Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 221 Finally became a level ninety-nine titled Douluo!

As for what happened on Poseidon Island, Ye Tianchen and Qian Daoliu, who were far away on the mainland, naturally did not know about it, but even if Ye Tianchen knew about it, he probably ignored it...

After all, Bo Saixi and Tang Chen, this is the hope that Ye Tianchen left for the Shura God. Don't let him be completely disappointed and end up personally. As for what will happen between Tang Chen and Bo Saixi, Ye Tianchen naturally doesn't have to worry about it. , of course, if this guy Qian Daoliu knew about it, he would probably still feel sad and complicated!

After all, Qian Daoliu once had a deep love for Bo Saixi!

In Soto City, on top of the Star-Zhaing Tower and inside the pavilion, Ye Tianchen was sitting cross-legged at the moment, watching the waves of evil power tumbling after the Heavenly Demonic Qin appeared in front of him, trying to break through the shackles of the Heavenly Demonic Qin. Ye Tianchen couldn't help but smile!

"Evil divine power... Speaking of which, if the evil god can be swallowed by my heavenly magic piano..."

As soon as this idea appeared in Ye Tianchen's mind, he immediately dismissed it. After all, swallowing evil divine power and swallowing the god of evil are two concepts. I'm afraid he can't stand the pressure caused by the sudden surge of evil energy. !

After calming down, Ye Tianchen stopped thinking about all this. At present, he should first solve the evil divine power in the Tianmo Qin and break through the ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo...

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen also began to calm down. After the Heavenly Demonic Qin reappeared in his hand, he slowly pulled out the demonic energy from the Heavenly Demonic Qin one by one, and wrapped it in the evil divine power and began to slowly refine it!

Whenever an evil divine power is refined by demonic energy, an extremely pure soul power mixed with a trace of demonic energy pours into Ye Tianchen's body...

Soon, Ye Tianchen fell into silence. It may take several months to refine the evil power this time...

In Wuhun City, Qiandaoliu, who had returned to Wuhun City, did not think too much and went directly to the enshrinement hall. Looking at the huge statue of the Seraphim, Qiandaoliu stabilized his mind. !

One can imagine Qian Daoliu's surprise when he thought of Di Tian's extremely terrifying strength and the soul beast co-master that Ye Tianchen said was comparable to a first-level god!

At this moment, Qian Daoliu felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. This was the first time in dozens or hundreds of years that Qian Daoliu felt that he knew everything, clearly understood that the storm was coming, but he still had no way to stop it. …

"Hey! Angel Ancestor God, I never thought that after the Douluo Continent had been silent for hundreds of thousands of years, the power of God would finally reappear in the world!

It's a pity... Qian Daoliu, the unworthy descendant, has no way to stop all this. Perhaps, the great battle of the world is coming!

There have been too many peerless evildoers in this world, whether it’s Ye Tianchen, the soul beast clan, or even Xue’er…”

Thinking of this, Qiandaoliu still sighed deeply. Now that the soul beast clan has possessed god-level combat power, Qiandaoliu wonders whether the soul beasts will directly attack the human world!

Once this happens, as the top force of human soul masters, Wuhun Palace will definitely bear the brunt of being targeted by the soul beast clan!

Qian Daoliu is not afraid of his own death, but he is worried that no one will be able to protect his Xueer after he dies...

Qian Renxue is Qian Daoliu's only memorial and only hope. It is the last hope of their angel family. He, Qian Daoliu, will never allow it to be cut off!

When he thought of this, Qian Daoliu started to think!

If their Wuhun Palace really goes that far, Qian Daoliu understands that he can't keep his granddaughter, so...

Qian Daoliu set his target on Ye Tianchen!

Although I don’t know what hidden secrets Ye Tianchen and the Soul Beast clan have, but...

One thing Qiandaoliu is sure of is that the relationship between Ye Tianchen and the soul beast clan is definitely not as simple as he imagined!

Especially the relationship between Ye Tianchen and Di Tian feels like two friends who cherish each other...

"If all this that I'm worried about happens, I'm afraid the only person who can save Xue'er is Ye Tianchen..."


