Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 224 Million-year-old soul beast, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm!

Seeing Ye Tianchen being able to directly deprive all living beings of their vitality for his own use, this shocked Gu Yuena's heart!

In the God Realm, no god has such an ability that can be called heaven-defying.

Even as the God King of Life, Gu Yuena knew that although her divine power of life could achieve what Ye Tianchen did, but... that was the result of her own divine power, and Ye Tianchen!

He is directly taking away life!

Two different results, they are worlds apart!

Seeing the faint smile on the corner of Ye Tianchen's mouth, Gu Yuena was shocked. At the same time, she also noticed a slight wrinkle on Ye Tianchen's forehead. Seeing this, Gu Yuena was obviously relieved.

She finally understood something. At least Ye Tianchen couldn't use this ability without restrictions, otherwise...

With Ye Tianchen's incomparable ability that can be said to be unparalleled, Ye Tianchen can directly devour thousands of creatures in the entire Douluo Continent. At that time, Ye Tianchen's strength will definitely not be weaker than that of any god in the God Realm. king!

But because of this, because Ye Tianchen couldn't use it without restriction, Gu Yuena just felt relieved, this moment, she would kill Ye Tianchen directly without hesitation!

The reason why Gu Yuena didn't have any murderous intention towards Ye Tianchen from the beginning to the end was just because Ye Tianchen couldn't threaten her Gu Yuena...

Gently exhaling a breath of turbid air, Gu Yuena also moved her lips slightly!

"I didn't expect that you, Ye Tianchen, would have such a power to defy the heavens and deprive you of life. It seems that you are more terrifying than the God of Evil!

But...since you can use this ability to heal yourself, that's not the same thing!

Tell me, Ye Tianchen, how many lives need to be devoured to heal this deity! "

Suddenly, two divine lights from Gu Yuena fell on Ye Tianchen instantly...

Being watched by Gu Yuena like this, Ye Tianchen also felt a little stressed, but now, the initiative is in his hands. Taking this opportunity, Ye Tianchen has to plan carefully!

After all, the vitality required to heal Gu Yuena is an unimaginable amount, and he will also be affected by the endless demonic energy. Ye Tianchen definitely needs some compensation!

With a gentle smile, Ye Tianchen stepped forward and came to Gu Yuena. Looking at Gu Yuena's bumpy figure, there was no evil thought in his eyes!

"Your Excellency Silver Dragon King, this matter is not as simple as you think. If I deprive my life of life, I need to withstand the entry of demonic energy into my body. Without huge spiritual strength, I simply cannot support such a large-scale attack. Devour!


"Just tell me, Ye Tianchen, what do you need?"

Gu Yuena also raised her eyebrows. Ye Tianchen's tone was very clear, that is, he needed something to be satisfied!

"Hahaha, Your Excellency, Silver Dragon King, is so quick to talk to others. It's really refreshing. What I need is not something precious, I just need a soul beast!"

"Soul beast?"

"That's right!

Your Excellency Silver Dragon King, the last time I absorbed the evil divine power for you, Di Tian had already promised me that if Your Excellency Silver Dragon King can successfully wake up, you will hand over the so-called million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. Next!


"I see, you are going around in circles every night, just for a Heavenly Dream Ice Silkworm.

Anyway... Speaking of which, Tianmeng Bingshen didn't know how lucky he was to have reached a million-year cultivation level without encountering a catastrophe, but...

I am extremely curious. You, Ye Tianchen, now have nine soul rings that have been perfected for a long time. To you, the Dream Ice Silkworm that day..."

Just as she was about to continue speaking, Gu Yuena saw Ye Tianchen's teasing gaze. Gu Yuena instantly realized that Ye Tianchen didn't want to obtain Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's soul ring and soul bones from the beginning!

The most powerful thing about Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is undoubtedly the soul power accumulated over millions of years of cultivation. However, after these years of being eaten away by Di Tian and others, there is nothing left. Now, the most valuable thing about Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is, That is its millions of years of spiritual power!

"Ha... I underestimate you, Ye Tianchen, I didn't expect that you can also swallow spiritual power!

In this case, I am a little curious about your martial spirit!

Tian Mo Qin... This is your martial spirit, but this martial spirit has never appeared in the entire Douluo Continent!

I wonder what that weird power is?

It’s interesting to hear you say it’s demonic energy! "

Hearing what Gu Yuena said, Ye Tianchen was not worried that he would be jealous of Gu Yuena. He needed to maintain an extremely delicate balance with Gu Yuena. For this balance, Ye Tianchen himself could not let Gu Yuena completely Even if she doesn't like him, she can't let Gu Yuena be afraid of his ability...

With this level of control, Ye Tianchen is quite capable of it!

"Your Excellency Silver Dragon King, since you are so curious, why not give it a try yourself!"

After saying that, the Heavenly Demonic Qin slowly appeared in Ye Tianchen's hand. As Ye Tianchen stretched out his slender fingers and waved lightly, a weak demonic energy instantly leaped into Gu Yuena's palm!

Feeling the breath of Ye Tianchen's so-called demonic energy, Gu Yuena frowned instantly!

She felt a terrifying pressure from this demonic energy. This kind of pressure can not only destroy the ability of a person, but it is also a very powerful means of bewitching!


Gu Yuena couldn't help being surprised, but after looking carefully, Gu Yuena still didn't know what was strange. As Gu Yuena tentatively poured out a burst of soul power, all of a sudden!

The originally weak demonic energy was like a tiger pouncing on its prey, swallowing up the soul power in an instant. The next second, the weak demonic energy began to become stronger, and the violent aura became more obvious...

"Demon's such a vast world, full of wonders and wonders!"

After Gu Yuena glanced at Ye Tianchen complicatedly, she squeezed hard, and the originally powerful demonic energy turned into ashes...

Looking at this scene, Ye Tianchen didn't find it strange. Gu Yuena was also a god after all!

"Okay, Ye Tianchen, I can give you the Dream Ice Silkworm that day, but remember, you must heal my injuries within a year!

Okay, you can go out now..."

Hearing Gu Yuena's order to expel guests, Ye Tianchen shook his head and slowly walked out of the hall.

Just when Ye Tianchen was about to walk out of the hall, Gu Yuena suddenly said something!

"Ye Tianchen, it's a pity that you are in this era..."

With a click, Ye Tianchen's footsteps paused for an instant, and then the corners of Ye Tianchen's mouth slightly raised...

"Your Highness Gu Yuena, aren't you the same?

Hahaha! "

Having said that, Ye Tianchen didn't even look back, and walked directly out of the hall with his whole body, leaving Gu Yuena quietly watching Ye Tianchen's retreating back!

"Me too? Ha!

I'm afraid that Ye Tianchen's wish to achieve the divine realm is a foolish dream..."

After sighing, Gu Yuena waved her hand, and the hall slowly closed...

After leaving the main hall, Ye Tianchen could already see Di Tian waiting for him in the distance.

"Hahaha, Tianchen, what do you think? Can you find a way to cure my master?"

Di Tian also smiled and came to Ye Tianchen's side. After taking a deep look at the palace, Di Tian's eyes shifted to Ye Tianchen.

"Brother Ditian, you know that I, Ye Tianchen, will not utter arrogant words, but...

If you want to cure your family master, you still need the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. Let’s go, brother Ditian, let’s go and see this so-called million-year soul beast Tianmeng Iceworm. What’s left? What a talent! "


Di Tian was a little speechless, but thinking that his master had made it clear, and that he had promised Ye Tianchen, Di Tian did not hesitate, and immediately led Ye Tianchen towards the location of Tianmeng Bingcan!

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