Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 215 Yu Xiaogang arrives, goodbye Liu Erlong!

After returning to Lanba Academy, Xiaorou was arranged to go to heal her injuries, and Liu Erlong also returned to his cabin...

Just when everything seemed extremely silent, a very special guest was welcomed outside Lanba Academy!

The whole body is like a dying old man, every step seems to be staggering, as if the wind will blow in the next second and he will fall to the ground!

Outside of Lanba Academy, the soul master who is the teacher of the academy also saw the figure coming slowly at this moment!

"Stop, this is Lanba Academy, please stop!"

Suddenly, after hearing these words, the figure slowly stopped his steps and slowly raised his head. It was Yu Xiaogang!

"I'm here to apply for a job as a teacher in your college. Let me tell your dean...

Just say, Yu Xiaogang is here to see you! "

When she heard the name Yu Xiaogang, the teacher was instantly shocked. She had never heard this name mentioned by her dean before, and it seemed to be very important!

Moreover, the Yu Xiaogang in front of her had no cultivation at all. The college teacher thought that his cultivation had already surpassed hers, so he couldn't sense it!

Taking a deep breath, the teacher from Lanba Academy said respectfully: "I'm writing this letter, a fifty-fourth level attack-type battle spirit master.

I can’t assess the level of my seniors!

Everyone, what do you think? I will take the senior to see our dean, and let her decide the senior's rank and treatment. "

She guessed that the man in front of her should be a soul master above level 60. This application evaluation was meaningless. Keeping him here was the most important thing!

What's more, the other party also knows his dean!

This teacher named Yinshu was obviously a smart person to be entrusted with the important task of recruitment.

He immediately thought of showing the sincerity of Lan Ba ​​Academy to the powerful soul masters in front of him.

"Then let's go."

Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly!

My mood is much better. After all, it is much more comfortable to be respected than to be despised...

Although the environment here is not as good as some other top colleges, it still has its advantages!

The three Lanba Academy teachers led by Yin Shu walked in front, exited the steeple building, and walked directly to the back of the academy along a side path. Soon, they entered the forest outside the main campus.

Yu Xiaogang asked doubtfully: "Don't your deans live in the campus area?"

Yin Shu said: "The dean is not in the college usually, she prefers to be quiet.

A man lives in the forest.

The daily affairs of the college are handled by the teachers, and only major matters need to be consulted by the dean. "

When he mentioned the dean, the music teacher's eyes showed sincere respect, which was completely from the bottom of his heart.

"So that's it..."

Yu Xiaogang didn't ask any more questions, but for some reason, he always felt uneasy in his heart.

After walking for about ten minutes, Yu Xiaogang was walking in the forest with fresh air. Suddenly, a faint singing voice came from the front.

The song is euphemistic and beautiful, full of lingering resentment, like crying and complaining, which makes people feel sad to hear it.

The tune goes back and forth, but it is extremely soft. "I can't fall asleep at night. What can I use to anesthetize me?"

There are too many emotions to face.

It’s not that I don’t want you to accompany me, there are some things you can’t understand.

Take off your guard and follow alone.

I want a space of my own.

I can think about the future between us.

If love is not as sweet as we imagine.

So let me carry it all.

My mind is too confused and I need some blank space.

If you understand, let me leave temporarily.

My heart is too confused and I dare not covet more love.

I wanted to cry but I couldn't do it no matter how hard I cried.

My mind is too confused and I need some blank space.

Did God forget to make arrangements for me?

My heart is too confused and I am afraid of the betrayal of love.

I wanted to cry like a lost child.

Lost child. "

The song passed away quietly. Yin Shu and Yu Xiaogang, who were walking in the front, had already stopped when the song started. At this time, Yin Shu looked a little weird, but Yu Xiaogang was already in tears. !

The melodious female voice came slowly, "You wrote this song for me. Xiaogang, do you know? My heart is too confused. Where are you?"

Seeing the strange looks of Yin Shu and Yu Xiaogang, everyone couldn't help but stopped in surprise.

Suddenly, Yu Xiaogang turned around sharply and was about to run towards the way he came, but Yin Shu grabbed his shoulder.

Yin Shu shouted in a low voice: "Senior, how long do you want to escape!

We are already here, can you really bear not to see our dean? "

Yu Xiaogang seriously showed signs of struggle. At this moment, the pain in his heart was no less than the pain Tang San felt when he was taken away by Zhai Xinlou and Bibi Dong!

