put poison!

Although the poisonous wolves have been surrounding Xiaorou for a long time, they don't have nothing to do with Xiaorou. They just don't want to be within the range of Xiaorou's ice crystal bow!

Xiaorou had just climbed onto the towering tree. After a while, the sinister gaze of the huge thousand-year-old poisonous wolf among the group of poisonous wolves revealed a cruelty that was hard to describe in words!


As the Thousand-Year Poison Wolf let out a deep roar, in an instant, the entire Poison Wolf Pack began to take action!

They were no longer circling around Xiaorou, but each poisonous wolf was glowing with green light. Suddenly, thick green mist was sprayed out several meters away from their mouths!

The reason why they didn't act just now was just because of the influence of the wind. These poisonous wolves are quite intelligent and understand that they can't do anything to Xiaorou on the tree when there is wind, but it's different now!

As the wisps of breeze dissipated, green mist began to spread!

In just a moment, the entire 100-meter radius of Xiaorou was transformed into a green world...

And countless plant creatures seemed to feel the unparalleled terror the moment the poisonous mist spread, and some capable plant-type soul beasts began to avoid it!

Either burrow directly into the earth, or tighten the leaves. In short, at this moment, everything begins to slowly wither!

And Xiaorou, naturally found that the current situation was not optimistic...

However, Xiaorou could only watch the poisonous mist spread slowly and float into the air, but she could only do nothing. She did not have the ability to kill these poisonous wolves below. If this continued, there would be only one outcome, and that would be a dead end. !


I can't die yet. I haven't killed all those who hurt me. I want them to die badly. Death is worse than life! "

Xiaorou was a little crazy at the moment, and the ice crystal bow in her hand was tightly grasped in an instant!

"Swish swish!"

Xiaorou knew that it was impossible for her to shoot those poisonous wolves at this moment, but she still chose to resist. Unfortunately...

All this seems so powerless!

Xiaorou's ice bow couldn't hurt these poisonous wolves who were far away at all. Instead, the poisonous wolves continued to consume the soul power in her body. Seeing this, Xiaorou put away the ice crystal bow directly!

But after a moment of silence, the poisonous mist began to spread around Xiaorou. The green poisonous mist seemed to have consciousness, rushing towards Xiaorou!

Xiaorou saw that the green plants that were unable to dodge had begun to rot and begin to shrink. Xiaorou could also see the leopard and knew that the poisonous mist might not be simple!


Xiaorou doesn't have any good ideas. She has no way to deal with all this at the moment!

With a cruel heart, Xiaorou also made her own decision quickly!

Under normal circumstances, poisonous mist can be dealt with using some special methods. Xiaorou just heard Yu Xiaogang say something about it, so now Xiaorou can only treat it like a dead horse!


Thinking of this, Xiaorou pulled off a piece of plain cloth from her waist, then with an extremely cold face, she directly put the plain cloth between her two strands. With a burst of warmth, Xiaorou pulled off the soaked piece of cloth. Su Bu directly covered her mouth and nose. Although the smell might be a bit pungent, Xiaorou still didn't change color at all!

At this moment, Xiaorou just wants to pray that this method will work!

But soon, Xiaorou discovered that this method seemed to be effective, but except for Xiaorou's face, other skin exposed to the poisonous mist had begun to undergo huge changes!

The originally smooth and tender skin has begun to become wrinkled and even rotten, exuding a slight smell...

Fortunately, except for these changes, Xiaorou doesn't have any other big problems at the moment!


Soon, Xiaorou frowned. The reason was simple. This piece of plain cloth was almost dry!

Xiaorou fell into silence looking at the poisonous mist that still showed no sign of dissipating!

But soon Xiaorou found another way, and she put the plain cloth directly under her body. After a while, Xiaorou's plain cloth became moist again, but the change was gradual. It's not a problem, Xiaorou also knows that she will eventually run out of energy, but now Xiaorou has no other way to restrain this poisonous mist!

As time passed, Xiaorou soon began to feel her own powerlessness!

At this moment, Xiaorou no longer has any excess urine...

But the poisonous mist showed no sign of dissipating. Seeing this scene, Xiaorou began to feel a little desperate. She felt the call of death. At this moment, Xiaorou was extremely unwilling!

She still has a blood feud and has not come back with revenge, she doesn't want to die!

When she thought of this, Xiaorou decided to fight directly!

In an instant, the ice crystal bow in Xiaorou's hand appeared in her hand. As Xiaorou tied the last plain cloth to her mouth and nose, Xiaorou jumped directly from the towering tree!

The ice crystal bow in his hand instantly shot dozens of ice arrows!

Swish, brush, brush!

As screams sounded out one after another, the howl of the poisonous wolf also made the green world become even weirder!

At this moment, Xiaorou wanted to find a direction to escape quickly, but when Xiaorou was about to leave, she discovered something was wrong!

That thousand-year-old poisonous wolf has come to Xiaorou at this moment for some reason!

Looking at the ferocious poisonous wolf in front of her, Xiaorou's heart has already turned cold. This thousand-year-level soul beast is no longer something she can deal with!

But now, staying in this situation is the only way to die. Xiaorou has no other choice but to fight to the death!


Even if I die, I can't make it easier for you today! "

Xiaorou's cold voice echoed throughout the green world, and then her remaining soul power began to gather on her ice crystal bow!

In an instant, the extremely beautiful ice bow made a graceful stroke, and in an instant it was in front of the Millennium Poisonous Wolf!

Suddenly, the ice bow exploded, and lines of chill began to shoot out!

For a moment, the fur of the thousand-year-old poisonous wolf was frozen instantly, but as its eyes flashed a ray of green light, suddenly, the poisonous wolf began to shake non-stop. In just a moment, the frozen The living body directly broke through the ice!

The Millennium Poison Wolf was also angered by Xiaorou's actions at this moment. Originally it just wanted to have a good meal, but it didn't expect that the human in front of it was a little ignorant!

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