Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 237 The world is shocked, and various sects are speculating!

Hearing what His Majesty the Pope said, Ju Douluo immediately understood that this was a good time for him to show his loyalty!

"Your Majesty the Pope, don't worry, my subordinates will do it now!"

Having said that, Ju Douluo strode out of the main hall and headed towards the place where the news was delivered to Wuhun Palace...

Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai also looked at each other and smiled, but did not make any move...

Seeing that the Spirit Hall no longer needs to hold the Soul Master Competition finals, Bibi Dong also wants to hand over the so-called privileges to the Star Reaching Tower!

Anyway, Bibi Dong won’t lose anything by borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha...

"Two of you, there is one more thing. The organizer of the final has a special privilege. I wonder if you, the two of you, know?"

"Oh! I wonder what His Majesty the Pope is talking about?"

Yang Bai really didn't know about any privileges. After all, they had never paid attention to any news about the Soul Master Competition before. It was normal for them not to know these things...

Hearing this, Bibi Dong smiled softly. It was indeed as she thought, Zhaixinglou really didn't know...

"Two of you, the organizer of the Soul Master Competition finals can directly send one team to the finals, which will leave a lot of time. The participating soul masters in the Star Reaching Tower will also have less boring time!"

Hearing this, Yang Bai had no reaction, but Yin Hei was very excited!

At first, Yin Hei only predicted that Tianshui Academy should be able to enter the finals, but now, Yin Hei cannot estimate how much commotion the Star-Zhaing Tower competition will cause. What if...

So now that I heard Bibi Dong mentioning this kind of benefit, Yin Hei thought it was extremely useful!

"Hahaha, this is a good feeling. Since Your Majesty the Pope has said so, then I have a lot of things left in the Star Reaching Tower. Your Majesty the Pope, thank you very much!"

Seeing Yin Hei's fiery appearance, Yang Bai frowned slightly, but did not stop him...

The day passed quickly. This time Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai came to Wuhun City, and they achieved remarkable results!

In the evening, as the sun set over the western mountains, Yin Hei Yang Bai and the others also bid farewell to Wuhun Palace and returned to Soto City...

And after dawn the next day, the news that the top executives of the Star Reaching Tower came to the Wuhun Palace and were personally received by Pope Bibi Dong spread quickly throughout the Douluo Continent!

In addition, there is naturally more shocking news than this. The Star Reaching Tower actually wants to participate in this soul master competition. Moreover, the Wuhun Palace will no longer hold the finals, leaving it to the Star Reaching Tower to hold it in Soto City. !

This news is undoubtedly explosive, and the first to receive this news are naturally the major sects and the academy sect families...

Within the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi seemed to be extremely comfortable at the moment. The so-called sky was falling, but there was still someone tall to support it. At first, Ning Fengzhi thought that after Tang Hao was strangled by Zhaixing Tower and Wuhun Palace, the pressure would be gone. Will come to their Qibao Glazed Sect.

But...the unexpected surprise seemed to come so suddenly!

At the critical moment, Tang Chen, an old guy who had disappeared for decades, suddenly appeared again. The sense of oppression brought by a ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo was unparalleled!

In addition, the high priest Bo Saixi of Poseidon Island also appeared in the eyes of these mainland sects for the first time!

Although it seems that the strength of this ninety-nine-level titled Douluo is not as terrifying as Qian Daoliu and the others, but...

A level ninety-nine cultivation level cannot be faked!

But these are not important. The most important thing is that their appearance makes Ning Fengzhi certain that neither the Star Reaching Tower nor Wuhun Palace will attack them in the short term!

The Qibao Glazed Sect can still maintain a peaceful development behind the top experts from all parties!

While Ning Fengzhi remained calm and enjoyed the rare leisure, the door of the main hall slowly opened, and then Bone Douluo slowly walked in!

In an instant, Ning Fengzhi stood up with a smile on his face!

"Uncle Bones, you are here!"

"Fengzhi, there is news from Wuhun Palace that the two priests of Zhaixing Tower met with Bibi Dong yesterday!

And... the news came today that for some unknown reason, Zhaixinglou suddenly wanted to participate in this soul master competition. Moreover, Wuhun Palace also handed over the final venue to Zhaixinglou and changed it to Soto City!

this matter……"

Hearing what Bone Douluo said, Ning Fengzhi was a little confused. Logically speaking, Star Reaching Tower shouldn't be interested in a soul master competition...

"Could it be that they hope to select some seeds through this soul master competition in the Star Reaching Tower?"

Ning Fengzhi had only this kind of guess, because he really couldn't imagine what the motivation behind Zhaixinglou's participation in and hosting the Soul Master Competition final...

Bone Douluo was obviously also confused about this matter. Seeing that his sect leader was also ambiguous, Bone Douluo didn't say anything more.

"Okay, Feng Zhi, I've told you the news. We old guys can't understand what the specific plans are for the Star Reaching Tower. How to make the decision? It's up to you, Feng Zhi!"

Old man, I will quit..."

After saying that, Bone Douluo turned around and left the sect hall...

Ning Fengzhi was left alone, dumbfounded...

"Never mind, it's no good, I can't do it early. If Zhaixing Tower does this, they must have some plan. I, the Qibao Glazed Sect, still have to go and see it!"

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi has decided that his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will also form a team. No matter what the final result is, he only needs to be able to enter the finals and let Ning Fengzhi find out what's going on!

Ning Fengzhi's decision quickly became a hot topic in the Qibao Glazed Sect...

After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect would not participate in this soul master competition in the past. To be precise, the upper three sects have not participated in these years...

After the news reached the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Yuanzhen was also shocked. Although he didn't know what was wrong, since Ning Fengzhi was so smart and suddenly decided to form a team, their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family naturally Don’t let it fall behind either!

And in Haotian Sect...

When the news came, the remaining elders of the Haotian Sect also gathered together, staring at each other without making a definite decision...


Three days later, in Soto City, facing darkness and light, Dugu Bo was speechless, and the pointer pointed at him accurately...

"Hahaha, I'm just saying that it would be most appropriate for you, Brother Dugu, to go ahead with this matter!"

Hearing Yin Hei's unbridled laughter, Dugu Bo just sighed in his heart, his luck is really bad!

"Okay, now that we have been selected, then...Brother Dugu, it is up to you to go to Tianshui City on behalf of our Star Picking Tower and inform Tianshui College that they will directly enter the finals!

In this way, I will ask Xie Yue to go with you! "

"Hahaha, Xiao Wu is going too!"

After Yang Bai and Yin Hei finished speaking, Dugu Bo nodded silently and accepted the matter...

After two days of discussion, Yang Bai finally decided to make up for Yin Hei's uneasy feelings...

And Dugu Bo obviously smelled something, but since Yin Hei Yang Bai didn't say anything, Dugu Bo wouldn't ask directly. Anyway, it would only take a few days to send a message...

The next day, watching the carriages and horses slowly set off from the Star-Zhaing Tower, Yin Hei Yang Bai also stared at the retreating figures of Dugu Bo and the others...

"Yin Hei, you can rest assured now...

In fact, I never understand, why don't you just go see her? "

"Yang Bai, I..."

"That's all, you have your reasons, just do what you want!"

"Thank you, Yang Bai!"


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