After 20 years of escaping, I am finally facing it again today, and I am facing it without any preparation. What a feeling it is!

Yin Shu's hand on Master's shoulder was firm and strong, but she was speechless...

Among the others, except for the teacher who was most familiar with Heyinshu, the other two didn't understand what was going on, and could only follow behind in confusion, heading towards there.

Continuing a few hundred meters further, the woods gradually became sparse, and a sign hung on a particularly thick tree with a line of words engraved on it, "This is an important place of the academy. Please do not enter unless you have no permission."

After crossing this big tree, the scenery in front of us suddenly changed.

It was a small lake, with a diameter of only fifty meters. A stream about three meters wide quietly poured water into it from the other side of the woods, and then flowed back...

This place, which should be regarded as a pool, always maintains living water.

Next to the waterhole, there is a simple thatched hut made of wooden boards and thatch, which is completely integrated with the surrounding environment!

There is a fence around the hut, and various flowers are planted in the fence, vying to bloom, colorful and beautiful!

Just among the flowers, a woman was standing there, holding a kettle, watering those flowers!

Perhaps because she heard the footsteps, her eyes unconsciously looked in the direction where Yu Xiaogang and his group were walking!

It seemed that he was frowning slightly because he was disturbing the tranquility here.

However, when her eyes passed through the three soul masters of Lanba Academy who were leading the way, and fell on Yu Xiaogang behind, her whole body instantly became stiff, her hand loosened, and the kettle fell to the ground with a bang. !

Letting the pot of water flow freely, she had completely forgotten...

It was a beautiful woman who looked to be in her thirties. She was wearing a simple green sarong, but her grace could not be concealed at all. Bupa rolled up her green hair, and her facial features on her somewhat pale face were so delicate and moving. The eyebrows are picturesque, and the big black eyes are dull at this time, but they are still very energetic!

Under the cloth robe, there are those difficult-to-conceal peaks and turbulent waves, and the mature and plump grace is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary girls!

Yin Shu and other three soul masters from Lanba Academy also guessed from the singing of Yu Xiaogang and his dean that Yu Xiaogang should know the dean. At this time, they still had to follow the etiquette and hurry up. Stepping outside the fence, Yin Shu respectfully said to the beautiful woman behind the fence: "Dean, there is a new soul master who has applied for the job. His strength should be over level 60 soul power. We can't make the decision, especially Please make your decision."

The figure flashed, and the beautiful woman was already outside the fence. Yu Xiaogang didn't see clearly how she got out of it. Several teachers were also surprised at the same time!

The so-called "knowing the slightest thing", from this woman's simple movement, you can already see how powerful he is.

"Xiao, Xiaogang, is it really you? Am I not dreaming? The soft voice asked twice, but her beautiful voice was trembling violently at this time, and tears flowed uncontrollably down her slightly pale face. His face was dripping with emotion, and his whole person was already in a state of extreme excitement.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes were red as he looked at the woman in front of him who he longed for but dared not meet. His lips trembled, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Liu Erlong sighed softly, "Our so-called golden triangle finally met again today. Xiaogang, we haven't seen each other for many years, how are you?"

Yu Xiaogang's heart was also sighing. The woman in front of him seemed to have remained unchanged...

Only then did the beautiful woman's dilated pupils focus, and she looked at Yu Xiaogang, with unspeakable emotions in her eyes, "Xiao Gang, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still the same."

Yu Xiaogang gave a wry smile, "I'm getting old, so you should still be as charming as ever!"

"Er Longmei, don't you invite us in?" Yu Xiaogang said with a smile.

Goodbye Liu Erlong, Liu Erlong is not the only one who is shaken, why is he too? However, he could only bury this swaying deep in his heart.

Liu Erlong smiled bitterly and said: "Xiao Gang, do you think my thatched cottage can accommodate so many people? What's going on with you? When did you fall to this point?"

If someone else asked this, Yu Xiaogang might just turn his back on him, but the person in front of him who asked the question was the person who once fascinated him. He smiled bitterly and briefly told the situation of the trip.

When he heard Flanders talking about what happened to the Shrek Academy group, Liu Erlong couldn't help but have a strong evil spirit flash in his eyes!

"Okay, what a Spirit Hall, what a Star Reaching Tower!"

At this moment, Liu Erlong really felt extremely uncomfortable with Yu Xiaogang's experience, but Liu Erlong also felt a little comfortable in his heart!

