Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 229 Emperor Xueye’s bitterness, Qian Renxue’s decision!

Tiandou City, as usual, has not changed much. As the capital of the Tiandou Empire, people are coming and going on the streets. All living beings are working hard to live and live better, and no one is paying attention. Everything about the royal family is right and wrong...

Imperial City...

The towering palace gate stands in front of Qian Renxue at this moment. Entering this palace gate, you will enter the palace!

"Miss Xue'er, we... let's go in with you!"

Next to Qian Renxue, she was naturally not the only one. In addition to Snake Spear Douluo and Galileo Douluo, there was even Golden Crocodile Douluo!

Hearing what Snake Spear Douluo said, Qian Renxue remained silent, quietly looking at the palace gate in front of her, and sighed slightly.

"Grandpa Snake Spear, forget it, let Xue'er face it alone..."

Hearing this, Snake Spear Douluo couldn't help but glance at Golden Crocodile Douluo. After all, if Golden Crocodile Douluo spoke at the scene, Snake Spear Douluo knew that Qian Renxue would not object...

But... Golden Crocodile Douluo was also silent at this moment. He just looked at Qian Renxue with firm eyes and unconsciously showed a faint smile.

Seeing this, Snake Spear Douluo didn't ask for trouble. In short, Qian Renxue's strength was not low. She was more than seventy levels of soul saint cultivation, but she was not weak!

What's more, Golden Crocodile Douluo is a ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo, so how can he put Miss Xue'er in danger?

Shaking their heads, Snake Spear Douluo and Porpoise Douluo looked at each other and then retreated slightly.

Just when Qian Renxue took a deep breath and prepared to take her own steps, Golden Crocodile Douluo spoke!

"Xue'er, since you already have the answer in your heart, don't be afraid, let alone be afraid!

What Ye Tianchen said... is probably not false! "

Looking back, Qian Renxue's beautiful face also showed a warm smile as the words "Ye Tianchen" appeared...

"Grandpa Jin Crocodile, Xueer understands!"

After saying that, Qian Renxue stopped staying and stepped out directly, following the father-in-law sent by Emperor Xueye to the palace gate!


After walking in circles for about ten minutes, Qian Renxue also arrived at the place where Emperor Xueye spent most of his time!

Zhengde Hall!

At this moment, Emperor Xueye was just sitting alone in the palace. In front of him were countless delicacies...

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is here!"

As the father-in-law's voice resounded through the hall, Emperor Xueye, who was originally extremely calm, suddenly frowned, then slowly raised his hand and pushed a cup of Drunken Immortal Brew into his mouth!

The pungency stimulated Emperor Xue Ye's mouth, and also stimulated the softness deep in Emperor Xue Ye's heart...

Naturally, Qian Renxue would not stay there any longer. Soon, she walked into the main hall. From a distance, Qian Renxue saw that extremely familiar figure!

"My son, I pay my respects to my father!"

Qian Renxue's soft voice is not the same as usual at this moment, but has a touch of feminine softness!

Hearing the change in Qian Renxue's voice, Emperor Xueye did not have the slightest doubt. Instead, he turned his head, looked at Qian Renxue, nodded slightly, and then smiled thickly.

"Qinghe, come here and sit down!"

"My son, I obey!"

Soon, Qian Renxue came and sat down in front of Emperor Xue Ye. At this moment, Qian Renxue was no longer nervous at the beginning, but relaxed, because...

She didn't feel the strong murderous intention in Emperor Xue Ye, but instead felt the extremely exciting tenderness!

Seeing Qian Renxue sitting down in front of him, Emperor Xue Ye immediately picked up the Immortal Brew and was about to put it into Qian Renxue's cup. However, halfway through, Emperor Xue Ye felt embarrassed for a moment and then took back the Immortal Brew. Instead, use the potpourri on the side...

Seemingly sensing Qian Renxue's doubts, Emperor Xueye didn't hide anything!

"Qinghe...oh no, let's call you Xue'er!

In fact... I have discovered your identity since the day you came to my Tiandou City, so Xue'er, don't be nervous..."


Emperor Xue Ye's words were like a thunder, making Qian Renxue's eyes widen!

She thought that Emperor Xue Ye might have known about her daughter's identity and that she was not the Xue Qinghe she once was, but...

Emperor Xue Ye actually knew everything so early!


Qian Renxue was about to say something, but Emperor Xueye raised his palm to signal Qian Renxue to stop first.

"Miss Xue'er, actually, my father... I understand what you want to say!

Let me tell you a story...

In fact, the Xue Qinghe you killed back then was not my son either. I, Emperor Xue Ye, although in the eyes of outsiders I am a man with both sons and daughters, but...

Only I understand, oh no, Tianchen also knows that I, Xueye, will never have an heir of my own in this life!

And that Xue Qinghe was actually a member of the clan, but he was just trying to deceive others...

You don’t have to think there’s anything wrong. Back then, the so-called Prince Xue Qinghe actually did a lot worse than you!

A disciple of the clan, this emperor gave him the status of prince, but unfortunately...he is uneducated and incompetent, and even...wanted to make the emperor abdicate early. To this end, he did a lot of tricks!

You killed him and entered the palace in disguise, it's really obvious!

You are not him, he is more ruthless than you, and you... just stay with me every day and handle too many affairs for me..."

When Emperor Xue Ye said this, the corners of his eyes became moist. Qian Renxue did not poison him like in the original work. On the contrary, Qian Renxue was actually very concerned about Emperor Xue Ye...

As for the reason, I'm afraid only Qian Renxue knows it!

At this moment, after hearing Emperor Xue Ye explain all this, Qian Renxue always felt so dreamy, but...

Qian Renxue remained silent because she had deceived Emperor Xue Ye all these years after all!

"Actually, I am very curious. You...I heard from Tianchen that you are the daughter of Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace and the only granddaughter of Qian Daoliu. I don't know why you came to Tiandou City.

From the first day to now, even though I don’t know why you came, I am still very grateful to you. It is you who make me not have to worry about the so-called successor. It is you who make me truly feel family affection...

You don’t have to be shocked or afraid, Miss Cher! "


Qian Renxue has thousands of words in her heart, but at this moment...she really can't say any words!

Qian Renxue has never felt the warmth of a father from Emperor Xue Ye over the years...

However, Qian Renxue couldn't accept everything at this moment. She couldn't accept what she had deceived...

"Hahahahaha, Miss Xue'er, there is no need to feel uncomfortable, and there is no need to be entangled, Tianchen is right, there is an eternal dynasty!

What's more... Tiandou Empire, if you wish from now on, you Qian Renxue will still be the heir to my Tiandou Empire!

My words still count in the Tiandou Empire! "

Hearing Emperor Xue Ye's heroic words, Qian Renxue's originally silent face suddenly smiled brightly and naturally...

Suddenly, Qian Renxue stood up, then suddenly knelt on the ground, looking at Emperor Xue Ye, tears began to well up in her eyes...

"Father, in Qian Renxue's life, except for my grandfather and Grandpa Jin Crocodile, no one has been kind to me...

How come I haven't felt the warmth of my father from you over the years?

If you are willing, Xueer will be your daughter from now on! "

Hearing this, Emperor Xueye was also stunned, and then his tears flooded Emperor Xueye...

"Daughter... Hahaha, I, Xue Ye, am so lucky!"


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