Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 214 Liu Erlong rescues Xiaorou!

Subconsciously, Xiaorou wanted to take him by surprise and kill him with one strike!

"The second soul skill, Ice Thorn!"

Suddenly, dozens of ice spikes came together, trying to tear the thousand-year-old poisonous wolf into pieces!

But Xiaorou panicked instantly. There was no movement in the grass ahead.

There was no bloody light as I had expected at first, but only silence!

In an instant, Xiaorou, who was a little confused, suddenly felt a violent aura coming from behind!

Almost subconsciously, Xiaorou jumped forward!

Xiaorou's reaction speed is extremely fast, but the Millennium Poison Wolf behind her who has been prepared is even faster!

Almost instantly, the Thousand-Year Poison Wolf's sharp claws were deeply embedded in Xiaorou's back!

Xiaorou felt a chill on her back for a moment, and then the power of the Millennium Poison Wolf slapped Xiaorou out hard!

Her back has been severely injured by this thousand-year-old poisonous wolf...

"Damn it, so treacherous!"

There was no way, Xiaorou knew that there was no way she could survive today in the hands of this thousand-year-old poisonous wolf...

Even whether she can save the whole body is still unknown!

Standing up tremblingly, Xiaorou looked at the Nether Leopard, one person and one beast were so nervously confronting each other!

Xiaorou didn't dare to run away directly, because doing so would expose her back to the claws of the Millennium Poison Wolf!

And the Thousand-Year Poison Wolf doesn't intend to continue to bite Xiaorou. The human soul master in front of it is not that easy to offend. It is afraid that Xiaorou has other methods that he has not yet used!

However, the Thousand-Year Poisonous Wolf's eyes have already turned red after seeing blood, and it will not let Xiaorou go!

It's looking for opportunities!

Cold sweat kept pouring out of Xiaorou's face. At this moment, she needed to calm down!

Finally, after a while, Xiaorou's highly concentrated energy became somewhat unfocused.

The Millennium Poison Wolf seemed to have noticed a flaw in the extremely disgusting human soul master in front of him.

At this moment, the Thousand-Year Poison Wolf did not call for other poisonous wolves to swarm forward. All its strength was secretly concentrated on its legs!


Suddenly, the Thousand-Year Poisonous Wolf no longer waited. The moment he jumped up high, his fangs and sharp teeth flashed brightly in his bloody mouth!

The two front claws were extremely sharp, and in an instant, they were in front of Xiaorou!

In an instant, Xiaorou didn't even have time to dodge. Looking at the Thousand-Year Poison Wolf that was about to arrive, she pressed her toes harder!

He also jumped up high, grabbed the Millennium Poison Wolf by the neck, and threw the Millennium Poison Wolf heavily to the ground!


The Thousand-Year Poison Wolf's already seriously injured right leg was broken after being dropped from the air!

Xiaorou's internal organs were also hit hard!

But at this moment, she couldn't let go at all, she was still clinging to the Millennium Poison Wolf!


The Thousand-Year Poison Wolf, who felt restrained, would naturally not be able to be held captive by Xiaorou!

Its sharp claws kept rolling in the air, and while streaks of silver light flashed by, they would inevitably fall on Xiaorou!

Every time a sharp claw scratches, there will be an extra blood mark on Xiaorou's body...

Within a period of time, the Millennium Poison Wolf was unable to break away from Xiaorou's shackles!

But slowly, as time passed, Xiaorou's physical strength also declined rapidly.

The thousand-year-old poisonous wolf clearly felt that the human soul master was somewhat powerless, so he struggled even more fiercely...

At this moment, Xiaorou's face turned pale. She knew that she would most likely be buried in the belly of this thousand-year-old poisonous wolf today!

A sad mood suddenly filled Xiaorou's mind...

At this moment, a figure flashed across the sky!

In a daze, Xiaorou saw the back of a human soul master!

"help me!"

In an instant, Xiaorou used all her strength to yell out this sentence, then reluctantly let go of her hands, her eyes were blurred, and she fell into a coma!

In the sky, Liu Erlong suddenly froze when he heard the extremely sad cry for help!

"Master Dean, what are you doing?"

The students behind Liu Erlong were a little confused. What happened to their dean?

Ignoring those students, Liu Erlong's eyes fell from the sky to the endless green poisonous mist below!

Suddenly, a small and exquisite human body instantly appeared in Liu Erlong's eyes!

At this moment, the thousand-year-old poisonous wolf had already stood up. Looking at Xiaorou who was unconscious, the thousand-year-old poisonous wolf roared with all its strength!

As if he was releasing his own pent-up aggrievedness!

In the sky, Liu Erlong frowned slightly, probably already knowing that the cry for help just now should have come from the human soul master below.

Looking at Xiaorou's small and exquisite body, Liu Erlong guessed that this girl was most likely only eleven or twelve years old!

And when Liu Erlong felt the soul power that was comparable to level 30, he couldn't help but be surprised.

For ordinary soul masters, it is almost impossible for them to achieve this level of strength at this age!

Even among her students, there are almost no such heaven-defying existences!

At the same time, the blood marks on Xiaorou's body also made Liu Erlong smile lightly.

This girl doesn't seem to be a simple girl. It's really rare to be able to fight this thousand-year-old poisonous wolf in such a field.

At this moment, the student behind Liu Erlong also followed her gaze and looked at Xiaorou in the grass!

Their hearts were also shocked and a little surprised!

In an instant, this thousand-year-old poisonous wolf will kill Xiaorou completely!


In an instant, without Liu Erlong opening his mouth, a sword flashed in the hand of a teacher behind her. In an instant, the Thousand-Year Poisonous Wolf, whose mouth was open with blood open one second, turned dull in the next second!


As a blood mark appeared on the Millennium Poison Wolf's body, its body was directly broken in half by the teacher's sword!

Swish, brush, brush!

Falling from the sky, Liu Erlong came to Xiaorou...

Looking at Xiaorou in front of him, Liu Erlong trembled a little. There were claw marks on his body. For some reason, Liu Erlong felt that he was in the same boat.

Slowly coming to Xiaorou, Liu Erlong gently lifted her up, put his fingers on her nose, and felt the weak breathing, Liu Erlong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Dean, this girl seems to be a bit extraordinary, she dares to face this thousand-year-old poisonous wolf by herself!

This kind of mind is very rare, and given time, it will become a great weapon! "

This teacher was categorical and spoke highly of Xiaorou.

Liu Erlong didn't speak, he just looked at the scars on Xiaorou's body and sighed softly.

“Everything in the world knows whether it is warm or cold.

This girl was able to meet me because of her good fortune. You guys, take her with you and return to the academy together! "

Having said that, Liu Erlong looked away. Xiaorou at this moment was similar to her before, suffering the same fate...

The students who received Liu Erlong's order quickly helped Xiaorou and left the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest and headed to Liu Erlong's academy!

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