Because what Yu Xiaogang said was done by Bibi Dong himself and the people from the Wuhun Palace. For Yu Xiaogang, this could be regarded as giving up completely!

Of course, when he heard that Flanders died in this disaster, Liu Erlong also felt uncomfortable in his heart. After all, the friendship between the three of them was considered to be eternal. This...


"Xiaogang, are you going to stop talking to me like this?" Liu Erlong's eyes turned to Yu Xiaogang again. The excitement in her eyes did not disappear, but her voice no longer trembled, but a little more lonely.

Looking at the flower-like Liu Erlong in front of him, Yu Xiaogang's heart was trembling. He opened his mouth several times with some difficulty, but found that he couldn't say anything.

Liu Erlong looked deeply at the master, "Xiao Gang, I won't let you escape from my hands this time."


Liu Erlong then smiled again and said: "Xiao Gang, although this is a coincidence, I will keep an eye on you! If you let you run away again, I'm afraid I will never see you again!

Time flies so fast, twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye, twenty years in total. "

Taking a deep breath, Liu Erlong reluctantly moved his eyes away from Yu Xiaogang!

"You are here for the first time, let me introduce you to Lanba Academy.

This forest is the largest in Tiandou City, and all of it belongs to the college's resources. Although the facilities we have here are not as good as Tiandou Royal Academy, they are not much different.

Ten years have passed since the academy was founded. Because we only accept civilian soul masters, the quality of the soul masters themselves is inferior to ordinary high-level soul master academies.

But precisely because our students are from commoners, they practice much harder than those from big families or nobles. In the last Soul Master Competition, we defeated many strong enemies and finally made it to the top eight.

The results were only slightly worse than the first team from Tiandou Royal Academy.

Their second team was eliminated by us. "

After a pause, Liu Erlong continued: "As for how to teach in the future, that is your problem, Xiaogang!

I am incompetent as the dean, but now I can finally be liberated. "

At the moment, Liu Erlong introduced the details of the entire Lanba Academy to Yu Xiaogang. It was better than imagined.

Although there are only more than 200 students in the entire academy, it is well-known among the soul masters in the Tiandou Empire.

Even soul masters who were born into noble families had to admit that Lan Ba ​​Academy had a strong influence on the world of soul masters.

This place can be said to be the cradle of civilian soul masters. Although it has only been open for ten years, it has already produced many powerful civilian soul masters.

Even Wuhundian hoped to cooperate with Lanba Academy, but was rejected by Liu Erlong.

Although the facilities here are not as good as Tiandou Royal Academy, they are much better than the former Shrek Academy.

"Okay, let's see it's almost time. Let's go eat and chat."

Liu Erlong seemed to have forgotten Yu Xiaogang. In the following period, she fully showed her cheerful nature. She hosted Yu Xiaogang for lunch and explained his doubts one by one.

Then he took Yu Xiaogang to visit Lanba College, and finally arranged a place for Yu Xiaogang to live in the college's teachers' dormitory!

In this day, I went from the joy in the morning to the shame and anger in the morning, and then to the darkness and the bright light later. For Yu Xiaogang, life was a bit too fulfilling!

At night, Yin Shu also asked Liu Erlong about Yu Xiaogang...

Liu Erlong sighed, "Let me tell you a story."

"More than twenty years ago, a young man from a famous family was ostracized by his family because his martial soul mutated and he failed to inherit the martial soul inheritance of his family.

In order to prove himself, he studied hard as a soul master and studied the deeper connotations. He hoped that one day, he could use his knowledge to make the world recognize him!

When he was traveling abroad, he met a like-minded young soul master, and the two decided to make a career in the soul master world together.

One day, while they were hunting soul beasts in a soul beast forest, they met a beautiful girl!

The girl was alone, and her lively and cheerful personality quickly attracted the two young men. The three of them became good friends, and the original team of two also increased to three people traveling together.

As time went by, both young men fell in love with the girl with the Fire Dragon Spirit, but because of their brotherly love, neither one was willing to express it!

Especially the young man who was unable to possess strong strength due to his mutated martial soul buried this love deeply in his heart!

Because the three of them unexpectedly discovered that they could actually perform a powerful martial soul fusion skill in cooperation with each other, relying on their own strength, they gradually gained a reputation as the Golden Triangle in the world of soul masters..."

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