When Qian Daoliu sighed again, at this moment, he seemed to have aged ten years!

No matter what, Ye Tianchen was still the murderer of his son, but now...

Qian Daoliu has actually reached this stage. It is ironic but also deeply helpless for Qian Daoliu!

Thinking of this, Qian Daoliu also stood up. After looking at the angel statue with a somewhat complicated expression, he decided to have a good talk with his granddaughter Qian Renxue about this matter!


On Poseidon Island, one day later, Tang Chen's injuries were no longer serious. After all, Bo Saixi didn't kill him at that time!

"Brother Chen, you wake up..."

Looking at Bo Saixi in front of him, Tang Chen was a little at a loss. Listening to this slightly intimate address, it was obvious that Tang Chen was still a little uncomfortable with it!


"Call me Xi'er!"

"Ahem... Xi'er, according to Lord Shura God, it seems that Tang San, a descendant of my Haotian Sect, was brought to Poseidon Island by you?

I don’t know…”

Hearing Tang Chen ask about Tang San's situation, Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that all this could not be hidden after all. Since God Shura had already said so, she, Bo Saixi, could hide more. what?

A complicated look flashed across Bo Saixi's eyes!

"Brother Chen, it's not easy for your descendants Tang San!

You should understand that since Lord Shura God has paid such a heavy price to Tang San, from now on, Tang San will definitely be the one to take the position of Shura God! "

"This... Lord Shura God has also made it clear in this matter that the Shura God's throne must belong to Tang San from now on!"

After saying these words, Tang Chen also felt a little lonely. After all, it was once his own thing...

Hearing this, Bo Saixi smiled bitterly.

"Brother Chen, not only that, Master Poseidon has also made it clear to me that from now on, only Tang San will be qualified to inherit the throne of Poseidon..."

As soon as Bo Saixi said these words, Tang Chen was stunned for an instant!


It is really incredible that Tang San, the descendant of Tang Chen, would one day be favored by two gods!

However, Tang Chen and Bo Saixi are not stupid. There are definitely some things they don't know exist!

Of course... they are just pawns of Shura God and Poseidon. Even if they are clear in their hearts, they can't say anything more!

"Xi'er, that's all. Maybe it's not bad for you and me to be like this now...

From now on, you and I will help Tang San become a god! "

Nodding, Bo Saixi could only choose this way at the moment...

Soon, more than two months passed by. There seemed to be no movement in the entire Douluo Continent, but there seemed to be something different in the Star Dou Forest!

The Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape, which originally only existed in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, frequently appear in the outer areas of the Star Dou Forest!

The two hundred thousand year old soul beasts made all the human soul masters in Douluo Continent extremely fearful. For a while, no one dared to continue to enter the Star Dou Forest to hunt for soul rings...

Other than that, nothing major happened. Of course, Qian Daoliu's plan was also in full swing. Qian Renxue was sent directly to the Star Picking Tower by him. Unfortunately, Ye Tianchen had already retreated to practice. Helplessly, Qian Renxue Xue could only turn around and go to Tiandou City!

Where, Emperor Xue Ye is still waiting for her arrival. There are some words that Qian Renxue understands that she still needs to face after all...

And on the top of the Star-Zhaing Tower, more than two months later, Ye Tianchen had almost refined the evil divine power, and the soul power in his body was unprecedentedly abundant!


In Ye Tianchen's dantian, some soul power was directly transformed into streams of extremely pure innate vitality, and finally condensed directly into a golden elixir suspended in it!

Ye Tianchen has not yet broken through to the ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo, but his martial arts cultivation has already reached the realm of land gods!

As Ye Tianchen adjusted all his states to the best, Ye Tianchen also began to hit the realm of the ninety-ninth level titled Douluo!

Seven days passed by in a flash, and Ye Tianchen was hitting the ninety-nine level barrier all the time during these seven days!

Finally, when the seventh day came, Ye Tianchen also succeeded!

As a terrifying aura swept across the entire world, Ye Tianchen's terrifying aura also spread...

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