Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 228 Divine Skill, Imprisonment in Purgatory!

"Tianmeng Iceworm, I didn't expect you to have some abilities. Don't worry, as long as you follow me carefully from now on, there will be no chance of resurrection in the future!"

Hearing Ye Tianchen's words, Tianmeng Bingcan didn't think they were trying to spread the pie. On the contrary, Ye Tianchen's words were extremely calm, but he also had an unparalleled confidence!

This kind of confidence is something that even Tianmeng Iceworm firmly believes in...

"Master, you are right!

Since your master has reached the realm of the ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo before he is fifty years old, the gods in the divine world must have already noticed you, master!

I'm afraid, it won't be long before Master, you will be favored by those gods, obtain the divine status, and achieve the level of god, which is just around the corner! "

Tianmeng Bingcan still thought that Ye Tianchen could gain the favor of the gods in the divine world and pass down the inheritance. However, Tianmeng Bingcan obviously thought too much...


Ye Tianchen didn't react at all when Tian Meng Bing Silkworm called him master. Instead, he sneered at Tian Meng Bing Silkworm's fantasy that God would favor him, and couldn't help but smile disdainfully!

"Okay, Tianmeng, don't continue to fantasize. It is impossible for me to win the favor of the gods in this life and let them pass down the inheritance, or even...

The so-called gods in your mouth would be pretty good if they don’t personally go down to the realm to kill me! "


Tianmeng Bingcan was stunned. What Ye Tianchen said just now...

After staring at Ye Tianchen's autumn-like eyes for a long time, Tianmeng Bingcan was sure that Ye Tianchen was not joking...

"'re scared!"


Tianmeng Bingshen didn't know how he was feeling at the moment, he just felt that the ebb and flow feeling was really uncomfortable!

"Once upon a time, I also thought that I could gain the favor of the so-called gods, so that they would be willing to give inheritance to me, but unfortunately...

More than ten years ago, because of an incident, I offended God Shura, the most noble among the gods in the divine world!

He is the God King of the God Realm. Do you think I can still have a chance to inherit the divine throne?

Oh, by the way, some time ago, I severely injured the high priest of Poseidon, the god of the sea!

Speaking of which, I seem to have offended two gods, oh, that’s not right, it seems to be three! "

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen couldn't help but smile slightly. Speaking of which, the god behind Bibi Dong must have hated himself to death!


Tianmeng Bingcan heard Ye Tianchen's words at this moment and was unable to refute. At this moment, the ninety-ninth level titled Douluo had already offended three gods in the God Realm...

A Shura God, that is the God King!

Although Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's strength is not that good, she still has some understanding of the God Realm. After all, she has lived for so many years...

"Master, you are so powerful that those gods will have to pay a heavy price sooner or later if they offend you, Master!

Now, Master, you should see if your ninth soul skill has changed..."

Listening to Tianmeng Bingcan's feeble compliment, Ye Tianchen didn't care. This guy was a chatterbox, and maybe he could use it against that little girl Qian Renxue...

"You are right, I will make those proud gods pay the price!"

After whispering softly, Ye Tianchen also wanted to see if his ninth soul, which was now a million-year-old soul ring, had anything special!



You didn't know it, but you were shocked when you saw it. Ye Tianchen didn't expect that his ninth soul skill had changed so much!

The two ninth soul rings owned by the one hundred thousand year soul ring have not disappeared, and Ye Tianchen mainly relies on the Tianmo Qin, which is nothing to worry about...

But the newly added ninth soul skill surprised Ye Tianchen!

"Master? Master? Your ninth soul skill..."

Tian Meng Bing Silkworm was also extremely curious as to how much change his million-year soul ring would bring to Ye Tianchen. However, thinking of his identity, Tian Meng Bing Silkworm still closed his mouth...

"The new ninth soul skill is a spiritual soul skill, which is related to the strength of my spiritual power and soul!

The stronger the spiritual power and soul, the more terrifying the soul skills will be!

It’s called “Incarceration in Purgatory”! "

Hearing this, Tianmeng Bingcan was a little curious, but he still held back his enthusiasm and returned directly to Ye Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness!

Seeing Tianmeng Bingcan resisting not asking, Ye Tianchen also smiled slightly, and then stopped staying here. It had been a long time since he left the Star Reaching Tower. Since he had already agreed everything with Gu Yuena, So……

It’s time to go back!

Next, Ye Tianchen needs to take a closer look to see what purpose Shura God wants Tang San to achieve!

At the same time, wait for the last chance to see when Bibi Dong can become a god...

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen let out a breath of turbid air, took a step forward, and Ye Tianchen's figure disappeared instantly. In the blink of an eye, Ye Tianchen came to the sky above the Lake of Life!

"Hahaha, Tianchen, your retreat is over. It seems that you have gained a lot. Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is already useless now. It is not bad to be able to help you, Tianchen!"

Di Tian naturally came to Ye Tianchen's side immediately, and Ye Tianchen was not surprised at all...

"Brother Ditian, I have to go...

In half a year, I will come again, and by then, I will be able to heal your master’s injuries! "

Seeing that Ye Tianchen was about to leave, Di Tian nodded and understood that Ye Tianchen could not stay in the Star Forest forever...

"In that case, then you and I can get together again in half a year!

By then, you and I will have to have a good fight! "

After Di Tian finished speaking, his expression was a little complicated. Ye Tianchen nodded, and then without any hesitation, he tapped his toes lightly, and like a bird, he rushed directly into the sky and disappeared!

Looking at Ye Tianchen walking away, Di Tian also withdrew his gaze!

"Ye Tianchen, I hope you can achieve what you want... This world will be a constraint for you after all!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Ditian slowly disappeared...

In Ye Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness, Tianmeng Bingcan saw that he had left the Star Dou Forest, and he was extremely sad. He had been here for a long time, and now he left the Star Dou Forest so easily... …

"Hey! Snow Emperor, wait for me!"

After muttering a few words silently in his heart, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm also fell into a deep sleep. It also consumed a lot of soul power in this sacrifice, and it still needs to be replenished...

Just when Ye Tianchen left the Star Forest and headed towards the Star Picking Tower in Soto City, Qian Renxue, who was heading from Soto City to Tiandou City, also slowly walked into the palace with an uneasy heart. !

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