Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 238 Tianshui College Shui Qingrou!

Three days later, Dugu Bo brought Xie Yue and Xiao Wu to Tianshui City!

As the carriage drove into the gate of Tianshui City, Xie Yue looked at the bustling crowd outside the window and felt a wave of emotion in her heart.

The people of Tianshui City are different from the people in other cities that Xieyue has seen frequently in the past few years. There is no sallow complexion among them!

Whether judging from their figures or clothing, their living standards are qualitatively different from those of other people in other cities.

Almost every one of them had a happy smile on their face, which made Xie Yue's heart rise with admiration for Shui Qingrou, the legendary dean of Tianshui College!

In this uneven Douluo Continent, he can ensure peace and bring dignity and happiness to the people of Tianshui City. This dean of Tianshui is truly extraordinary!

"Two little monsters..."

Dugu Bo looked at everything in front of him and said: "I, Dugu Bo, have never admired many people in my life. Even a titled Douluo is not a big deal in my heart, but this Dean Shui Qingrou is really a great person in the world. "


Xiao Wu asked curiously: "Dugu worship, can you elaborate on it?"

"Dean Shui Qingrou is also from a noble family. She is upright and kind-hearted, and has a strong talent for cultivation. The most amazing thing is that not only is she outstanding in strength, but her business management skills are as good as a monster."

"Business management skills?"

Xiao Wu frowned.

Dugu Bo said, "Xiao Wu, you don't know this. Dean Shui Qingrou carried out a series of reforms after taking over Tianshui College many years ago, and founded the Tianshui Chamber of Commerce under her leadership."

"She encouraged the civilians in Tianshui City and its surrounding areas to vigorously develop offshore fisheries. After purchasing them at high prices, she used the special characteristics of Tianshui Soul Master to freeze these seafood products and sell them to the mainland."

"So far, Tianshui College's seafood products are highly sought after on the dining tables of merchants and nobles in mainland China."

Xie Yue's expression began to become strange when he heard this. He thought of Shrek's gang of poor people. Compared with Tianshui Academy, the gap between the two sides was really too big.

"In addition, under the guidance of Shui Qingrou, the Tianshui Chamber of Commerce opened up a coastal route to the Star Luo Empire and opened up maritime trade with the Star Luo Empire. Not only that, Dean Shui also used his connections to invite several people A high-level soul master of the plant system."

"With her huge investment, she cultivated a batch of high-quality seeds, which increased the grain output of the farmland near Tianshui City by nearly 50%!

Thanks to her efforts, there is no more famine around Tianshui City, and it has even spread to the entire continent. She has saved countless people in Liming with her actions! "

Xiao Wu was stunned, she really didn't expect Shui Qingrou to have such a benevolent and loving heart.

"Dean Shui really has the heart to help the world. She is a strong person who truly cares about the common people."

Xie Yue also said it suddenly...

Dugu Bo nodded.

"Now Dean Shui is trying to open a new canal. She plans to connect the river systems around Tianshui City and the north, so that the merchant ships of Tianshui College can directly enter the hinterland of the empire."

“Dean Shui’s vision and courage really make us admire him!

A woman can achieve such an achievement, she is truly unmatched by women!

If it weren't for the existence of Pope Bibi Dong, Dean Shui would have become the first female soul master in the mainland! "

As the three of them talked, Tianshui Academy had fallen into the eyes of Xiao Wu and the others.

Although the scale of Tianshui Academy is slightly smaller than that of the Soto City Star Building, it can still be called a large scale. Although the entire academy's buildings are not gorgeous, Xiao Wu feels that it has a different kind of sophistication.

The three of them got off the carriage, and Dugu Bo didn't talk nonsense.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red!

Nine huge soul rings suddenly appeared!

"I, Dugu Bo, would like to meet Dean Shui Qingrou."

Although Dugu Bo did not release his pressure, the dozen guards and two Tianshui soul masters on duty were still dumbfounded.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, I'll report it right away!"

A Tianshui female soul master said quickly.

After a while, a pretty middle-aged woman who looked about thirty-four or five years old came over.

"I'm Shui Qingwu, the teaching director of Tianshui College, a seventy-eighth level soul saint."

Shui Qingwu said respectfully: "Your Majesty Dugu's presence here really makes our Tianshui College shine."

Dugu Bo waved his hand and said, "Director Shui, you're welcome. I wonder where Dean Shui Qingrou is now."

Shui Qingwu is neither humble nor arrogant.

"The dean likes fireworks in the world. She is currently taking her two disciples to play in the city. I have sent people to look for them. Please wait a moment, Dugu Mian."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry."

A smile appeared on Shui Qingwu's face.

"I wonder who the two people next to you are?"

"Xiao Wu!"

"Evil Moon!"

"Those two little guys are the younger generation of soul masters in our Zhaixing Tower..."

"I see……"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shui Qingwu enthusiastically led the way from the front.

"Director Shui."

Xiao Wu suddenly spoke.

"What's going on, little friend Xiaowu?"

"I wonder why your dean and director Shui both have the last name Shui?"

Xiao Wu said in confusion.

Shui Qingwu smiled and said: "Little friend Xiao Wu, you don't know that the dean's surname is Shui, and I follow the rules of Tianshui College that all children adopted by Tianshui College from childhood will have Shui as their surname."

"That's why we at Tianshui College have a lot of people with the surname Shui, because the college adopts so many children. Even the dean was adopted by the college since he was a child."

Xiao Wu nodded, and the doubts in her heart suddenly became clear...

The existence of Tianshui Academy has indeed opened up a paradise. In Douluo Continent, a world where there is no law and where force is supreme, without Tianshui Academy, the fate of these hundreds of female civilian soul masters would probably be tragic.

You must know that female soul masters are usually beautiful since childhood. The better the talent and the stronger the martial soul, the more beautiful the female soul master will be.

In this era when the slave trade was booming and Catwoman and Leopard Girl were highly sought after by the nobles, these female soul masters from Tianshui were the best goods.

Fortunately, Tianshui College has made great efforts, invested a lot of manpower and material resources, and spared no effort to protect and care for poor girls in remote and impoverished areas, so it has changed the fate of many women.

Xiao Wu and the other three came to the VIP room of Tianshui College, where fruits and snacks were already served.

"You three, please take a rest. The dean will be here soon."

Dugubo smiled slightly.

"Director Shui, Shuiyun City is not small. Are you sure Dean Shui Qingrou will be back soon?"

Shui Qingwu smiled.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that our Tianshui College has a complete intelligence agency. The dean will get the news soon. The dean will definitely be back within three-quarters of an hour at the latest!"

"Hahaha, in that case, let's just wait!"


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