Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 222 Ye Tianchen’s method of curing Gu Yuena!

As Ye Tianchen broke through the last barrier, his aura surged, and at the same time, the special induction from the ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo also began to fill the entire Soto City!

Ye Tianchen's breakthrough even attracted the attention of Gu Yuena in the Star Forest!

As a person close to the strength of a first-level god, although Gu Yuena can only exert the strength of a second-level god due to her injuries,...

Her terrifying soul power covers almost the entire Douluo Continent. The news of Ye Tianchen breaking through level 99 naturally did not escape Gu Yuena's eyes!


In the Great Star Forest and on the Lake of Life, only two months have passed, and everything seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes!

The Lake of Life used to be synonymous with tranquility and beauty, but now, over the Lake of Life, an island suspended in the sky connects the world!

And on the island is an extremely magnificent palace!

Three large characters are engraved on the largest palace among them, Dragon Temple!

In the main hall, naturally it belongs to Gu Yuena's territory, and Gu Yuena also has an inexplicable smile on her lips at this moment!

At this moment, the door of the main hall slowly opened, and Di Tian's figure suddenly appeared in front of Gu Yuena!

"Ditian has met the Lord!"

"You're welcome, Di Tian, ​​I didn't expect Ye Tianchen to have such ability. Only two months later, he has already broken through to the ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo. It seems...

He is somewhat sure of what he promised me back then! "

In fact, Gu Yuena still has doubts about Ye Tianchen's ability to heal herself. After all, there is still a big gap between her own strength and Ye Tianchen. There is no problem in saying that they are two different creatures, so when Gu Yuena Na found out that Ye Tianchen was able to break through to the ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo at such a young age, and she was relieved!

"Ye Tianchen, has he already broken through?"

Di Tian couldn't believe his ears at this moment. Maybe when Gu Yuena said this sentence, there was no fluctuation at all, but when it came to Di Tian, ​​it was full of shock...

At this moment, Di Tian's face was extremely complicated. He thought that since Di Tian was born, his cultivation for hundreds of thousands of years could only reach his current state, and he was even a little short of achieving the status of a god, but...

Ye Tianchen has only been practicing for a few decades, but he has already caught up with his own years of hard training. The gap in Di Tian's heart is still huge, even though Di Tian also understands that Ye Tianchen will break through level 99 sooner or later. …

As if seeing the disappointment in Di Tian's heart, Gu Yuena slowly stood up, looked at Di Tian, ​​and then smiled softly.

"Di Tian, ​​don't be surprised by this, Ye Tianchen... such a monster-like existence, if he is allowed to go to the God Realm, I am afraid that in a few years, the entire God Realm will be turned upside down by him!

Isn't it a blessing to be in the same era as someone like him?

Of course, it is also a kind of sadness..."

Hearing that his master spoke so highly of Ye Tianchen, Di Tian also reacted and frowned. Indeed, Ye Tianchen was strangely powerful and had a character that was not afraid of anything. He went to the God Realm. , if he didn’t die young, I’m afraid it would be enough for those in the God Realm to drink a pot!

I don’t know what Gu Yuena was thinking about at this moment, but then her eyes became solemn...

"Di Tian, ​​are you sure that there is a fight to the death between Ye Tianchen and God Shura?"

At this moment, Gu Yuena took back her relaxed expression and turned to look at Di Tian very seriously, every word was clearly audible!

"My lord, I dare not say that we will fight to the death, but Ye Tianchen's character and being an enemy of God Shura will never change..."

Hearing what Di Tian said, Gu Yuena also sighed. Only she knew what she was thinking at the moment!

Although Gu Yuena has awakened now, the strength of the soul beast clan has been greatly enhanced, but unless Gu Yuena wants to stay in Douluo Continent for the rest of her life, Gu Yuena will have to fight against the God Realm...

And she is only close to a first-level god. Even if she recovers all her strength, she is no match for the five god kings in the god world. Gu Yuena doesn't know how to choose, but the appearance of Ye Tianchen makes Gu Yuena see. Here's your chance!

If Ye Tianchen can continue to grow...

Gu Yuena couldn't even imagine reaching that point in the end!


As for Qiandaoliu in Wuhun City, he actually knew it when Ye Tianchen was about to break through to the ninety-ninth level titled Douluo!

Following Qian Renxue to Soto City was Golden Crocodile Douluo. Although Qian Renxue did not wait until Ye Tianchen finished her retreat before heading to Tiandou City,...

However, Golden Crocodile Douluo did not leave. He stayed directly in the Star Reaching Tower. His purpose was not to get along with the Star Reaching Tower, but to wait for Ye Tianchen to finish his retreat and send Qian Renxue to him as soon as possible. Come to the Star Building...

However, Golden Crocodile Douluo did not expect Ye Tianchen to break through level ninety-nine so quickly. That unparalleled aura made Golden Crocodile Douluo extremely bitter!

"Ye have finally come this far!


I don’t know if I will have such an opportunity in this life..."

After sighing softly, Golden Crocodile Douluo also left the Star Reaching Tower directly. Since Ye Tianchen was about to break through, there was no need for him to stay longer, so he went directly to Tiandou City to bring Miss Xue'er. Bar!

As Golden Crocodile Douluo left, the news that Ye Tianchen broke through to the ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo quickly spread to the ears of Qian Daoliu in Wuhun City.

In this regard, Qian Daoliu is okay. He understands that Ye Tianchen will break through sooner or later. Breaking through earlier is also a good thing...

In Soto City, Ye Tianchen has broken through the last barrier at this moment, and his soul power has begun to grow rapidly!

However... Ye Tianchen found that the pure soul power that the last evil powers seemed to feed back was a bit terrifying. Even though he had reached level ninety-nine, his body was still filled with huge amounts of pure soul power!

"It seems a pity to waste this soul power..."

Ye Tianchen felt the changes in his body. These pure soul powers were hard-won. Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen finally made a decision!

That is to compress all the pure soul power directly like the martial arts elixir in the Dantian. The soul power is not like true energy. It doesn't matter where it is stored!

Whatever you want to do, do it. After thinking twice, Ye Tianchen decided to gather the remaining pure soul power in his hands...

As the pure soul power increased, slowly, the meridians in Ye Tianchen's hands began to surge!

Finally, an energy body like a golden elixir formed by the two soul powers appeared directly in Ye Tianchen's palm!

"This time, it seems a bit risky, but... the effect is good!"

Looking at the palm of his hand, Ye Tianchen smiled slightly, but he didn't know that the soul power gathered in his palm was not much different from the so-called soul core cultivation method...

It's just that no one has ever placed a soul core in the palm of their hand...

After letting out a breath of turbid air, Ye Tianchen's body, which had been silent for more than two months, slowly stood up!

With a crackling sound of bones, Ye Tianchen soared directly into the sky and flew directly towards the Star Dou Forest!

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