Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 223: Loot vitality and restore yourself!

This is not because Ye Tianchen wants to find Gu Yuena right now and heal her injuries. In fact, the moment Ye Tianchen stood up, Gu Yuena's voice directly reached Ye Tianchen's ears...

Gu Yuena directly asked Ye Tianchen to visit the Star Dou Forest first...

Ye Tianchen was also helpless, but considering that his own strength was still inferior to hers after all, Ye Tianchen could only go and see what happened to Gu Yuena first.

Of course, Ye Tianchen went there this time to pick up some things!

I think that in order for him to cure Gu Yuena, Ditian set a lot of conditions!

That so-called million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, Ye Tianchen is very greedy!

In just a short while, Ye Tianchen came directly to the Star Forest. A quarter of an hour later, Ye Tianchen was already standing in front of the Lake of Life!

Seeing the earth-shaking changes ahead, Ye Tianchen frowned slightly, and then Gu Yuena also sent a message again...

"Ye Tianchen, come up..."

With a slight sigh, Ye Tianchen did not hesitate. With a tap of his toes, his whole body instantly arrived at the island on the Lake of Life!

Looking at the luxurious palace in front of him, Ye Tianchen was still a little surprised. He didn't expect that soul beasts could also possess these things...

The splendor in front of you is all real gold and gems!

Generally speaking, humans prefer...

But what Ye Tianchen didn't know was that most of the buildings in the God Realm were actually like this, and Gu Yuena's aesthetics was naturally the same.

Slowly arriving outside the main hall, Di Tian did not know that Ye Tianchen had arrived at this moment, and was still talking in detail about Ye Tianchen with Gu Yuena in the main hall.

At this moment, Gu Yuena suddenly raised her hand to signal Di Tian to shut up...

"Okay, Di Tian, ​​no need to say more, Ye Tianchen... is already here, I'd better ask in person!"


Di Tian was a little confused, and he said to himself that the relationship between Ye Tianchen and Shura God had lasted so long, why not come in person?


Ye Tianchen is here? ! ! !

The moment Di Tian turned around, the door of the main hall was pushed open by Ye Tianchen!

Ye Tianchen slowly walked into the hall with calm steps. Seeing that Di Tian and Gu Yuena were there, Ye Tianchen didn't have too many fluctuations in his heart. Anyway, he was not their opponent, so he thought too much. what……

"Ye Tianchen, why are you here!

you! …

No, you have already broken through the ninety-ninth level of Titled Douluo! "

Feeling Ye Tianchen's extremely restrained aura, Di Tian was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Ye Tianchen to be so fast!

"Okay Ditian, didn't I tell you about Ye Tianchen's breakthrough a long time ago? Please step aside first, and I and Ye Tianchen have a good chat!"

As Gu Yuena's words behind him fell, Di Tian immediately closed his mouth. After looking at Ye Tianchen with an expression of asking for blessings, Di Tian also left the hall directly... …

"Ye Tianchen is already a ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo, and he looks... pretty good!

However... now that you have broken through the ninety-ninth level of Titled Douluo, it's time to talk about how to cure me! "

Listening to Gu Yuena's words, Ye Tianchen nodded. If Gu Yuena was in this state, it would probably take more than a hundred years to completely recover just by herself!

Gu Yuena couldn't wait for such a long time. After all, Gu Yuena had already sensed some danger coming due to God Shura's strange behavior!

So... Gu Yuena was also extremely concerned about Ye Tianchen's ability to heal her quickly!

Ye Tianchen also understood that this kind of thing could not be avoided after all, so he answered directly...

"Your Excellency Silver Dragon King, I think you know best how you are injured!

Although I have extracted all the evil divine power, but... Your wounds have long been completely corroded by the evil divine power!

Your Excellency does not lack soul power, or divine power. The reason why you cannot exert your peak strength is simply because the wound can no longer withstand the pressure of a first-level god...

So... what we need now is to take care of this wound! "

Hearing Ye Tianchen's words, Gu Yuena nodded. It was indeed true. However, Gu Yuena could not recover quickly from the wounds corroded by the evil divine power. As for digging them all out...

That would be even harder!

From Gu Yuena's chest to Gu Yuena's heart, everything has been eroded by evil divine power. You can't even damage your own heart, right?

That Gu Yuena wouldn't feel comfortable!

Regardless of the fact that gods can be resurrected at will, that is because they have the blessing of gods, or the power of their gods is just borrowed...

It doesn't matter how the body is destroyed, since the god exists anyway, the power will not be weakened!

And once the god status is gone, I am afraid that I will be a first-level god, and my final strength will drop a lot...

Therefore, if the gods in the divine world want to pass on their divine status, most of them must cultivate their own strength to a corresponding level, and only then can they divest themselves of the divine status!

In this way, without the constraints of a god, we can pursue a better realm!

And Gu Yuena does not have a divine inheritance. What she does have is the divine power that was retained after the Dragon God was split into two, which is roughly equivalent to a first-level god!

Once Gu Yuena is injured, she can only heal her wounds slowly. It is impossible to place her soul on the divine throne so that the divine throne will not be broken and the gods will not die...

Thinking of this, Gu Yuena also frowned slightly, and after taking a gentle breath, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth!

"Ye Tianchen, you know far more than I thought. Tell me, since you understand my current predicament, then...

How should you solve it! "

Looking at Gu Yuena with a charming smile in front of him, Ye Tianchen felt calm and had his own plan in mind!

"Your Excellency Silver Dragon King, there seems to be only two ways to solve this problem, or Your Excellency Silver Dragon King can find a healing god!

Or...just repair yourself!

The former is naturally impossible to achieve, but I have some confidence in the latter! "

As he said that, Ye Tianchen stretched out his right arm, and as a terrifying karma fire fell directly on Ye Tianchen's arm, his arm was instantly burned!

And when Ye Tianchen took back the karma fire, his arm was already charred black!

Looking at this scene, Gu Yuena's eyes were a little strange. Ye Tianchen in front of her seemed to have some... um... masochistic tendencies...

But soon, when the Demonic Qin in Ye Tianchen's hand appeared beside Ye Tianchen, streams of demonic energy began to slowly flow out!

In an instant, Ye Tianchen radiated demonic energy!

On the originally extremely beautiful island, countless creatures began to die!

The vegetation is withered and yellow, and everything is desolate...

When the strands of demonic energy returned to Ye Tianchen's hands, they were already filled with the breath of life!

As the demonic energy came to the burned arm, in just a moment, the injured arm immediately recovered as before!

Of course... Ye Tianchen also frowned. This kind of behavior is not without harm to him...

However, it is still bearable...

Gu Yuena, on the other hand, was immediately surprised!

Seize life and restore yourself!

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